"No, there are too many documents now. I have to make sure the arrangements for Her Royal Highness's entourage. I'm really busy!"

Miss Lungobier said without looking up, if Ye Yueshen stood up and looked at his secretary at this time, he would find that his secretary already had a dense map on hand!

"Well, then you are not lucky to see my arrangement!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, looked at Miss Lungobier with some regret, and then walked out alone.

"What is he going to do?"

Miss Lungobier raised her eyes and glanced at Yeyueshen, and then continued to work, who knew that Yeyueshen had just turned her head and came in as soon as she went out.

"Give me those flags we're going to hang on the city walls!"

Ye Luna stretched out her hand and almost scared Miss Lungobier to death.

"it is good!"

Miss Lungobier easily covered her map, and then went directly to the warehouse to take out the flag that Ye Luna needed!

"Keep busy!"

Ye Yueshen didn't seem to have seen the map, so he left a sentence and hurried out, letting Miss Lungobier relax for a while, only to make sure that Ye Yueshen didn't return the carbine, closed the door, and continued busy with his own business!

"I don't want to help with this trivial matter, but they gave me the map of the flower castle there! This girl!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly in his heart, then came to the gate, greeted the guards, and hung up a total of fifteen flags as directed by Miss Lungobier, and then returned to himself excitedly. 's office, it was no surprise that the door was closed!

"What are you closing the door for during the day? Are you planning to surprise me!"

Ye Luna knocked on the door and said loudly to Miss Lungobier who was inside.

"...It's just windy!"

Miss Lungobier opened the door and looked at Ye Luna with a helpless expression.

"What? Not happy? Why can't I feel the wind?"

Ye Yueshen said with a smile, and immediately closed the door, "Look at the ground!"

Miss Lungobier pointed to the marks on the ground and said, with a little playfulness in her eyes.

"Uh, you are very careful!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the traces on the ground when he covered up Tabasha's magic, and said with some humor.

"You are so intrigued, you actually brought your students to your office for guidance!"

Miss Lungobier said sourly.

"Well, you know our relationship anyway!"

Ye Yueshen said silently, and then brought Miss Lungobier to the door and looked at his masterpiece!

"From the moment you finished the model, I knew you were going to do it!"

Looking at Yeyueshen's arrangement, Miss Lungobier was not surprised, and quickly helped Yeyueshen to arrange other places. Although the guard at the door wanted to help, Yeyueshen didn't bother them, except to let them Siska did a favor, and the rest was arranged by Ye Luna with his own abilities!

"Now I can receive the princess properly!"

Siska looked at the newly-arranged academy and said excitedly.

"Of course, the princess will definitely be satisfied!"

Ye Yueshen also said with satisfaction, but did not notice that the corners of Miss Lungobier's mouth were slightly raised, as if she was planning something...

Chapter 0105 The princess arrives

"Everyone got up early today!"

As soon as Yeyueshen came out, he saw that the teachers and students in the academy had already put on their costumes and were standing on the lawn greeting each other!

"Yes, the princess is the future prince. This may be the last time to come to our magic academy. Of course everyone cherishes this opportunity!"

Mr. Colbert came out more and more and explained to Ye Luna.

"Oh? That's right, if the princess became the queen, she probably wouldn't come here to inspect the children who just got the familiar!"

Yeyueshen nodded, and then took everyone to dinner. When it was time to eat, Yeyueshen realized that everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and no one moves chopsticks first!

"Uh, what do you mean when you look at the food and don't eat?"

Ye Yueshen ate two mouthfuls of rice, only to realize that no one moved their chopsticks.

"Everyone is afraid of getting their clothes dirty or getting oil on their faces, and they will look bad at that time!"

Louise explained in a low voice behind Luna.

"Uh, is that right? If that's the case, let's just bear with it..."

Yeyueshen said nonchalantly, to actually not eat in order to welcome a person, such an era is really crazy!

Yeyueshen thought silently, the speed of eating is not slow, and he finished his meal soon under the watchful eyes of everyone, and then respectfully brought everyone who could bring him to wait at the gate of the Magic Academy With the arrival of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"I'm going, why haven't you come yet?"

Yeyueshen muttered speechlessly, and everyone who was nervous at first slowly became lazy.

"Sure enough, it's the princess, everyone has been waiting so hard!"

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