Tabassa shouted, and then directed the flying dragon to fly back!

"That's it! Next to the cabin!"

Louise nervously searched for the open space, but in the end, she could only find that next to the cabin was the most suitable place!

"be careful!"

Tabassa explained, and then let the flying dragon land there. After putting the two down, they continued to rise into the air and attacked continuously around the colossus!

"Go! Pikachu!"

As soon as Louise got to the ground, she put Pikachu down and looked at Pikachu nervously!

"You're not bad, Salamander! With Pikachu... one left, one right, one up, one down!"

Chul Jie shouted with his hips on his hips, his eyes were full of angry flames!

"Just bring it here!"

Chul Jie shouted loudly to Tabasa, who was lagging behind the Colossus alone.


Louise yelled and made Pikachu and Salamander stand together!

"Three, two, one!"

Louise shouted, and Tabassa just stepped aside at this time. Suddenly, the crazy flames and lightning strikes from the sky hit the Colossus' left shoulder at the same time!

"Aren't your familiars right and left?"

Seeing the effect of the attack, Qiuerjie shouted at Louise!I originally designed a two-pronged approach, but it ended up hitting one place!

"Tell me, you said one left and one right, one up and one down, which facilitator hits the top left and which hits the bottom right?"

Louise retorted loudly, and at this moment, she heard the sound of rocks shattering, and one arm of the colossus was broken to the ground!

Chapter [-] The waves rise again


Louise clapped her hands happily, and happily hugged Pikachu on the ground, she finally wounded the Colossus!

"Haha, it's too early to be happy!"

Fukai sneered and stretched out his magic wand.He stretched out his hand towards the land on the left, and immediately followed, the earth and stones on the ground rushed over and began to gather on the body of the colossus!

"Hurry up! We can't let him succeed!"

Chulje yelled at Louise, followed by a burst of flames and hit Fuke!

"You are too tender!"

One palm fanned the flames that came from the salamander, Fukai sneered, and continued to repair his colossus!

"not necessarily!"

Suddenly Tabasha's voice came from the sky, and Fukai looked up and saw that Tabasha had flown to the top of his head at some point, and shook his head a few times with a magic wand, and then, something miraculous happened. it happened!

"What's the matter? Why am I hanging?"

Fukai shouted, but Tabasa ignored him and took the flying dragon directly, directing the air surrounding Fukai, and slowly pulling it to the ground!

"Bastard! Do you think I'm a jerk?"

Fukai cursed loudly, and immediately ordered his colossus to run over!


It was like, the colossus soldier who stretched out his hand to grab Fukai, and after his palm touched the wind wall around Fukai, a big hole was directly opened!


Fukai was amazed in his heart, but he didn't give up. Looking at the stones on the ground, he shouted frantically.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of voices came, and countless stones were madly hammering the wind wall made by Tabatha. Seeing this situation with Louise and Qiurjie, they did not dare to act casually, and could only watch Tabatha's The complexion became worse little by little.

"Are you ok?"

Louise was a little worried and shouted to Tabasa in the sky!

"Don't disturb her!"

Qiu Erjie hurriedly covered Louise's mouth, but it was too late. With such a disturbance from Louise, Tabatha's wind wall suddenly slowed down, but a boulder broke through!

When there is a loophole in the defense line, the entire line of defense will collapse. At this time, Tabasa is also facing such a dilemma. Although the boulder has become a small stone after breaking through the wind wall, the boulder behind The frantic attack in this weak area finally made the wind wall invisible!

"Cough cough!"

Looking at Fukai with some regret, Tabatha reluctantly let her flying dragon put herself on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

Louise looked at Tabatha with remorse, and suddenly felt that she was in the way here.

"Don't worry about me, this guy is recovering now, hurry up to the cabin and get the rod of destruction!"

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