Tabassa nodded, but was silent.

"That's also called consent! If such a reply is also called consent, then there is no word of rejection in this world!"

Hearing Tabasha's answer, Churjie, who was next to him, put his hands on his waist in annoyance. Ye Luna felt that if Tabasha's uncle was present, he would definitely be beaten to death by the angry Churjie.

"How to say?"

Ye Yueshen also sensed something was wrong and hurriedly asked.

"My uncle asked me to complete a task, and after completing it, I can decide my own business!"

Tabassa said calmly, it doesn't seem to be particularly embarrassing!

"Oh? What mission?"

Ye Yueshen was relieved when he heard this condition. If it wasn't an insult to his personality, Ye Yueshen didn't think it would be difficult.

"That's also called a mission! It's obviously embarrassing you!"

Qiu Erjie's anger did not diminish at all, and she said in an unhappy manner: "Tabasha's uncle asked her to destroy the black dragon entrenched on Ziluo Mountain! This is simply impossible, these days there is not even the shadow of the black dragon. I haven't seen it, let alone any information! Do you want to find a needle in a haystack to find the black dragon? I don't think this is because I don't want to promise you to find an excuse!"

As Qiu Erjie spoke, Ye Yueshen's face darkened.

"Bastard! To think of such a shameless trick, he is indeed the guy who killed his brother and ascended the throne!"

Ye Yueshen clenched his fists involuntarily, and Miss Lungobier next to him also looked at Tabatha with some sympathy.

"Although this is difficult to do, there seems to be no other way!"

"makes sense……"

Qiuljie was speechless when she remembered this, and sighed beside her.

"Okay, needless to say, I will definitely be able to complete this task!"

Tabassa raised her head and said firmly, as if she was not in a hurry at all.

"Tabasha, don't worry, I'm not saying that I won't teach you magic until you agree. Here, this is the magic book I customized for you. I believe it will be very beneficial to you!"

Ye Luna saw the concerns in Tabasa's heart, and hurriedly took out the magic book he had written.

"So fast?"

I just asked Yeyueshen yesterday, and I got such a thick magic book this morning. Tabasa looked at Yeyueshen in shock.

"Hehe, it's just a little thing."

Ye Yueshen smiled proudly, and then said, "But let me tell you, this thing can't be opened until you're alone, and there's a lot of surprises inside!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tabatha with a proud face, while Miss Lungobier beside her was a little suspicious.

"Why did this guy give me such a book? Could it be that my place in his heart is the same as that of Tabasha, his fiancée?"

Thinking of this, Miss Lungobier couldn't help blushing a little, and her eyes looking at Ye Yueshen became tender.

"Haha, isn't it a little moved?"

Ye Luna noticed the change of Miss Lungobier next to her, and whispered in her ear.

" are very sensitive in this regard!"

Miss Lungobier replied in a low voice, and Ye Luna didn't want to waste Tabasa's time at this time. After explaining a few words casually, she said goodbye to her with a smile, and then inspected the students who were training with a serious look. , and then went back to his office!

"Look at the mailbox to see if there is any definite news about when the princess will come!"

As soon as Ye Luna walked into the office, he said coldly to Miss Lungobier who was closing the door.

"Uh, okay!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Yueshen was still struggling with this issue. Miss Lungobier was shocked, she hurriedly went out and opened several letters sent from outside, then shook her head and said, "The royal family's notice will not come twice in one morning. Yes, it seems not!"

"Okay, since that's the case, do I have to go to the capital myself once?"

Ye Yueshen looked out the window, Tabasa was holding the magic book she wrote to her in place, and the loneliness in her eyes made Ye Yueshen feel a burst of heartache.

"It doesn't seem appropriate. If you go during this time, it may cause unnecessary trouble."

Miss Lungobier said worriedly.

"Oh? Is my identity special?"

Ye Luna turned to look at Miss Lungobier and asked.

"Uh, this..."

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna in shock, but she was speechless for a while.

"Isn't this guy the one who made the decision to be the headmaster in person? Don't you know that now that Duke Hunik is dead, it is in the best interest of the queen. You are still a major suspect. How can you go at this time?"

Thinking like this, Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Yueshen more seriously, hoping to see a clue from his face.

"Say, why didn't you speak?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier innocently, as if she really didn't know anything.

"Uh, you are the principal recommended by the queen herself. It seems inappropriate to visit the queen at this time, and Duke Hunik has just passed away..."

Miss Lungobier spoke very slowly, staring at Ye Moon God's face, but Ye Moon God's performance filled her with doubts.

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