"It's such a pity!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then turned around and prepared to go back to his room.

"The principal is so excited!"

As soon as Qiuerjie came out with Tabasa, he saw the scene of Yeyueshen and his secretary. Seeing Yeyueshen coming, he naturally wouldn't give a good face.

"Tabasha! Class is over so soon! Look at those things I bought for you!"

Ye Yueshen turned around, pointed at the goods on the dragon's back, and said calmly.

"Leave it to Miss Lungobier, these suit her better!"

Tabassa glanced at the goods on the dragon's back, nodded lightly, and led Qiuljie to the cafeteria.

"Don't even have a helper?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the merchandise on the dragon's back, shook his head slightly, and sent the rest of the merchandise directly to his office with a magic wand, and then went to dinner with Mr. Colbert as usual.

"This bastard! Can't I find a place with no one? That way, I can get better magic!"

On the way back to her residence, Miss Lungobier complained about Ye Luna with some regret, and was inadvertently touched by a man in black, and there was a small note in her hand.

"Is there any news so soon?"

Miss Lungobier squeezed the small note in her hand, and the steps under her feet couldn't help speeding up.

"What's the news?"

Miss Lungobier carefully checked everything around, then turned on the lights in the room, and opened the small note.

"So fast?"

Lungobier, looking at the contents of the note, your heart bursts with excitement, and the opportunity you have been looking forward to for many years has finally arrived!

"Look at this bastard's beauty magic! It's multi-colored, and it can write such magic?"

Miss Lungobier took out the magic book Yeyueshen had given her from behind. When she was about to open it, she suddenly remembered what Yeyueshen said and wanted to open it by herself, so she blew the lamp out of curiosity. Extinguished, see what's so magical about this book.

"Wow, it actually disappeared?"

As soon as Miss Lungobier opened the magic book, the originally heavy magic book suddenly became light and light, which surprised her for a while. Then, she felt a little numb in her temples, and then she found that a dream-like vision appeared in front of her eyes. The scene: I only saw a dark room, and suddenly a piece of red text appeared, but it was fleeting, and then it penetrated into my mind like running water, and then, the red text It kept appearing, and it kept entering into his mind. Those magics, like weaving cloth, entered his mind unhurriedly, and his memory was not confused at all.

"What kind of magic is this?"

After the scarlet words in front of him were deeply imprinted in his mind, Lungobier began to carefully ponder what kind of magic this magic was.

Immediately, Miss Lungobier cast a few spells at random, and at a random glance, a sneer appeared on the corner of Miss Lungobier's mouth.

"What kind of bullshit beauty magic, it's obviously defensive magic, how can defensive magic have high attack power?"

Just when Miss Lungobier despised Luna's little trick, a voice suddenly appeared in Miss Lungobier's ear.

"Little secretary, I know you will definitely use 717. Although I don't know what you are doing, one more trick to save your life is the premise of being a magician."

Hearing this sentence, Miss Lungobier's eyes suddenly appeared in the corner of her eyes inexplicably, and those moist things flowed out for the first time involuntarily.

"Bastard! How did he actually leave such a thing in the magic book?"

Miss Lungobier said with a bit of hatred, and there seemed to be something bad lurking behind the slightest complaint.At this moment, the same tone continued to appear in Lungobier's ears.

"Look, are you moved to cry? Did you decide to marry me?"

Ye Yueshen's usual laughter suddenly made Miss Lungobier's move just dissipated, replaced by a helpless and stagnant expression.

"This guy...how can this be..."

Miss Lungobier turned on the lights in the room, shook her head and put Ye Yueshen's words behind her, and opened a blurred map under the lights, and the markings on it would be dense.

"That's it!"

Miss Lungobier pointed to the things on the map, then came to the back of her room, took out a red bird from a cage, tied a piece of cloth, and let it fly in the air.

Chapter 0098 The Rod of Destruction

"Good morning!"

Ye Yueshen walked into the office in good spirits, saw that Miss Lungobier was already working, and greeted her kindly.

"You are early too!"

Miss Lungobier nodded politely, but said nothing, and continued to bury herself in her work.

"Uh, didn't you open the magic book?"

Ye Luna was a little strange when she saw Miss Lungobier's attitude towards him being so indifferent. Under his assumption, Miss Lungobier at this moment should be looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"It's open, you wrote very well."

Miss Lungobier grasped the pen in her hand and continued to work, with the pile of papers on her right that she had not finished yesterday and had just received today.

"Since it's opened, why are you still treating me like this?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, feeling that everything was different from what she expected.

"Did you go to bed early last night?"

Miss Lungobier replied nonchalantly.

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