"Uh, it's true, I fell asleep as soon as I touched the pillow after eating. I'm so tired these days!"

Ye Yueshen said with some sleepiness.

"Then I will also distribute yesterday's documents as soon as possible, and today's documents will also be processed as soon as possible, and then prepare to meet the matter of Her Royal Highness, do you know?"

Miss Lungobier abruptly stood up from her position and said with an angry face.

"Uh, don't be so excited!"

Ye Yueshen smiled shyly, then walked to his seat and sat down, continuing to doze in his seat.

"Deserved, let you use magic to form a magic book, now it's alright, it's consumed too much spiritual power!"

Lungobier looked at Ye Luna who was starting to doze, complaining in his heart, complaining and complaining, suddenly moved.

"I am willing to use my spiritual power to write a magic book for me. What is my status in this guy's heart?"

Throwing her hands away, Miss Lungobier sat down and continued to write hard on the documents in front of her. She hoped to process the documents that were squeezed and opened as soon as possible. Heard a familiar knock on the door.

"Lord Messenger, come in, you don't have to knock on the door."

Miss Lungobier said without looking up.

"Uh, Commissioner Wang asks to see you!"

A somewhat immature voice came, and suddenly Miss Lungobier hurriedly stood up, hurriedly took two steps, walked to Ye Luna, and struggled to wake Ye Luna who had fallen asleep.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Ye Yueshen opened his eyes and saw Miss Lungobier with a terrified face, and hurriedly asked.

"The royal commissioner is here, hurry up to meet him!"

Reminding Ye Moon God in the ear, Miss Lungobier quickly stood up, tidied up her clothes, and then walked slowly to the door and opened the office door!

"Hello, Royal Express, please open it in person by the Dean of Torristin Magic Academy!"

A [-]-year-old blond boy with feathers in his hat pointed at a khaki envelope and walked directly to Ye Luna.

"There is a loss to welcome, there is a loss to welcome!"

Ye Yueshen smiled awkwardly, hurriedly opened the envelope handed over by the boy, and then glanced at Lungobier, motioning her to go out first.

"What can make this guy kick me out?"

Miss Lungobier, who walked out of the office, quickly put her ear against the wall, but there was no sound inside, and soon Miss Lungobier heard the sound of the boy coming out.

"Walk slowly!"

Very respectful farewell to the special commissioner, Miss Lungobier walked in impatiently after he disappeared from her sight.

"What express has the royal family sent, could it be that the princess is not coming?"

Miss Lungobier asked as if carelessly.

"of course not!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the envelope and said, "It means that someone is targeting our school's baby, and the royal family asked me to manage it well, that's all!"

Night Moon God turned over the letter in the envelope and showed it to Lungobier.

"Fukai of the clod? Where did this person seem to have heard of?"

Miss Lungobier said calmly and abnormally, if an acquaintance was there, she would definitely see her little finger shaking.

"It's the thief that the royal family reminded before. It seems that he stole a lot of things. The Marquis of Slokli, who deserved to die, just wanted to hug that bastard's thigh because a treasure he borrowed from a foreign country was stolen. He took Siska captive!"

Yeyueshen explained casually, then looked at the envelope and said curiously: "Looking at the meaning, it seems that the royal family has already decided. Could it be that Fukai of the clod has revealed something?"

"Uh, I don't know!"

Lungobier smiled innocently, then returned to his position, and continued to bury his head in the documents. At the same time, he kept looking for the letter from the organization in the pile of documents, but found nothing!

"These bastards! They sold me without saying a word. What do you mean?"

Miss Lungobier's teeth were itching with hatred in her heart, but she was calm on the surface, and continued to pack up the documents in her hands.

"What is this rod of destruction? Is it expensive?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the envelope for a long time, but still didn't understand what it meant, so he simply stood up and said to Miss Lungobier, "Let's go, let's go and see what that rod of destruction is. If it's stolen, we'll report it!"

"Steal a fart, how can anyone in this world break through the territory of the Magic Academy and take away the Rod of Destruction without knowing it?"

Miss Lungobier thought to herself, and then promised to take out the treasure catalog of the academy, but she did not find the catalog of the Rod of Destruction!

"What? I don't know where it is?"

Ye Yueshen was speechless when he looked at the thick book, and could only say helplessly: "Is it the royal family who made a mistake, or did the commissioner send it to the wrong place? The signature on this letter is correct. !"

"You should find someone who knows!"

Miss Lungobier nodded at Ye Luna, and threw it out like a fly, and then came to the office with the breathless Mr. Colbert.

"What are you looking for from me?"

When he was forcibly pulled over by Lungobier while he was doing the experiment, Colbert seemed very anxious.

"Where is this Wand of Destruction? I want to see it?"

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