Ye Luna hurriedly interrupted Miss Lungobier's analysis and said decisively, "Who else? Which other duke might become king?"

"If Duke Hunik is not possible, there is almost nothing! Of course, if Duke Hunik supports someone, maybe..."

"Okay, I get it! You don't need to say anything!"

Night Moon God interrupted Miss Lungobier again, and then returned to her seat, holding her head on her hands and not talking.

"This guy won't really incite the royal family to send troops to attack King Goliath for Tabasa. Although the situation is chaotic, it will be good for us..."

Miss Lungobier was sitting at her desk, analyzing Ye Luna's reaction so absorbedly that she even forgot the work at hand!

"Aren't you busy?"

Ye Yueshen looked up and asked Miss Lungobier.

"Huh? What?"

Miss Lungobier was reminded by Ye Moon God, and hurriedly stood up, thinking that Ye Moon God wanted to let her do something again.

"I said your work is done?"

Ye Yueshen pointed to the document in front of Miss Lungobier, and looked at her suspiciously.

"Uh, no!"

Miss Lungobier said embarrassedly, then hurriedly sat down and threw herself into her busy work.

"Looks like this guy still cares about me, I can't show my legs in front of him!"

Miss Lungobier thought as she stood the document in front of her, and the arrangement and annotation of the document also became sloppy, but the speed increased.

"The princess is most likely to become the king, and when I came to this world, it seems that I have a lot to do with this mother and daughter, and my appointment is still related to the queen, so I want to convince them and the one who killed Tabasa. Father, the bastard Golia who took her happy life shouldn't be a problem!"

Ye Yueshen lowered his head and looked at everything on the table absentmindedly, his mind had already flown to the sky, and after his thoughts came to an end, Ye Yueshen stared at the note on the table, and suddenly noticed something...

Chapter 0084 Doubt

"Miss Lungobier, I have a question for you!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier with interest, with a frivolous tone.

"Don't you see what I'm busy with? I have to finish these documents before I get off work. Can't you ask your question tomorrow?"

The pen in Miss Lungobier's hand was drawing dragons flying and phoenixes dancing on the document. She didn't look up at Yeyueshen at all. If she looked up at Yeyueshen now, she would find him with a frivolous tone, and his eyes were extraordinarily solemn!

"I order you to drop your work and answer my questions!"

Ye Yueshen spoke slowly, but the stress in his tone was obvious!

"Uh, okay!"

Hearing that Yeyueshen was a little sullen, Miss Lungobier quickly put down the pen in her hand, looked up at Yeyueshen, and gave Yeyueshen an apologetic look by the way!

"Can you tell me, what is the origin of this magical method of multiple encryption, and is it a special usage of royal documents?"

Ye Yueshen showed the already soft blue note to Miss Lungobier, but his eyes became lighthearted!

"This, of course it's not..."

No matter how much courage you give Lungobier, she doesn't dare to fool Ye Yueshen with such obvious lies. If Ye Yueshen asks her to use the royal documents to deal with it, she will almost be exposed!

"What is this thing?"

Ye Yueshen smiled and looked at the note in his hand. It was only a password of less than three lines, and as a result, Miss Lungobier was able to turn over so many books. Obviously, the origin of this note is very questionable!

"Oh! How could I forget that this kind of thing can't be shown to him!"

Looking at the piles of documents at her hand, Miss Lungobier realized that she had made a mistake in her busy schedule!

"Say, don't make me question you!"

Ye Yueshen slowly stood up from his seat and asked in a slow but serious tone.

"This is my intelligence network, isn't it? If you want to wait until the royal family reacts and send the information you want, I'm afraid Tabasa has already graduated!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with some dissatisfaction, as if she had done a good deed and was still suspected!

"Uh, is it? Your own intelligence network?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with some surprise. Such a secretary has an intelligence network. It is estimated that the news of Duke Hunik's death will spread throughout the entire empire soon!

"Forget it, it's actually just good friends passing information to each other! It's not as serious as you think!"

Seeing that Ye Yueshen's expression was relieved a lot, Miss Lungobier breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Ye Yueshen with contempt: "I think so, I work so diligently, in order to let you I was able to marry your little lover earlier, and I asked so many acquaintances to get this information for you, but you actually doubted me badly! It's too much!"

"Uh, is it?"

This time, it was Ye Yueshen's turn to be embarrassed. Was he too nervous?Without any evidence, he started to suspect his secretary based on a note that was a little troublesome to decipher. It was indeed a bit too much.

"Of course!"

Miss Lungobier hesitated at the sight of Ye Luna, and said quickly, "If my friend finds out about this, how can I inquire about it in the future! That's right!"

"Okay, okay, I met a shameless bastard today, so I'm a little nervous. I'm afraid that this information will be known by my classmates. Let everyone point at Tabasa and affect her study!"

Yeyueshen made up a legitimate reason for himself in a slightly embarrassed way.

"Okay, I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't chat with you!"

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