"It seems that reputation is still very important!"

Yeyueshen sighed secretly in his heart, and then while Momo Langxi was thinking, he turned his head to look at the students who were trying to train their own demons, including Pikachu who was trying to release [-] volts, and those who were frantically breathing fire. salamander!

"Lord Principal...I..."

Momorangxi lowered her head, afraid to look at Ye Yueshen, as if she was afraid that she would anger this crazy headmaster who could offend a duke for a maid!

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen didn't need to listen, and knew that Mo Morangxi was hesitant, so he touched the little frog who was lying on the ground with his master, and then let the little frog lick his fingers gently, and followed closely. Then, he strode forward to Pikachu.

"Uh, my little frog actually licked his fingers?"

Momo Langxi looked at his little frog.Thinking in surprise, I followed Yeyueshen's back. I couldn't help but look at the headmaster with some surprise. At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little regret in my heart. I felt that I should have a good talk with my headmaster about my familiar!

"How's it going? Little Pikachu?"

Ye Yueshen walked over and hugged Pikachu, who was training hard, as if it was his own familiar.

"Hey Principal!"

Louise looked at Ye Luna excitedly, and her salute was also convincing.

"Well, it seems that I can communicate normally with Pikachu!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, looking at Louise, the originally tired face also became very good.

"En, not only can I communicate seriously, but I can also feed Pikachu!"

Louise said excitedly, but her face soon became a little frustrated.

"I just feel that Pikachu and I have different tastes. I don't like to eat what I feed it. I always eat very little. I feel a little distressed when I look at it!"

"Miss Lungobier, please go to those apples in the kitchen!"

Ye Luna turned around and explained to Miss Lungobel, then squatted down, put Pikachu on the ground, looked at Louise a little strangely and said, "Didn't I tell you, come to me if you have any questions? I'm always on call!"

"I don't think I can bother you too much!"

Louise looked at Ye Luna with some embarrassment, pointed to Tabasha not far away and said, "It seems that you should be with Tabasha better..."

"Haha, the little girl thinks a lot!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and then said: "Actually, I have heard of such questions, but I can tell you that I just like cute girls, such as you!"

"Ah? Is that so? Principal?" Hearing Ye Yueshen's words, Louise's body shuddered, as if she didn't believe her ears!

"That's it, you heard it right!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and the sun shone on Ye Yueshen and Louise, as if covering them with rays of light.

"Humph! As expected, the principal is really the same person as he looks on the outside!"

Momo Langxi was looking at the night moon god and thought unhappily, and then found that Miss Lungobier came back with a basket of apples!

"Actually, our little Pikachu prefers to eat apples!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and then put the apple in front of Pikachu!

"Really! The principal knows a lot!"

Seeing Pikachu eating happily, Louise couldn't help but feel happy, and she looked a lot more excited when she looked at Night Moon God!

"Well, remember! If you don't understand anything in the future, ask me. Pikachu's communication is very important!"

Ye Luna looked at Louise with encouraging eyes.

"Well, I will!"

Louise smiled excitedly, and then brought Miss Lungobier to Tabasha.

"Hey Principal!"

Qiuljie seemed to be a little dissatisfied when she saw that Ye Luna finally came to Tabasa.

"It seems that the two international students are not very active!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the salamander breathing fire alone beside him and the flying dragon flying leisurely in the air, and said with a smile on his eyes.

"No, Tabasa is in danger!"

Qiu Erjie said a little unhappily: "Her uncle has approved her request! The news I just got!"

Chapter 0093 Uncle's Reply

"Really? So quickly?"

Yeyueshen asked excitedly, this is what Yeyueshen cares about the most. If Tabasha's shameless uncle can understand the current affairs, Yeyueshen can consider to spare his life!

"Well, it just so happened that my uncle had an express letter to deliver to Torristine, so he brought the reply here by the way!"

Tabasa said hesitantly.

"Oh? Did you promise?"

Ye Yueshen asked eagerly, ignoring the eyes of the students around him.


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