Ye Yueshen scolded secretly, and then asked, "Where else can you sell the same coat?"

"There used to be a lot, but now the whole town won't have any!"

The shopkeeper spread his hands and said, "Early in the morning, the housekeeper brought all the red coats on the street back to the castle, and said that we will not be allowed to sell such clothes in the future!"

"Rough enough!"

Ye Yueshen scolded secretly, and after saying goodbye to the shopkeeper, he drove the carriage to Morthawk's castle.

"Uh, you didn't come here with my heels, did you?"

As soon as he entered his castle, he heard the concierge say that Ye Luna was coming. Morthawk came out and saw that Ye Luna was really angry and came to his castle.

"Forget it, I can do magic!"

Ye Yueshen explained it casually, and then said: "What about your housekeeper? Please let him come out, I'm very angry!"

Ye Yueshen said bluntly, leaving Morthawk speechless for a while, so he could only order the servants to bring the male duck voice over.

"Where's my red coat?"

Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand and said.

"What's your red coat?"

The duck voice relied on the fact that he was in his master's castle, so he didn't give Ye Yueshen face.

"Lord Marquis, what title am I?"

Ye Yueshen didn't get angry with the drake, and turned to ask Morthawk.

"Uh, the Duke, you are the Duke, the Principal."

Morthawk said a little embarrassedly, and he was also prepared for something big in his heart.


Ye Yueshen nodded, followed by holding the whip in his hand. It was a whip against the male duck's throat. With just one whip, his skin was ripped apart, and he rolled to the ground screaming.

"This is the fate of offending the nobles!"

Ye Yueshen said coldly, looked down, only to find the duck voice covering his head looking behind him.


As soon as Ye Yueshen turned around, he saw two shadows flashing by quickly!

"Lord Marquis, save me!"

Two sharp female voices came, and Ye Yueshen suddenly felt familiar, as if he had heard someone say that before.

"Master Principal, this is my maid, please show some respect!"

Morthawk quickly grabbed Ye Yueshen's magic wand, and as a result, the two people who were dragged into the air by Ye Yueshen fell directly.

"Sorry, these two are..."

Ye Yueshen looked at the two maids with some doubts. They didn't dress like maids, but like madams.

"My two new maids, of course, I like them very much. They are Siska's sisters and have worked at your school before."

Morthawk said honestly.

"I understand!"

Ye Yueshen thought about it and immediately understood the origins of these two people. It turned out that they were the two thieves who had driven out with his own hands!

"What do you understand?"

Morthawk looked at Ye Luna with some embarrassment. In his castle, Ye Luna behaved more like the owner here.

"These two people encouraged you to bring Siska here?"

Ye Yueshen said with certainty.

"Uh, how did you know that?"

"Of course I do!"

Ye Yueshen raised his voice, then pointed at the two maids on the ground and said, "These two guys stole things from our school, then I found them out, and then I drove them out, I think they came to you. But what is even more hateful is that after their behavior was discovered by Siska, they actually threatened to make Siska an accomplice. Now that they are favored by you, they naturally intend to send the kind Siska over, and then Take revenge!"

"Nonsense! We hope that Siska can come here to live a good life. In that place, it is not as good as our Marquis to work for those uneducated noble ladies who pretend to be lofty!"

One of the maids said with her chest out.

"Then the thing about the red coat this morning is..."

Ye Yueshen looked down at this person and said faintly.

Chapter 0071 The Heart of the Villain

"He did it himself, and we have nothing to say."

The maid on the ground stood up, looked at Ye Yueshen very upset and said, "Of course only he can do this kind of thing, I didn't instruct him."

"Then what are you two doing behind the door?"

Ye Yueshen said lightly, turned his head to the ground and looked at the drake who was covering his head and moaning.

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