"Okay! It seems that my Tabatha has a lot of secrets! I suddenly understand why she is not very talkative!"

Yeyueshen sighed faintly, and then devoted himself to deciphering the letter. As the deciphering deepened, Yeyueshen felt more and more confused!

"Look, according to the words in the last dictionary, I can't read the language on it!"

When Ye Luna put the final deciphered version in front of Miss Lungobier, Miss Lungobier who was busy finally couldn't bear it anymore!

"Why are you able to decipher it so quickly, it feels like you can find it as soon as you see it!"

"Because I am a god..."

Ye Yueshen thought in his heart.

Chapter 0083

"The words above mean... the pronunciation of Albion?"

Miss Lungobier casually took Ye Yueshen's translated text in her hand, Zhengyang made fun of Ye Yueshen, but found that she was facing the highest level of encrypted files, which only she could understand!

"What is the pronunciation of Albion? Do you want to go back to that brief history of Albion?"

Ye Yueshen said speechlessly.

"No, I'll just translate it for you!"

Miss Lungobi didn't seem to want to dwell on this issue, and explained directly to Ye Luna: "This means that this girl's background is very unusual, her father is the younger brother of King Goliath, and her mother is The princess, his father was killed in the political struggle, and his mother went mad afterwards. It is said that there is a shadow of King Goliath behind these two events, and she came to the Torristin School of Magic, which is also the meaning of King Goliath, Then, this person is..."

Reading this, Miss Lungobier suddenly stopped.

"Then what?"

Ye Yueshen asked a little reluctantly.

"Then it's nothing! Look!"

Miss Lungobier thought about it for a while, and put the blue note directly in front of Night Moon God.

"Uh, well, it's enough to know that, it seems that it's not just nobles who are not things in this world! There are also shameless kings!"

Night Moon God's tone was a bit gloomy, and Miss Lungobier seemed to have returned to Duke Hunik's castle.

"Aren't you going to teach King Goliath a lesson? I'm telling you, it's the King Goliath who devoured Marquis Slokli's fief. Don't underestimate him!"

Miss Lungobier said kindly.

"Hmph, just a little king! Still a person who doesn't deserve to be a king!"

Ye Yueshen said lightly, as if he was a being higher than the king.

"Then are you planning to take the rank of admiral out of a million troops?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with some playfulness. Before Ye Luna's face became cold, Miss Lungobi felt that you wanted to get close to this person, and she didn't know why.

"It's not necessarily impossible!"

Ye Yueshen squeezed the blue note in his hand, and then asked, "What conditions are needed to start a war with a country?"

"Need power..."

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Yueshen helplessly and wondered if this guy was crazy, he was just the headmaster of a school, did he really want to do this for his students and his beloved?

"If only my love could do this for me..."

An unrealistic thought flashed through Ye Luna's mind.

"A power to mobilize the army?"

Ye Yueshen asked something he knew.

"You don't have to think about it!"

Miss Lungobier threw her unrealistic thoughts out of her mind, and then said with a pouted mouth: "Now our king has just died, the queen is temporarily regent, Her Royal Highness has not yet ascended the throne, and even whether she can ascend the throne is a question, It would be good if the neighboring countries didn’t fight us, and you still plan to go to war with other countries, isn’t it wishful thinking?”

Miss Lungobier shook her head and sat down as she spoke, and went on with the work at hand!

"I'll just ask what conditions you need! You don't need to say so much!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier quietly, his eyes were very firm!

"You need the king to issue a war book to declare war, and then mobilize the army of the empire. You don't have these two powers!"

Miss Lungobier reminded carefully, as if worried that Ye Luna really intends to let herself write such a rash application.

"Really? It doesn't seem difficult!"

Ye Yueshen pondered and said: "Now that the king is dead, who can issue the war book?"

"Of course it's the Queen Regent...and of course the King will be enthroned in the near future!"

Miss Lungobier put down her work and replied solemnly, she could tell from Ye Luna's eyes that this guy was not joking!

"Then who will be the king? The princess?"

Ye Yueshen said on the table that he tapped, as if he was going to implement this thing in the next second!

"Uh, it's hard to say, although it sounds like Her Royal Highness is the first in line, but the power to support the princess is very weak now, so the Duke Hunik you just offended also has a chance, if he..."

"He doesn't have to think about it!"

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