As soon as I heard Pikachu's name, my confidence returned to Louise. With the defense magic given by the Principal, I would not be as vulnerable as last time!

"Pickup pickup!"

Louise put Pikachu on the dragon's back, and Pikachu, who realized the master's intention, shouted, and then began to work hard to save energy against the sky!


A series of loud noises flashed from the sky, followed by dark clouds. The arrival of the dark clouds suddenly covered the whole earth with a gray blanket. The originally windy and sunny sky has now become turbulent.

"Okay! Flying dragon, let's dive down!"

Tabasa hugged the neck of the flying dragon, and then stared at the cabin below, she could feel that the rod of destruction was inside!

"call out……"

With the sound of the wind in her ears, Tabasa aimed at the wooden house below.A shock wave went down, making a big hole in the roof of the wooden house, and then jumped in!

"Don't come in!"

Tabassa shouted, and then slowly floated up from the wooden house under Louise's gaze!

"It's quicksand below! Can't get in!"

While explaining, Tabasa moved slowly into the air. This kind of levitating magic was just learned from Ye Luna!

"Then what? Did we demolish this wooden house?"

Louise looked at Tabatha nervously and complained secretly in her heart. Before she saw Fukai of the clod, she had already been made impossible by these shameless traps!

"All right!"

Tabassa thought so too, and a whirlwind came directly to the cabin!

"Tabasha! Where are you?!"

A scream came from not far away, and when Tabasa heard it, she panicked.Leaving behind his whirlwind, he directly ordered the flying dragon to rush over to the place where the sound came from!

"Churje! I'm here!"

Tabassa shouted to the distance, and she came to Qiurjie's side under the leadership of the flying dragon!

"Where's Miss Lungobier?"

After Louise found Qiurjie and her salamander on the ground, she couldn't help but feel anxious!

"Swallowed by quicksand!"

Qiuljie pointed to the quicksand pit in front of him with a cry. Although the salamander in front of him was desperately digging the sand, it seemed to have no effect!

"Come up first and talk about it!"

Tabassa saw the quicksand on the ground getting more and more sloppy, and she was about to circle Qiurjie in, so she asked the flying dragon to bring her up!

"What about Miss Lungobier?"

Louise looked anxiously at the quicksand pit below!

"Just try it!"

Tabasa nodded, and then hit the quicksand pit with two whirlwinds!

"Are you guys coming all the way to find death?"

With a sinister laugh, where Qiu Erjie had just stood, a large piece of dust suddenly rose up, followed by the rapid rise of clods on the ground, turning into a large colossus in front of Tabasha!

"Fukai of the clod?"

The three students shouted in unison, causing Fukai, who was wearing a cloak, to sneer!

"Of course it's me! The three of you are here to kill me!"

With that said, Fukai commanded his colossus and punched the flying dragon hovering in the air!


Louise shouted, urging her Pikachu to strike Fuka's colossus with a lightning bolt!


With a loud noise, several cracks appeared on the shoulders of Fukai's colossus!

"I can't see it, your magic has improved a lot!"

Fukai sneered again and again, and commanded the colossus to ignore Pikachu's attack. He slapped the flying dragon in the air with his big hand, so that the flying dragon under Tabasa's command could only parry, but not fight back!

"This is too passive! We can't do this anymore, Feilong is working hard!"

Qiuerjie shouted, although he also let his salamander spit out a few flames, but unfortunately, basically no harm to the colossus!

"Then what do you say?"

Louise yelled at Qiu Erjie, she didn't want to fight in such a bumpy place at this time!

"Go down first and talk about it!"

Qiuljie shouted in Tabasa's ear, then hugged his salamander and walked to the edge of the dragon's back!

"Wait! Let's lead it out into the open!"

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