Siska, who was standing behind Ye Yueshen, also muttered, and suddenly, there was a movement, and everyone who was a little relaxed suddenly became nervous!

"Don't panic! Princess Princess is not so diligent, right?"

Although I know that the Princess has arrived at the Morthawk's castle last night, she will not come so early!

"Look! That's the Magic Academy!"

When the voices of a group of villagers came, Yeyueshen's words were confirmed, but everyone did not relax, but stood up straighter!

"My God, in front of these onlookers, these nobles are very serious!"

Ye Yueshen looked back at everyone, only to realize that he had underestimated the level of these nobles. It turned out that their status was maintained bit by bit in normal times!

"Boss, you seem to be wrong!"

Looking at the gate of the castle that has been arranged, a guy with no eyes in the crowd silently reminded the dark-faced boss!

"You don't need to say it! Go!"

The man at the head glanced at Ye Yueshen, who was calm and relaxed, and went back with his companions!

"Fight me!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the guys who went back, snorted coldly in his heart, but he didn't find the few civilians who flowed down, like a lone pine, stuck in place and motionless!

"The princess is here!"

I don't know who in the crowd shouted ρ, the group of people immediately raised their spirits, stretched their heads and looked out hard!


Ye Yueshen shouted to the people behind him, and then saw that the surrounding guards had already started to move the surrounding civilians back!

"Forget it! Let them see! With so many magicians, what can happen?"

Yeyueshen shouted to the captain of the guard, and immediately stood there and waited for the arrival of Her Majesty the Princess!

"Lord Principal! We should get down on one knee!"

Mr. Colbert looked at the slowly approaching smoke and reminded him behind Ye Luna.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and after giving everyone orders, he took the lead and knelt down on one knee, waiting for the arrival of the princess!

"The princess is here!"

After a few roars, a large group of carriages came to Ye Moon God.

"Congratulations to the princess!"

Ye Yueshen took the words that he had memorized earlier and said it to everyone, and then raised his head to welcome the princess.


Suddenly, with a loud roar, a few people watching the fun suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the princess' carriage!

"It's really looking for death!"

Ye Yueshen sighed slightly in his heart. Before waiting for the stupid guards to react, he pointed at the gangsters who were charging in the air, and with a flick of his finger, he immediately trapped these bastards in the air!

"Protect the princess!"

The guards who only reacted at this moment hurriedly protected the carriage of Princess Princess, but none of them attacked the gangsters who rushed up!

"The princess was shocked!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then instructed the surrounding students to take down a few unlucky guys, and then glanced at the princess' guard with disdain.

"What a young principal! I heard it before, but I didn't believe it, but now I believe it!"

The princess stretched out her head and looked at Ye Yueshen with a smile, but she was not surprised.

"Lord Princess is so rude!"

Ye Yueshen bowed his head and replied, and then reviewed every teacher and classmate with the princess, and then led everyone around the princess to the auditorium!

"Thanks to you just now!"

As soon as the princess came in, she had a sincere smile on her face.

"Little things, little things!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and then led everyone to sit down. The princess immediately started a long and boring speech. Although Ye Yueshen was very interested, Miss Lungobier next to him could see clearly. , this guy must be admiring the face of the princess, not the speech of the princess!

"Okay, okay! The princess's words are really good!"

After the speech, Ye Yueshen bought the first one to stand up and applaud, and the princess looked at everyone shyly, and then this boring welcome ceremony was over, Ye Yueshen also told everyone to go back!

"Master Principal, please stay!"

Ye Yueshen was about to go out when he heard the voice of the princess behind him.

"Uh, what's the matter?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess innocently, but Miss Lungobier next to her hurriedly reminded: "You haven't greeted the princess yet! This is a special gift from the principal!"


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