The guard threw back the gold coins in his hand, blocked Miss Lungobier with a look of anger, and reached back to check her identity!

"You can take this money for a drink!"

Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand, took out a small bag of gold coins, and looked lazily at the guard in front of him!

"Wow! You are the Duke!"

The guard pretended to look at Ye Luna in surprise, reached out and shook the bag in his hand, and immediately changed his face.

"I really don't know Mount Tai, so you are the master, please, I'll let you know! Come and rest under the pavilion here! You have an appointment with the princess! We will inform you immediately, today I'll let you meet the princess!"

"I really didn't expect it. I thought that the more backward places, this kind of atmosphere is more and more extreme. It turns out that Her Royal Highness is the same here!"

Siska looked at the crowd lined up in front of him with some Shi Shiran, and many low-level nobles who could not pay were directly beaten away by the guards!

"The world is not about to change, it can only be changed little by little. Any excesses may lead to even more terrifying destruction!"

Ye Yueshen sat quietly under the pavilion, looked at the crowd in front of him and said:

"Originally, everyone is only concerned with how much money they spend. You can earn more if you have less money, but once there is a turmoil, in fact, these civilians are the first to lose their lives!"

"Did you speak to me?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna unhappy.


Before the Yeyue Myth was finished, I saw the guards who had just entered to report suddenly rushed out of the palace gate, and after performing a dog eating shit in front of Yeyue God, he was shocked and scared and put the money bag in his hand. Handing it over to Yeyueshen, out of breath, he said:

"Sir, adults and children really have eyes and don't know Mount Tai. You have a lot of adults. Forgive the little one this time! This sister, I really didn't mean it!"

"Don't worry, I don't care about these little things, it's not easy for you to stand guard!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the guard in front of him lightly, then pointed at the palace gate and said:

"Can I go in?"

"Of course, of course!"

The guard answered without hesitation, and then took Yeyue Shen through the palace gate and came to the palace where the princess was.

Chapter [-] Public accusation

"Please wait a moment, the princess is meeting foreign envoys at this time!"

An official came out of the palace and said to Ye Yueshen.

"There has to be a place for us to wait, right? It's not hospitality to stand here!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the official in front of him calmly. After this guy came out and looked at himself with his nostrils, Ye Yueshen had already made up his mind to give this guy three points of color.

"What? You are just a duke of the kingdom. How can you provide you with a place to rest? There has never been such a thing, please stand!"

The official glanced at Yeyueshen with contempt, and followed him into the palace with his entourage!

"What are you laughing at? Do you think I'm not qualified?"

Ye Yueshen glanced coldly at the surrounding attendants, and then walked up with Miss Lungobier.

"You can't go in! This is the princess's palace! You can't go in without the princess' order!"

The guard at the door blocked Ye Yueshen's path with the sword in his hand and yelled loudly.

"It seems that you guys are too low-minded when you see people!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at the guard with cold eyes, and then shouted loudly at the inside:

"Me! Dean of Torristin Magic Academy, please see Princess Princess!"

"Is that the Principal?"

A familiar voice came, and the guard at the door lowered his head all of a sudden!

"Yes, my dear princess!"

Ye Yueshen looked up and smiled at the princess on the steps!

"Lord Messenger, look, I'm very busy, please come back tomorrow!"

The princess smiled and said to a potbellied guy next to her, and then let Ye Yueshen follow her into her palace!

"Don't make a mistake here!"

Miss Lungobi hurriedly reminded Luna in the ear of Luna.

"Don't worry, I know where this place is!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and then gave the princess a standard kiss.

"Master Principal, after I left, was the secretary forced to practice etiquette?"

The princess looked at Yeyueshen with a smile, and then let Yeyueshen sit under her.

"That's not true, I'm still very smart, I'll know it as soon as I learn it!"

Ye Yueshen replied with a smile, and then glanced at the people around him, his face became cold!

"Princess, please invite these irrelevant guys out. The purpose of my coming here, the princess should be very clear!"

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