Miss Lungobier seemed to be interested, and looked at Ye Luna very comfortably.

"I don't know, I'll listen to you."

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, and he found that the world became more and more interesting!

Chapter 0072 Life Secretary

"Because the Academy of Magic came to set up a school in this wilderness to let the children of the nobles leave the noisy and tempted cities, but now, Dilnesia, which was originally a small village, has become a lively town, you As a royal family, as nobles, what would they think?"

Miss Lungobier skillfully poured tea for Ye Luna, while explaining her own analysis: "What do you tell Lord Marquis now not to hoard goods and suppress the business there, wait until someone notices this, to At that time, the relocation of the Magic Academy must be imperative. As the Marquis in charge of this area, what do you think the Marquis of Morthawk will think? He has made a lot of money through business here over the years!"

"What I said! It turns out to be a long-term consideration!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and finally understood why there is no city wall in Dilnesia until now, it turned out to be for disguise!

"And the three-hour drive itself is for concealment, so that those nobles who hope to become dragons find that their children have a place to spend time when they go out. Isn't it courting death?"

Presenting the brewed tea to Luna, Miss Lungobier seemed very proud.

"Thank you for your advice!"

Ye Luna nodded to Miss Lungobier, and then said, "Can you help me call Miss Siska over?"

"Uh, now?"

Looking at the clock on the wall, Miss Lungobier felt that Siska should be busy preparing lunch now.

"There is no problem without this helper in logistics."

Ye Luna said lightly, and immediately sent Miss Lungobier to call Siska over.

"You called me?"

After regaining her maid attire, Siska still looked so gentle.

"Yes, how about this red coat?"

Not afraid of Miss Lungobier's suggestion, Ye Luna directly took out one of the coats!

"This, this is too precious! I can't take it!"

When Siska saw the coat in Ye Yueshen's hand, she immediately remembered the price of this dress, and quickly shook her head at Ye Yueshen.

"It's okay, this is what the shameless Marquis gave to you as a thank you, I just brought it here for help."

Luna said, and by the way put the document that Siska was forced to sign on the table.


Seeing that the document he was forced to sign was put on the table by Ye Luna, Siska got excited, grabbed the contract similar to the contract of sale in his hand, and looked at the writing on it in disbelief. .

"Of course it's true. I'm the headmaster of the Magic Academy. I don't approve, and no one can touch you!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and looked at Siska confidently, despite Miss Lungobier's constant remarks beside her!

"Thank you so much! Principal, as long as you want, I will do whatever you want!"

"It's over, this girl actually said such a thing!"

As soon as Miss Lungobier heard Siska's words and looked at the smile on the corner of Ye Luna's mouth, she suddenly felt that a sheep had just gotten rid of a wolf and turned and entered a tiger's mouth!

"Then do you want to be my maid?"

Night Moon God folded his hands together and looked at Siska expectantly.

"The maid? Is it the bedchamber?"

Siska looked at Ye Yueshen with some hesitation, and suddenly found that the red coat in Ye Yueshen's hands was a bit like a net, tying herself up again!

"Of course not! Am I that kind of person?"

Ye Yueshen smiled charmingly, and then said: "I just need your help because my secretary works during the day and can't work overtime at night! Don't worry, you are treated the same as her! You won't have to wear such clothes in the future! I'll take you to buy some new clothes tomorrow!"

"Uh, Principal, but I like working in the Magic Academy very much. I think I am very happy to work here, and I don't want to leave here."

Siska looked at Ye Luna timidly, but she mustered up the courage to say it!

"Hmph, how's it going? People still don't look down on you, an unruly fellow!"

Miss Lungobier thought to herself in her place.

"It's alright, I won't leave the Magic Academy, you are still working here, but you don't have to wait for others in the future, just wait for me alone! I will treat you well!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then turned his head to Miss Lungobier, who had been watching all this with cold eyes, and said, "Miss Lungobier, can you help write an agreement?"

"Uh, okay!"

Seeing that Siska didn't object anymore, Miss Lungobier knew that this matter was irreversible, and although she was still a little resistant, she still helped Ye Luna to write such a document.

"Sign it."

Night Moon God handed his pen to Siska and said with a smile.

"Okay! Principal!"

Siska nodded, and seemed to think that was not bad, so he happily signed the agreement, and then said that he would come over at night to get his clothes, then left the office of Ye Luna and returned to his original job.

"Hehe, congratulations, you have such a gentle, virtuous and somewhat childish maid so soon!"

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