"The first to appear is the second-year international student representative -- Qiu Erjie!"

Following Mr. Colbert's loud roar, Qiu Erjie appeared off the stage with his salamander, and then started his own performance!

Next, is Ji Xiu, Momo Langxi...

"It's all at this time! How can it still be like this, how long will it take?"

Her Royal Highness looked at the students below and seemed a little sleepy!

"Then let's come together!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the students below, and calmly instructed Mr. Colbert beside him.

"OK then!"

Seeing that both the princess and the principal mean the same thing, although I was a little worried, Mr. Colbert still gave orders to the students below. As a result, the sleepy students who were waiting for it soon became alive and vigorous, in front of the princess. Perform hard!

"It's so lively! You are such an enlightened principal!"

When the princess looked at the scene below, she suddenly felt a burst of freshness, and she was also in high spirits when she was sleepy!

"You are rude!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then looked at Mr. Colbert next to him with sympathy.

"Do you know how risky this is?"

Mr. Keerbel smothered the chicken and wiped his neck at Yeyueshen for a long time, and Yeyueshen could only shake his head helplessly, just pretending that he didn't see it, and continued to accompany the princess to watch the students below show themselves in front of the princess. the familiar!

"Wow, it's really amazing!"

When Louise put her Pikachu on the ground and started to perform the magical [-] Volts, Her Royal Highness's eyes were suddenly attracted!

"Yeah, this [-]-volt voltage is really powerful, and it can crack a lot of magic!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise below with a smile on his face, and explained to Her Royal Highness the princess next to him.

"But how should we assess the ranking?"

The teacher Colbell next to him thought about it and interrupted the conversation between Ye Luna and Her Royal Highness.

"Uh, this is of course assessed by Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mr. Colbert with some incomprehension. He didn't know what this guy meant by saying this now.

"But...but this doesn't seem to meet the rules!"

Mr. Kerber pointed to the men in black behind Ye Luna and said worriedly.

"What do you mean, explain to me!"

Ye Yueshen didn't seem to notice that he was omnipotent and that the secretary was no longer by his side, so he asked Mr. Colbert to explain in his ear.

"These people are the officials who judged the nouns on behalf of Her Royal Highness the Princess. You are doing this now, and they look very unhappy!"

"That's their business. If they don't want to judge, they will follow the standards of Her Royal Highness!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and then let Mr. Colbert return to his position, and then continued to explain to the following familiars with the princess, and the relationship with the princess became more intimate.

"You seem to value the Pikachu below!"

Luna found out that the questions the princess asked herself were basically about cute Pikachu.

"Which one is Pikachu?"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise, as if she didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Uh, it's Louise's familiar, we have been talking about this magical familiar that can discharge and thunder!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess with some embarrassment, and thought to himself, don't you know the name of this lovely familiar?It looks like you spent the night in Louise's room last night, didn't you?

"Oh, is it it, these familiar names are so strange, I don't remember very clearly!"

Her Royal Highness was embarrassed for a moment, and quickly regained her calm expression and continued to watch Pikachu's performance.

"It's a pity that Tabasa just doesn't want to perform, otherwise, the princess will definitely be surprised!"

Ye Yueshen thought in his heart, and then took his princess to continue watching the lively performance of the children. Although the ministers behind the ratings were very dissatisfied, it was not good to see the princess chatting with the principal. Happened!

"Little secretary? Where are you now?"

Yeyueshen stood up while talking about his little secretary, and let the princess watch the performance alone.

"Master Principal! Should you provide us with a list of these familiars and masters?"

A mysterious-looking guy in a black robe walked out of the crowd and said rudely to Ye Yueshen.

"Hehe, this lord is..."

Ye Yueshen asked calmly, the temperament of this guy is very similar to that of Hunik!

"I am accompanied by Her Royal Highness Princess to review these children who have obtained faculties, and Judge Hubrus, who is also one of the seven judges!"

The man in black said proudly, as if he didn't care about Ye Yueshen at all.

"Justice Hugh Bruce? If we remember correctly, our school seems to have a teacher with the same last name as yours!"

Ye Yueshen spoke very calmly, but did not look at him directly.

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