"Of course we care about Lord Hou. There is an uninvited guest at home. Let's see what's going on in the back? You really think this is your magic academy, you can go to the place where the girl lives and eavesdrop on people's stories. ?"

The woman spoke to Yeyueshen very rudely, and by the way pulled her sister up from the ground.

"Good mouth."

Ye Yueshen gave him a scornful look, and then said to the drake voice on the ground, "Tell me why you took all the red coats of Dernesia away in the morning?"

"I'm happy! This is an industry I manage. I found that the red coats there are in short supply, so I plan to stock up on it. What's wrong?"

Although his head was ripped apart by Ye Yueshen's whip, the male duck voice still looked at Ye Yueshen rudely.

"Okay! If you want to say it, just say it, so much nonsense!"

The male duck voice just backed up at Ye Luna, and then was kicked into the wound by his master, and then the Marquis of Morthawk said to the servant next to him: "Go and get two pieces for the headmaster. , No, here are four good red coats, I am making amends to the principal!"

After speaking, he waved his hand at Ye Yueshen, and then let the two maids go down.

"Are you satisfied with my handling? Sir Principal?"

He poured tea for Ye Luna himself, Marquis Morthawk said with a smile.

"I'm satisfied, but a little apprehensive."

Ye Yueshen smiled and said, "I found out that all the shops in Dernesia are yours, but those businessmen seem to be afraid of your butler, so I hope you can control your butler. After all, if If the business is prosperous, you can make more income instead of relying on the children who sneak out of the magic academy for consumption!"

"It's my business, don't worry about it."

The marquis pondered, but still rejected Ye Yueshen's proposal, and then gave the four red coats to Ye Yueshen, and then saw off the guests unceremoniously.

"I still hope you don't run out of water to fish."

When Ye Yueshen left, he still gave a friendly suggestion.

"No delivery."

The Marquis still answered noncommittally, which made Ye Yueshen feel a hint of conspiracy, so he didn't say much, and then left.

"Wow, you actually bought me a coat!"

After getting the coat that Ye Yueshen brought in, a happy smile appeared on Miss Lungobier's face, and Ye Yueshen was stunned by that smile.

"Don't look at me like that, okay? Why do I feel weird."

Miss Lungobier smiled shyly at Ye Yueshen, then ducked, put on her coat in front of the mirror, and turned around happily a few times.

"Why do you, who are so beautiful, not marry a noble, but be a secretary here?"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier, who was smiling like a flower, and couldn't help but become curious.

"What? You despise me?"

When Miss Lungobier heard this, she suddenly became a little arrogant: "I tell you, don't underestimate me, I dare to say that without me who is so capable, you will be at a loss, and you will be at a loss. That's why I can do this job!"

"Hehe, that's not all-weather."

Ye Yueshen touched his guinea pig and looked at Lungobier with some playfulness.

"You, can you not do this..."

Unexpectedly, Ye Yueshen brought up the old story again, and Miss Lungobier was somewhat unhappy.

"I mean, look, you're not comprehensive either, and I don't even know where you are tomorrow night."

Ye Luna glanced at Miss Lungobier, but did not see her change suddenly and then return to normal, and continued: "You know? I am very lonely at night, and you look at the Marquis of Morthawk. , those days were good, how many maids..."

"Where have you been to the Marquis of Multhawk?"

Miss Lungobier was startled and asked calmly...

"Uh, yes, that's where I brought this coat, and I brought the other three!"

Ye Yueshen brought in the remaining three coats from outside the door, only to see Miss Lungobier's face drooping down.

"It turned out that I was passing by. It seems that you have someone else in your heart."

Miss Lungobier said quietly, there was actually some resentment in her words.

"Hehe, that's right, it seems that you care about me a lot?"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, and then quickly said seriously: "This is given to me by the Marquis of Morthawk. I went to buy you a coat, but the housekeeper at his house took all the red coats in Dernesia away. , and then I went to the door to ask the teacher to ask the guilt, and then he gave me four pieces."

"Oh I see."

Miss Lungobier nodded, and when she thought about it, she suddenly became jealous: "Even a marquis who has not seen many times can see that you are not a serious person, you!"

"Hey, I came to the door to ask a teacher to ask you about the guilt just to buy you a coat. Does this have anything to do with me being serious or not?"

Ye Yueshen was too lazy to discuss this strange issue with Miss Lungobier, and said directly: "When I berated his butler for hoarding goods, I found that he didn't seem to be touched at all, and it felt very strange, there must be something in it. Concealment!"

"Of course there is a secret!"

Miss Lungobier turned white like a moon god, then took off her red coat and said, "His Majesty the King passed away a month ago, how can Torristin sell red clothes? And you still saw him, he If you don't put it away quickly, what should you do if you stab it to the royal family?"

"Uh, that's the reason, I thought it was his housekeeper deliberately trying to find fault with me!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and suddenly felt that he had conquered the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

"Yeah! You know what? Why was the Magic Academy established in this place?"

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