"Have fun!"

Tabassa nodded at Ye Luna, and then let the flying dragon fly into the air, taking Ye Luna to fly.

"Do you know how to operate this dragon?"

After confirming that Tabasa would not come up, Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna sitting cross-legged on the dragon's back and closed her eyes, and suddenly found that she couldn't communicate with this flying dragon at all!

"What do you think I'm doing?"

Ye Yueshen opened his eyes and said with dissatisfaction.

"Uh, well, it turns out that mental power can also be used to manipulate familiars!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with a speechless face, then closed her mouth, looked at the surrounding white clouds, and looked at the surrounding scenery from the sky calmly for the first time.

"Why is that bastard in Morthawk so happy today?"

After telling Feilong his destination, Ye Yueshen turned his head and asked Miss Lungobier.

"Of course! The princess is here, and it's not the queen, and there must be no ministers and nobles to accompany you. In this case, Morthawk can definitely turn Dernesia into a sea of ​​joy, and give the princess a good impression! "

Miss Lungobier said lightly, as if all this was obvious.

"How to say?"

Yeyueshen asked calmly. Yeyueshen, who has always been bored with human political struggles, also wanted to listen to Miss Lungobier's opinion.

"Originally, because the princess is a girl, most people are not optimistic, but since the death of Duke Hunik, no one around has the ability and prestige to threaten the princess's accession to the throne. Ke naturally wants to give a good impression to the future Queen, but now the Princess wants to visit here in advance, and she must pass by his jurisdiction, so you know!"

Miss Lungobier spoke to Yeyueshen, which also made Yeyueshen understand the trick.

"Well, in that case, Dilnesia must be very lively now, let's go shopping!"

Night Moon God said lightly.

"No no no! Don't go to Diernesia, there must be a big cleaning now in order to welcome Her Royal Highness, let's go shopping in a bigger city, I haven't gone shopping in a big city for a long time!"

"...You didn't say that there is still a lot of work to do, so I asked Tabasa to borrow the flying dragon!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with a look of longing, and suddenly felt that he couldn't understand this kind of thinking.

"Uh, in fact, I can finish the work very soon, let's go, let Feilong go to Slenco, there are so many stores there... Uh, everything is up to you, I know, I'm here to accompany you to relax! "

After being stared at by Ye Yueshen, Miss Lungobier realized that she was not the protagonist of this distraction.

In this way, Yeyueshen and Miss Lungobier were quickly taken to the sky above Slenke by the flying dragon. After Yeyueshen gave the flying dragon an order not to hurt anyone, they both returned to the ground with Miss Lungobier.

"It's good to have a flying dragon, it's here so soon!"

After getting off the flying dragon, Miss Lungobier said enviously.

"Haha, in fact, it's not impossible for you to want a flying dragon!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier with a calm expression on her face.

"Uh, what do you say?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with a curious expression, and seemed to have been aroused by Ye Luna.

"But wanting a flying dragon comes at a price!"

Ye Luna said solemnly to Lungobier.

"What price?"

Missing Lungobier looked very excited without seeing the smile on the corner of Ye Luna's mouth at all.

"If you marry me, I'll get you a better flying dragon! Really!"

Ye Yueshen said solemnly.

"Go! What a joke!"

Miss Lungobier was stunned for a moment, and soon shouted and roared, causing passers-by around to look at her.

"Well, since you don't want this, just pretend I didn't say anything!"

Ye Yueshen spread out his hands helplessly, and really began to look at the surrounding storefronts.

"Actually, if he can get a flying dragon by marrying him, that's not bad!"

Miss Lungobier thought to herself, but quickly threw the idea out of the way and followed Ye Luna on the bustling street, looking at every commodity curiously like an ordinary girl.

"By the way, Lungobier, how old are you this year?"

Ye Luna turned back and looked at Miss Lungobier calmly.

"Uh, it's twenty years old today!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Moon God for unknown reasons, but she didn't doubt anything.

"Where is the home?"

Ye Yueshen continued to ask.

"Spring Village, what's wrong? What's the problem?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna suspiciously, and finally felt that something was wrong!

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