Miss Lungobier looked at the unopened magic book, smiled contemptuously, raised her head but looked very solemn. "No matter what you think, I'm still very grateful that you can think of me!"

"It's okay, it's okay, just tell me what you want in the future!"

Ye Yueshen patted his chest and chest, stood up from the dragon's back, looked at the sunset that was about to go down the mountain, a touch of golden light sprinkled on his face, making Miss Lungobier who was sitting on the dragon's back feel like a dream. a feeling of.

"Although there is some shamelessness, compared to those despicable nobles, he is quite good!"

Miss Lungobel thought quietly in her heart.

"Do you think I'm handsome?"

With a smile on Luna's face, she looked down at Miss Lungobier next to her.

"That's right... Your Principal."

Miss Lungobier smiled softly and looked at the sunset, as if enjoying a moment of freedom in the air.

"Life is like this. As long as you look at the sun, you will always feel extremely happy. Don't always feel that there are shadows around you."

Ye Yueshen looked at the setting sun and muttered, as if he was telling Lungobier, he seemed to be telling it to himself, or it was just a momentary emotion.

"This guy? How much do you know about me?"

Miss Lungobier took a peek at Ye Luna and said nothing.


When she saw the familiar castle, Miss Lungobier consciously turned around and sorted out the goods she had purchased today.

"What are you going to do?"

Ye Luna looked at Lungobier who was untying the rope and couldn't help but be a little curious.

"You'll find out later!"

Miss Lungobier gave a slight look, and then said to Ye Luna, "Let the flying dragon hover over the castle for a week, okay?"

"Of course!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and then directly ordered Feilong to do as Miss Lungobier said.


Lungobier smiled slightly, then threw the small boxes the size of his palm into the air, and then pointed with his own fingers, so that each small box was placed firmly on the window of each room.

"I can't see it, you still have this heart!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the excited Lungobier, and suddenly thought of a sentence: "The value of life lies in creation, and the source of happiness lies in sharing."

Chapter 0097 Magical Magic Book

"Okay, it's over, these children must know that the principal is a person who doesn't do his job properly!"

Put the last box on the windowsill, said Miss Lungobier, clapping her hands.

"Uh, isn't there a little cake in the box?"

Ye Luna pointed to the box that Miss Lungobier put on the windowsill and said speechlessly.

"Of course I asked the workshop owner to leave a note inside!"

Miss Lungobier said calmly.

"Uh, okay!"

Ye Yueshen nodded helplessly, let the flying dragon stop on the grass, and then brought Miss Lungobier down. It was also at this time that the bell rang for the end of the get out of class.

"It's just that you got off work, go home!"

Ye Luna waved to Miss Lungobier, not even bothering to go back to the office, ready to go back to his room.

"Uh, is this magic book really just for beauty?"

Miss Lungobier stood where she was, thinking for a while, but couldn't help asking.

"Of course! When did I lie to you?"

Ye Yueshen turned his head, waved his hands dashingly, and looked formal.

"Can't you give me a stronger attack?"

Miss Lungobier asked a little unwillingly.

"of course!"

Ye Yueshen smiled confidently: "If you are willing to kiss me, I will write you a magic book with high attack power!"

"Uh! What did you say?"

Miss Lungobier's eyes widened involuntarily, and at this time the students had already left the classroom in twos and threes and came to the lawn.

"I said if you kiss me, I'll write you a magic book with high attack power!"

Ye Yueshen didn't seem to see the curious eyes of the students, and said calmly.

"What a joke!"

Miss Lungobier left such a sentence and left the sight of Ye Luna as if she ran away.

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