Ye Yueshen also has no unnecessary nonsense.

"Um, why are you asking this?"

Mr. Colbert asked hesitantly.

"because this!"

Ye Yueshen put the letter in his hand in front of Mr. Colbert...

Chapter 0099

"Okay, come with me!"

After confirming that the documents Yeyueshen gave him were correct, Mr. Kerber walked directly towards the other side of the academy with Yeyueshen.

"What kind of character is this Fukai of the clod, who can make the royal family take it so seriously?"

Ye Yueshen squeezed the letter in his hand, a little curious.

"Of course it's because this thief is a genius. He can actually treat many well-guarded places as nothing, and unfortunately, many nobles who claim to be extraordinary have been shot!"

Mr. Colbert seemed to understand it very well, and he spoke incessantly: "Actually, this clod's Fukai is a woman, but she has a strong body and barely makes a sound when she walks. It is said that she is a beautiful girl, so she is very Few people have discovered that I was a guest at the Duke of Zvonix's house, and that night, a big treasure was stolen by Fukai the clod, and I happened to be looking out the window to see her when I saw her!"

While Mr. Colbert was talking, Yeyueshen heard it quietly, when he heard that Fukai the clod was a girl, Yeyueshen couldn't help laughing: "It turned out to be a girl, I see those guards. He must have been attracted by other people's beauty, but he made a big mistake!"

"Girls? What's wrong with girls? Why do you men always think girls are useless? Today, the Queen and Princess are also girls. How can you bow down to others?"

When Miss Lungobier heard Ye Yueshen's words, she was immediately excited: "Besides, why do you say that Fukai of the clod is a beauty and bewitched, it is obviously a skill, those wine bags and rice bags = just can't catch others. !"

"Uh, I just said casually, do you want to be so excited?"

Ye Yueshen said helplessly: "Even if I say it wrong, you can't prove that what you said is right! Can you?"


Lungobier was about to continue arguing with Ye Luna when he suddenly found that Mr. Colbert, who was leading the way, turned around and looked at him curiously, so he hurriedly closed his mouth, smiled embarrassingly, and continued to walk with Mr. Colbert. .

"That's it!"

When Mr. Colbert opened the third door with the key that Ye Luna was carrying, Ye Luna finally came to the place where the Rod of Destruction was placed.

"What does it mean that there are so many small boxes embedded in the walls on both sides?" Ye Yueshen looked at the handles on the walls on both sides, very curious.

"Uh, these are the treasures that the kings and nobles of all dynasties put here when they came to visit, some diamonds and gems!"

As Mr. Colbert said, he pulled out a box, and there really were a lot of diamonds in it, although the particles were not big.

"Why put it here?"

Miss Lungobier was curious!

"Because it's safe here!"

Mr. Colbert smiled, and then said to Ye Luna who was observing the gate: "Master Principal, do you know why there can't be guards here?"

"do not know!"

Ye Yueshen replied calmly, it is really strange that such an important thing is not guarded!

"Because of this place!"

Mr. Colbert proudly pointed to the six insignia-like stone carvings in front of the gate.

"These six badges were all sealed together by the previous seal masters. Not to mention my boasting, without great strength and great coordination, no attack can do any damage to the walls here!"

"Uh, okay..."

Yeyueshen nodded silently. Although he didn't know whether the theory was valid or not, Yeyueshen believed it a little bit after watching Mr. Kerber take a long time to remove the seals that were left.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them walked inside, and Mr. Colbell reverently recited some boring words to the box, and then opened the box, allowing Ye Luna to see the true face of the Rod of Destruction!


As soon as Ye Yueshen saw the Rod of Destruction, he already covered his stomach with laughter!

"What... are you kidding! This is the Staff of Destruction! This is the Staff of Destruction!"

"What's the matter with you?"

Mr. Colbert, who had a pious face at first, was also shocked by Ye Yueshen.

"Uh, it's nothing, you can rest assured anyway! The thief will not steal this thing!"

Ye Yueshen said with a confident expression.

"What do you mean?"

Miss Lungobier asked calmly.

"Because she doesn't know how to use it! I bet that I'm the only one in this world who can use this rod of destruction. Even if it's a clod, if I get this thing, I'll obediently return it!"

Ye Luna lightly patted Miss Lungobier on the shoulder, then smiled and said, "What do you think? My dear secretary?"

"Uh, I feel so shocked, it's the first time I've seen something like this!"

Miss Lungobier looked at the Rod of Destruction and said thoughtfully: "Since you said that only you can use it, would you like to demonstrate it by the way, and let me have an unforgettable memory in my lifetime?"

"No problem at all!"

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