Ye Yueshen looked at the flying dragon that was slowly landing, and suddenly felt a little comfortable. Being able to return to the Magic Academy means that the Siska thing has come to an end!

"The students have come to see us!"

Qiu Erjie pointed at the school gate and said excitedly.

"It seems that our Principal is completely famous this time!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna, and then looked at Siska who was at a loss with interest.

"What? Am I not famous enough at school?"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, looking at the students gathered at the door, and suddenly felt that he had to correct the thoughts of these students!

"Being famous is only in the second grade, and the other students didn't even have the chance to meet you!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Siska and continued, while reminding Siska with her eyes that she has become a different maid with the actions of the Night Moon God!

"But they are all second-year students!"

Tabasa, who had not spoken, made the dragon stop steadily on the ground, looking into the distance and said.

"I don't have to go down, let these students come over!"

Ye Yueshen stood up and looked at the students who had heard the news, and seemed to have something to say.

"Uh, are you here to lecture?"

Looking at Yeyueshen standing on the dragon's back, Miss Lungobier couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with her ears. Yeyueshen actually wanted to lecture the students who came to greet him on the dragon's back. The great disrespect of the nobility!

"Of course! Is there a problem? This place is far away, standing so high, everyone can see me, isn't it a unique high platform?"

Ye Luna turned around and said to Miss Lungobier, motioning her to call everyone over.

"But if this is the case, it will not be good for your reputation!"

Tabassa said worriedly while letting her demon flying dragon bow her head to give everyone a space to come down.

"Don't worry! No one in this empire can judge my reputation!"

Ye Yueshen said with confidence.

"Okay, let me go! Since the principal is so confident!"

Qiuerjie jumped off Feilong's back at once, and then flew towards the crowd waiting at the door. After a while, a group of people, led by Qiuerjie, came to Feilong step by step.

"Control your familiar, otherwise, I will have a lot of fun today!"

Ye Yueshen smiled at Tabasa next to him, and then let Siska stand next to him, looking at the people who had come over, and slowly glanced at it!

"Louise is here too? Pikachu is so cute!"

Ye Yueshen saw Louise who was looking at him from the crowd at a glance, smiled lightly, then cleared his throat and said, "Everyone must be very strange, why am I talking to everyone! It is said that this is very rude behavior, especially for people from noble backgrounds, it is considered disrespectful!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the expressions of the students as he spoke, and found that they didn't seem to care much, so he nodded secretly in his heart, muttered, "You can teach me," and continued, "However, I want to let you know today. , the status of aristocrats can never explain everything. Some people often talk about the dignity of the nobles, but in fact, when someone talks about the dignity of the nobles in front of me, I really want to respond! Go? Your so-called dignity is the right not to admit or apologize after you have done something wrong? Is it the right not to admit it after using all despicable means to get what you want? It is to infringe on the rights of others and swagger Do you say this is your right to give alms? All you eat and drink are provided by the commoners composed of fiefdoms and slaves, what right do you have to do this? Do it so recklessly!"

Yeyueshen's voice was getting louder and louder. The students who didn't know what Yeyueshen was going to do at first seemed at a loss. God's more intense repression of speech has become as stagnant as everyone else, as if he has come to another world, another dimension, and is being judged by the gods!

"Master Principal! What's the matter with you?"

Mr. Colbert stood up in surprise, looked at Ye Yueshen and said, "These words can be said back, even when criticizing us, but when this is not going down, you are outside the school gate, if it spreads out. How good is it after the class!"

"Haha, I'm so loud! Are you afraid of spreading it out? If you're afraid, I won't say it here!"

Ye Yueshen laughed, waved his hand and said, "The students who can come out and wait for my return today are all students who care about the Magic Academy. You are the ones who really have a future. How could I let such a good opportunity pass? How about everyone leaving empty-handed? I'm not criticizing you, nor am I making horns when I have nothing to do, venting my dissatisfaction with you, but because!"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen held up Siska's shoulder and said, "Today, that's today! The maid of Siska in our academy was forcibly kidnapped by shameless means, saying that she wanted to give her a good one. Life, but in reality? It’s just to satisfy the desires and desires of those bastard nobles! And when I see you, I am afraid that you will be like this in the future. If the students from the Magic Academy become nobles and become imperial vassals After that, if the people under my command have this virtue, I think the Magic Academy is a place to fail!"

Yeyueshen was talking while watching the reactions of the students below. When he saw the indignant expressions of several students, Yeyueshen added: "There must be some of you who are indignant and say that this is a very special scum. The behavior of the people can't represent you! But what I want to say is, if you think from the bottom of your heart that it is a minority, then you will feel that you are innocent, and then the tragedy of life occurs, we always think that there are The people in this world are worse than themselves. Since they have not been punished, it doesn't matter if they go too far! Tell you, the tragedy of life is just like this!" The students who stood on their backs, looked at each other face to face, simply smiled, and then left without looking back, leaving behind a group of thoughtful students...

Chapter 0082 Mysterious Letter

"Finally back! It's been a busy day!"

As soon as Ye Yueshen returned to his office, he complained to Miss Lungobier behind him. He just calmed Siska and asked her to go back to rest. Ye Yueshen also wanted to go back to his room and have a good rest. , but was called back by the dutiful Miss Lungobier.

"As a principal, leaving without permission is a taboo. How can you rest at this time?"

These were Miss Lungobier's words at the time.

"Really? If scaring a few bold nobles is called busy, then should I resign?"

As soon as Miss Lungobier returned to the office, she resumed the work she had left behind.

"Hehe, it seems that my secretary has a lot of opinions about her work, but I have already found an assistant for you! It's just an assistant in life!"

Ye Yueshen stretched his waist and looked at his secretary, as if he made Siscana his maid for her own good.

"Hehe, whatever you say, I'm still busy!"

Miss Lungobier got up and went out as she spoke.

"What are you doing? You don't even apply for me?"

Ye Yueshen even spoke with his neck, and seemed a little dissatisfied!

"Go to the door to get something!"

Miss Lungobier went out and in again, with a lot of envelopes in her hands.

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