Standing in front of Yeyueshen, Mr. Colbert looked at Yeyueshen with excitement.

"Hehe, I didn't say that I would report to the princess in the capital within three days. The time is still very tight. I will leave for the capital tomorrow!"

Ye Yueshen confidently said to Mr. Colbert:

"After I leave tomorrow morning, the affairs of the school will be handed over to you for the time being. I believe you will be able to do it well!"

"You are rude!"

Teacher Colbert smiled and cupped his hands, then with a happy smile, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Well, did Miss Lungobier catch a cold? Why is her face so red?"

Mr. Colbert looked at Miss Lungobier with concern.

"Uh, it's a little fever!"

Miss Lungobier nodded and quickly buried her head in the pile of papers!

"Hehe, he's quite a liar!"

Ye Yueshen looked at his secretary playfully while drinking tea.

"Hehe, how can you have a high level, you actually pretend to be like no one!"

Miss Lungobier retorted, then stretched her waist, and gave Ye Luna a warning look through the glass lens:

"I warn you, in the office, I can also guarantee the safety of your guinea pig. If you go out, I don't care!"

"what do you mean?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier blankly, not knowing what she meant!

"It will take at least three or five days for us to go to the capital. During this period, your behavior must be checked! That's it!"|

Miss Lungobier looked at the ceiling and finished speaking, then added a lot of quicksand in her hands.

"It shouldn't be news that there's a bunker on the ground where a mouse is buried, right?"

"You are so cruel! Modo Soluniru, you have to be careful!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly hugged his guinea pig, explained with a look of surprise, and then returned to his position.

The monotonous life is always very fast, just like this afternoon, Ye Luna quickly fell asleep in his own position. Although he heard that Miss Lungobier's relentless research on the Rod of Destruction, it was only an ear. Bian Feng didn't pay attention. The next morning, Ye Luna put on a brand new pair under the service of Siska!

"The fabric of this dress is good, but it seems a bit silly!"

Ye Yueshen looked in the mirror with dissatisfaction. The style of the clothes was different from the color of the Judge Hubrus he had seen, but the style was similar. It always made people feel like a bottle!

"You are going to the capital to meet the queen and princess. Why do you have to wear such aristocratic costumes? People in the capital are generally low-minded guys. You can't dress too casually!"

Mr. Colbert came over and pointed at Ye Luna carefully.

"Looks like Mr. Colbert is very experienced!"

Ye Luna smiled and said, and then stopped complaining about these boring places, the best carriage bought directly from Morthawk, and the magic academy that left with Siska and Miss Lungobi!

"My Principal is gone, it will take three to five days at least, and ten days and a half months as long. I always feel that there will be problems in the school!"

Qiuerjie looked at Yeyueshen walking away, and looked at Tabasa next to him with some worry!

"No, there is a problem. If nothing else, no more than ten people will be able to sleep in the dormitory tonight!"

Tabassa glanced at the sky indifferently, then turned around and went back!

"It's better to walk out of the Magic Academy, isn't it, Siska!"

Ye Yueshen sat on the carriage, constantly sighing at Siska who was beside him.

"But there are a lot of dangers outside, I think it's better to go to the Magic Academy!"

Siska looked at one town after another, and couldn't help thinking of the castle that cast a psychological shadow on him...

"Don't worry, it's safest by my side! Isn't it! Miss Lungobier?"

Ye Yueshen looked confidently at the scenery outside the window, and when she saw that Miss Lungobier kept her face calm and did not speak, he kindly asked.

"I'm a little sleepy, come and drive!"

Miss Lungobier didn't answer Luna's question, put the reins in the tunnel, and sat in the carriage without speaking.

"Is Miss Lungobier unhappy?"

Siska watched Luna take the reins calmly, and looked at Miss Lungobier curiously.

"Don't mention it, the closer you are to the capital, the more carriages there are on the road. How can I have time to listen to your chat?"

Miss Lungobier sighed helplessly, then opened her eyes and admired the scenery outside, only to find that all she saw was a horse-drawn carriage!

"Master Principal, are you driving too fast?"

Siska also noticed this change, and looked at Ye Luna with some worry and said.

"It's okay, I can go faster! It's my wish to let Siska see the lively capital as soon as possible!"

Ye Yueshen asked and smiled, the reins in his hands remained the same, but the wheels under his feet were getting faster and faster!

"Drive faster, this carriage will fall apart!"

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