"Oh, is that right? I was actually recommended by the queen herself to be the principal?"

Ye Yueshen was talking, but his heart blossomed at the same time. When Hunik's housekeeper stopped Hunik from cheating on him, he said that he seemed to have some background. Now it seems that this queen must have come here with herself. The world has a great relationship, at least you know the reason why you came to this world!

"Of course! And Duke Hunik is also the Queen's main political enemy. Now he is dead, and you have seen him before he died, so it is very sensitive to go at this time!"

Miss Lungobier spoke slowly, Ye Luna listened, waved her hand casually, and slowly sat in her place, falling into deep thought.

"Looks like it's time for me to get in touch with the royal family, the water here is very deep!"

As Ye Luna thought about it, she cooled Miss Lungobier to one side.

"Is this guy really going to start a war?"

Miss Lungobier thought to herself.

Chapter 0094 Cumbersome Procedures

"No! The exact time of the princess' arrival is still uncertain, I can't wait!"

Ye Yueshen suddenly stood up, patted the table and said.

"Uh, are you really going to the capital to see the queen?"

Miss Lungobi was a little uneasy when she was hit by Ye Luna like this!

"Of course! Maybe the princess just said it casually. I can't waste my hope on this kind of uncertainty!"

Ye Yueshen said firmly, and then said to Miss Lungobier: "Write a notice to me now, and I will go directly to the capital with the notice!"

"Huh? Now?"

Miss Lungobier stood up in fright and hurriedly said.

"Of course, it's not too late. I don't want to be disturbed by any uncertain changes. I will start a war against King Goliath as soon as possible so that I can take this shameless person out of nowhere!"

"Just because of a girl?"

Miss Lungobier said blankly...

"What? Can't you? What's wrong with just a girl? It's like this for my niece. It can be seen that this king is not a good thing, and living in this world is a waste of food!"

Yeyueshen said angrily, as if he had a deep hatred with King Goliath.

"If only someone would do this for me too..."

An inadvertent thought flashed through Miss Lungobier's mind.

"What are you still doing? Write!"

Ye Luna urged Miss Lungobier with a displeased expression.


Miss Lungobier did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly sat down in her seat to write the announcement on the white paper. Just after writing the first sentence, she put the pen down abruptly.

"Why didn't you write it?"

' Ye Yueshen was a little sullen.

"Can't write!"

Miss Lungobier said with some concern: "Of course I am not saying that you can't write these things, but that you can't take this notice directly to the capital to see the queen! In this case, you are considered to be on duty without permission, and I am afraid that even the principal I can't keep my job!"

"Isn't my ex absent for a month?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier very upset, and seemed to wonder if she was wasting her time on purpose.

"That's resignation, not AWOL!"

Miss Lungobier said, sweating profusely: "And even if you bring this thing to the capital, it will be very difficult to be received!"

"What do you mean? Didn't I recommend the queen herself?" Ye Yueshen asked in disbelief.

"Uh, that's not what you said!"

Miss Lungobier was a bit at a loss by the attitude of the night moon god, and hurriedly said: "Even if you go, this announcement will not go directly to the queen's hand, but to the general affairs office of the empire, and then the general affairs office will send it to The cabinet, after the cabinet agrees, it will be sent to the Privy Council. After the deputy privy envoy and the privy envoy in the cabinet agree, they will be handed over to the royal affairs officer, and then they will be arranged to receive an interview. By that time, it is estimated that it will be half a month later, and Also make sure that there is no major incident like Duke Hunik being stabbed, otherwise, it will take longer!"

The more Miss Lungobi spoke, the smoother her anger became, and the more Ye Luna listened, the more angry she felt.

"It turns out that there are so many institutions in this country!"

ヴt Ye Luna muttered helplessly, looked at Miss Lungobier and said, "In other words, the princess coming to school is my best chance?"

"So to speak, unless the queen suddenly asks to see you!"

Miss Lungobier nodded.

"OK then!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he closed his mouth with a flick of his hand, returned to his forehead, and shook his head as he looked at the mouse on the table.

"Boom boom boom!"

A few knocks on the door sounded at the right time, Ye Luna raised her head, Miss Lungobier had already opened the door!

"Oh, my friend, you look very bad?" As soon as he came in, the Morthawk messenger saluted Ye Luna.

"Oh? What happened to the messenger today? Found the money? So happy?"

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