"What are these things?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the stack of envelopes and asked strangely.

"These are the documents that I should have taken at noon. It is estimated that the guard knew that we were going out and put them in the box at the door!"

As Miss Lungobier explained, she quickly sorted the envelopes and placed them on her small table.

"Do you need my help? It looks like a lot!"

Ye Luna said kindly while admiring Miss Lungobier's serious work.

"Hehe, no need, you have to say that you are exhausted!"

As Miss Lungobier spoke, the movements in her hands suddenly stopped.

"Here, this is your most important thing!"

Handing an unmarked, pure white envelope to Luna, Miss Lungobier looked very proud!

"This is……"

Ye Yueshen took the envelope and opened it with a paper cutter, and then he saw a piece of dark blue paper.

"You don't understand!"

Miss Lungobier smiled slightly, took the blue note from Ye Luna's hand, and placed a black book in front of Ye Luna!

"What is this for? Deciphering the code?"

Ye Luna looked at the book called "A Brief History of Albion" with a look of confusion on his face.

"Your intuition is very advanced!"

Miss Karen Gobiel nodded with a smile, and then said: "See, the dots above are separators, and this is a number from one to twelve. You can find the number of pages on which you are familiar with each entry. The information can be deciphered in the first few words!"

While explaining on the blank of the blue note, Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna triumphantly, as if Ye Luna was very stupid when she was castrated!

"Uh, what a hassle!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the thick "A Brief History of Albion" and said lazily: "Let this co-prosperity and sacred mission be handed over to my loyal and diligent secretary!"

"Lazy bastard!"

Miss Lungobier whispered in her heart, but said indifferently on her face: "Anyway, the first line can be deciphered. The name is Tabasa, and I don't know the rest!"

"Uh, Tabatha? So, this letter is information about Tabatha?"

As Ye Yueshen spoke, the expression on his face couldn't help but become serious. If it was about his possible fiancee, should he, as a fiance, be concerned?

"Of course! I have to deal with so many documents you read, so the job of deciphering this letter is..."

"Leave it to me!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and immediately picked up the "A Brief History of Albion" next to him and deciphered the letter one by one!

"Sure enough, a womanizer!"

Miss Lungobier snorted coldly in her heart, then returned to her seat and started her busy work!

"Lungobier, come here!"

Ye Yueshen quickly deciphered the letter, but doubts followed.

"what happened?"

Miss Lungobier walked over slowly while looking at the deciphered content written by Ye Luna on the white paper, seemingly incomprehensible to Ye Luna asking for help.

"Why are numbers still deciphered? Except for the three words of Tabasa, after the rest of the content is deciphered, they are all the years in the brief history. I find it strange!"

Ye Yueshen asked with a puzzled face, as if he had walked into a labyrinth.


Miss Lungobier's figure trembled slightly, and she quickly opened the brief history next to her, and then searched it carefully. After a while, she looked at Ye Yueshen in a wrong way!

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, and a trace of worry appeared on his face!

"It seems that this Tabasa is not easy!"

Miss Lungobier thought to herself, and immediately took out another book from the cupboard.

"The 620 Kings of Solo"

Ye Yueshen looked at this thicker book and seemed to have guessed something!

"This is a double-encrypted file, we have to decipher it again! Look, the deciphered numbers don't care about their original connections, three numbers and three numbers in a paragraph, and then start looking for words in this book!"

Miss Lungobier put the book in front of Luna, and was ready to go back to her place to work!

"What if it's still numbers?"

Ye Yueshen asked worriedly.

"Then use this book!"

Miss Lungobier lowered her head and took out a thicker book—the dictionary!

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