Miss Lungobier glanced at Ye Luna with dissatisfaction:

"My familiar is the earth-type colossus!"

"Okay, okay, just let it come out. I can't see that the cold-faced Fukai of the clods still has feelings for his familiar!"

After Yeyueshen smiled and finished speaking, Miss Lungobier summoned her own demon, stood in front of Yeyueshen, and completely blocked the sunlight in front of her!


Ye Yueshen nodded, then opened the safety behind the Rod of Destruction, loaded it, followed closely, and aimed at the colossus in front of him, pulled the trigger, and after a loud noise, half of Fukai's facilitator's head disappeared. exists!

"If this power is used to attack the castle, wouldn't the city wall become a decoration?"

Miss Lungobier looked at the weapon in Ye Yueshen's hand excitedly, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to let Ye Yueshen bring this thing over!

"Give you!"

Ye Yueshen said indifferently.

"You're done!"

As soon as she took the Rod of Destruction in her hand, Miss Lungobier turned her cannon at Night Moon God!

"Shoot me! Please!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier affectionately, opened his arms, and said with a relaxed expression:

"Come on, let your rod of destruction attack my body. Even the earth and rocks can be smashed into pieces. What is my body? At that time, you can take this thing and conquer the entire continent. Let your name be inscribed in history, and you will become a legend, come and start with me! I am willing to die at your hands!"

Yeyueshen's words, like drops of water, slowly eroded the determination of Miss Lungobier's fingers. At this moment, the tension at the beginning was hindered by something incomprehensible, and the strength of the fingers seemed to be thousands of pounds. It's the same, so Miss Lungobier just can't let it go!

"Let's go! Don't let me see you again! After I change this unfair world, I will keep your Magic Academy and you shameless headmaster!"

Miss Lungobier put down the Rod of Destruction in her hand, glanced at Ye Luna, and planned to turn around and leave!

"You think too much! You are my secretary, how dare you not fulfill the contract?"

Ye Yueshen yelled at Lungobier who turned around, his tone full of disdain!

"Don't make me regret it!"

Raising the Rod of Destruction in her hand, Miss Lungobier said without looking back!

"Hehe, are you in love with me?"

Ye Yueshen leaned against the tree next to him, looking at the sun rising in the middle, still smiling as always!


Miss Lungobier turned around, picked up the Staff of Destruction in her hand, and said fiercely to Night Moon God:

"Looks like you really made me regret it!"

After speaking, he pulled the trigger in his hand fiercely!

"Eh? What's going on?"

After pulling the trigger five or six times in a row, Miss Lungobier found that the Rod of Destruction in her hand was not at all obedient and did not respond at all!

"What have you done to the Rod of Destruction! You shameless fellow, I just let you live, I said how can you suddenly become so righteous, you already knew that you would not die! You bastard Really! Really necrotic!"

The angrily Sword Destruction Staff was thrown on the ground, and as Miss Lungobier spoke, the tears could not stop flowing!

"Don't be sad, this thing doesn't use magic, but explosives, but there is no explosives in your world at all, so it only has one cannonball. I'm done, but it's gone?"

Ye Luna walked over and picked up the Rod of Destruction, looking at Miss Lungobier innocently.


Miss Lungobier turned her head away angrily, and reached out to wipe away her tears!

"I know it's a bad feeling to lose again, but you still have me. I'll still hire you as my secretary anyway, won't I?"

Ye Luna put his hand on Miss Lungobier's shoulder, his face full of emotion.

"Bastard! Say it, I'm your secretary! This matter is over!"

Miss Lungobier was dissatisfied and knocked off Luna's hand, tidied up her hair, and put the glasses on her face.

Chapter [-] Heading to the Capital

"It's really hard for you! I didn't expect to find this thing back after one visit?"

Looking at the three students in a daze, Ye Yueshen praised happily.

"Uh, this is also our luck, just luck!"

Louise, who had been feeling weird until now, smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

"Since the task has been completed, then I will report to the royal family and ask for your awards! Don't worry!"

Ye Yueshen saw the vague appearance of the three people, so he sent them away directly, and then reached out his hand to let his little guinea pig come to his shoulder.

"It's the same as yesterday!"

Ye Yueshen said lightly, ignoring that Miss Lungobier's face had turned rosy.

"Master Principal is really clever, and solved this matter one day in advance! I was really worried before!"

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