"Of course it's a misunderstanding, then you can see it, I will definitely surprise you!"

With Luna's guidance, Louise is very confident.

"Well, if that's the case, let's look forward to this cute familiar to give me a surprise!"

Her Royal Highness said with a smile, then dragged Louise to the window.

"When we were young, we always made wishes to the stars in the sky. At that time, what did you say that you hoped to have a big brother to take care of you for the rest of your life. Have you found it now?"

The princess looked back at the guard at the door, and looked at Louise beside her with some playfulness.

"Uh, you still remember this!"

When talking about this topic, Louise's little face suddenly became extremely crimson, and the princess looked at it and naturally felt that there was something strange in it.

"Do you have something you like?"

The princess said happily.

"How can there be, it's not good at all!"

Louise turned her face away in embarrassment, but the blush on her face was even more obvious, even her ears were a little red!

"Only if I didn't see it! Did I?"

Her Royal Highness looked at Louise with a smile, and from her reaction, it could be seen that her little friend was Huaichun!

"No way, don't say this, Princess! Besides, I won't tell you about Louise!"

Louise looked at the stars in the sky, her eyes full of unspeakable eyes, did he know what he was thinking?

"Then let's talk about the embarrassment of a little girl when she was young!"

Princess Princess leaned in front of Louise with a wicked smile!

"There's no way, if you want to talk about embarrassing things, it's still a guy who doesn't know sweet and salty!"

Speaking of this, Louise jumped up and laughed at each other with the princess.

"By the way, why did you suddenly ask this question?"

Louise suddenly remembered, Her Royal Highness, her own princess, had never been so alert before!

"Uh, this, of course you revealed this yourself, but I just saw that you were looking at others at the banquet very wrongly!"

Her Royal Highness said casually.

"Really? But I fell asleep as soon as I arrived at the banquet. When did you see me?"

Louise looked at the princess in surprise.

"Oh, anyway, it was your eyes that betrayed you!"

Princess Princess hurriedly spoke, and seeing Louise's dubious look, she quickly changed the subject and sighed in her heart.

"What happened today? I can't bear to be treated like this by this young principal? And I'm so sensitive to matters of the opposite sex, so I can tell at a glance that this little girl is pregnant?"

The two little girls were arguing with each other in their own room, while Ye Yueshen was enjoying the fun of taking a bath with a comfortable face in his room!

"Oh, it's still so comfortable!"

While taking a bath, Ye Yueshen looked at the moon outside the window. The moon in this world is very different. There is a crescent moon and a red moon. The two moons are closely next to each other, but they constitute a refreshing scenery.

"If the master is willing, Siska will definitely let you take a bath every day in the future!"

Siska looked at Ye Luna with excitement, and the laughter of Ye Luna was like Siska's happiness.

"How hard it is for you! It's enough to enjoy it once in a while!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then put on 440 good clothes, told Siska to go back, and fell asleep slowly.

At the same time, in the dungeon of the Magic Academy, several detainees looked at the moon outside the window with a frustrated expression.

"You bunch of brainless people were actually subdued by someone! I really conquered you!"

With a hint of contempt, Miss Lungobier appeared out of the window, saying that the voice of life was the same as usual, but no guards came out to check.

"That's also our negligence. We thought you would help us, but what happened? Besides, we are also trying to create opportunities for you. I hope to get the Rod of Destruction as soon as possible, right?"

The leading man had a dismayed expression on his face, as if there was nothing wrong with what he did!

"Stupid! With so many magicians present, you dare to assassinate in public, I really don't know what you think! Come out!"

Speaking fiercely, Miss Lungobel opened the bar and let a few companions come out.Miss Lungobier shook her head helplessly, and then disappeared into the sky.

"Run away, don't trouble me!"

Leaving such a sentence, Miss Lungobier disappeared into the air, and several people on the ground flipped through the city wall and left the Magic Academy. No one knew what would happen next. In short, the person in charge of the guard has unfortunately passed away!

Chapter 0108 Enlightened Principal


Yeyueshen waved his hand to the princess and opened the most important event of the princess's trip - the Familiar Competition!

"Please start!"

The princess stood on the high platform, waved to the students below, and then sat on the seat!

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