"Then learn this today!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and said: "There are many people who can use wind magic, but it is more difficult to let the wind be directed by you as you wish. I will first let you learn to levitate yourself in the air!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Luna directly asked Tabasa to stretch out his right hand, and after giving her a spell, he asked Tabasa to try it in front of him.

"Okay! I hope to satisfy the principal!"

Tabassa nodded at Yeyueshen, then imitated Yeyueshen's appearance, stretched out her right hand, and began to silently recite the spell that Yeyueshen gave her.


Ye Luna naturally clicked on Tabasa's back, and Tabasa fell into a deep sleep...

Chapter 0104 A new layout

"You've worked so hard!"

Ye Luna looked at Tabasa who was in a drowsy state, picked her up, and then carried her to the dormitory.

"Churjie, are you there?"

Night Moon God knocked on a door.

"who is it?"

Chu Erjie's voice came from inside, as if she had just fallen asleep.

"I, Headmaster, open the door!"

Ye Yueshen said lightly, and then heard the sound of Qiu Erjie coming to open the door.

"It's you? What happened to Tabatha?"

Qiu Erjie was shocked when she saw that she was holding the headmaster, and then she looked at Tabasa in Ye Yueshen's arms and suddenly screamed.

"Be quiet, don't disturb others!"

Night Moon God reminded, and then walked in with Tabasa.

"What was that sound just now?"

When Louise's voice came, Ye Luna looked at Qiu Erjie helplessly.

"Put her here first!"

Luna put Tabasa on the bed and covered the quilt.

"Uh, principal! Why are you here?"

Louise's head stretched out and found that it turned out to be Ye Luna. Looking at Tabasa lying on the bed, she couldn't help but become curious.

"Well, it's me, Tabasha is too tired! She should rest more, she's taking on too many things these days!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tabasa with some pity and said.

"Uh, okay, I'll take care of her!"

Chul Jie answered without knowing.

"That's it, I'll disturb your rest! Tomorrow will welcome the arrival of the princess!"

Ye Luna nodded to Louise and said, "Pikachu will definitely be able to win the princess' favor by then!"

"Well! I will definitely do it!"

Louise nodded confidently.

"Okay, so be it, Qiu Erjie don't speak so loudly in the future!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Qiuerjie, and then said, "Tabasha is only interested in learning magic, but she has not had a good rest. It is good to take this opportunity to take a good rest. The spirit is commendable, but the body is more important!"

After speaking, he went back to the office alone under the watchful eyes of Qiu Erjie and Louise. At this time, Miss Lungobier was already waiting at the door!

"Why come so early?"

Ye Yueshen said strangely, everyone is taking a lunch break at this time, and his secretary should be taking a lunch break too.

"No way, too much work! I don't want to work overtime!"

Lungobier smiled at his employer, then followed Ye Luna into the office, sorted the squeezed documents into categories, and went to work.

At the same time, Louise and Qiuerjie looked at the sleeping Tabasa in the room with a hint of envy in their eyes.

"Tabasa is so lucky to have such a good principal to take care of her!"

Louise said enviously.

"That's because Tabasha's level is high. I'm with her every day, and I've never seen the principal take a good look at me!"

Qiu Erjie's tone was even more envious. Looking at Tabassa in a deep sleep, she felt that Ye Yueshen's words made sense. This companion of hers really worked too hard!

"I'm going back!"

Louise glanced at Tabassa for a few times, then stood up and walked out, thinking of Ye Luna's caring eyes, she always felt that she was fascinated!

"Is the work done?"

Ye Luna bored with the castle model on his desk, feeling that he was almost done, so he wanted Lungobier to follow him to see it again.

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