"It's alright, you can continue shopping, I'll ask where is the most lively place in this place!"

Ye Luna smiled at Miss Lungobier, followed by leaving Miss Lungobier behind, stepped forward, and stopped a passerby to say something.

"Oh! You said this, alas! Then you found the place here, walk three blocks ahead, then turn left, and there is a hospital, which is very good for abortion. You come from Spring Village. , it's really not easy!"

The uncle who was stopped by Ye Luna said loudly, causing more and more black lines on Miss Lungobier's face!

Chapter 0096 The exchange of hearts

"Uncle! Are you in a hurry to go home?"

With a fake smile that couldn't be more fake, Miss Lungobier walked over, pulled Ye Luna aside, and said to the uncle, "For example, going home or something?"

"Oh! Yeah, I'm going home!"

Seeing Miss Lungobier showing her teeth to herself, the uncle who passed by was obviously frightened, and hurriedly apologized to Ye Luna and left!

"What did you say to this wretched uncle just now?"

Miss Lungobier said viciously while pulling Ye Yueshen forward.

"Why is he a wretched uncle, I feel very enthusiastic!"

Ye Yueshen said innocently, letting Miss Lungobier drag him away.


Miss Lungobier said with a face full of anger. Seeing that everyone around was looking at her, she directly pulled Yeyueshen into a small alley, and then crossed several streets to another bustling street. Let go of the hand that was holding the Night Moon God.

"Okay, let's continue shopping!"

Ye Yueshen tidied up his clothes and said indifferently, "Don't be stern, this is the largest city nearby!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the dazzling array of goods on the street and was very emotional.

"The good mood has been ruined by some people!"

Miss Lungobier said with a displeased face, and then started her shopping trip.

"Well, I'm so tired!"

Looking at the sun that was gradually reaching the western edge, Ye Yueshen found that his hands were already filled with countless commodities, while Miss Lungobier in front of her had no plans to give up shopping at all.

"Master Principal, shall we go back?"

Putting the last item in Luna's hand, Miss Lungobier looked satisfied.

"Well, I'm going to summon the flying dragon!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and immediately threw the goods in his hand to Miss Lungobier, and then walked out of the city in a grand manner.

"Uh, what about the apology?"

Miss Lungobier looked at the goods that were already higher than herself, and her perception of Yeyueshen suddenly dropped a lot, and the guilt in her heart that Yeyueshen helped her buy the goods for a day suddenly disappeared, "Come up! I'll let you Watch the sunset from the sky!"

The night moon god brought the flying dragon over.Immediately afterwards, Miss Lungobier's goods were tied to Feilong's body, and then a gentleman invited Miss Lungobier to come up.

"You don't even have the urge to let Feilong put his shoulders down?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna and said coldly.

"Uh, forget you don't know magic!"

Ye Luna smiled stupidly, and then sat on the flying dragon with Miss Lungobier, watching the sun drop little by little below the horizon.

"You haven't been back to school all day, what if something happens?"

Miss Lungobi looked at Luna, and seemed worried.

"I can work overtime with you at night!"

Ye Yueshen was not worried about the Magic Academy, but made fun of Miss Lungobier instead.

"Don't worry, I can take it home and make it! I don't need to trouble you!"

Miss Lungobier's hair was blown by the breeze, and the expression on her face did not change.

"When you go back in the evening, you will have to read the magic book I wrote for you!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with a solemn face, and reminded Lungobier of the magic book he got in the morning.

"What kind of magic book is that, refusing to let you care so much?"

"Of course it was my painstaking work!"

Ye Yueshen said proudly, and seeing Miss Lungobier's expression of hesitating to speak, he patted Lungobier's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I won't take back the magic book just because you are not a noble. , I don't think identity and blood relationship are the indicators to distinguish people, as long as you have talent, you should get the same opportunity, and your talent is very good!"

Speaking of this, Ye Luna gave Miss Lungobiel a weird smile, and then said, "So I wrote you a set of all-encompassing and wonderful-beauty magic books!"

"Uh... beauty magic book? Is there such a thing in this world?"

Miss Lungobier's heart, which had been agitated, was suddenly quiet.

"Of course, although the attack power is not very good, it can be beautiful and beautiful. In this case, I see you in a good mood every day!"

Ye Yueshen laughed and looked extremely excited.

"Sure enough, a horny guy!"

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