"Presumptuous, how did you speak to the princess?"

The officials who clashed with Yeyueshen just now stood up and pointed at Yeyueshen's nose and yelled loudly!

"It's you, the irrelevant guy!"

Ye Yueshen glanced coldly at the officials in front of him, with a disdainful face!

"You go first! The principal is a distinguished guest!"

The princess said calmly, as if she didn't see her subordinates, her face was extremely ugly!

"Your subordinates, let your image be very bad in front of everyone!"

Ye Yueshen looked at these people and left angrily, and said very directly.

"How to say?"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, and seemed very surprised.

"Did you know? These are the people who not only openly demanded bribes from those who came to visit outside the palace gate, but also wanted to use carrots and sticks to borrow your authority and strengthen their majesty!"

Ye Yueshen said rudely, and even the guards at the door gritted their teeth secretly.

"Really? I really didn't know this would happen!"

The princess looked at Yeyueshen in disbelief, as if she felt that what Yeyueshen said contained prejudice.

"Take me as an example!"

Ye Yueshen didn't seem to see the embarrassment of the princess, and said directly:

"When we first came, if I hadn't given the palace guard a bag of gold, I would not be able to see you until tomorrow, and after your order was conveyed, the lovely minister scared the palace guard half to death. Then after I came, you dared to look at me with your nose, it was rude to the extreme! I really don’t know if this is weakening your position in the hearts of the people?”

Ye Yueshen said while drinking tea, every time he said something, the princess's face became ugly!

"He's talking nonsense!"

A loud roar came, and the official who had just left rushed in, pointed at Yeyueshen and said to the princess:

"You were meeting the envoy just now. How could we let him in? He even asked us to provide a place for them to rest. How could we agree to such conditions?"

"See it! Princess Princess!"

Yeyueshen stood up and looked at the officials in front of him playfully, and said lightly:

"The so-called departure of these people is just to monitor you. You are very clear about the purpose of my visit. If I say a few bad things, they can hear them. If I talk about the things you care about most, they will not How about the news spread to every corner of the capital?"

"Get out! The farther away the better!"

The princess was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, squinting at the officials in front of her and giving orders!

"Uh, the princess..."

I didn't expect that the princess who had been serving him for so many years would say such a thing to him, the official was obviously a little surprised!

"What nonsense! Didn't you hear what I said? It seems that I usually treat you with too much respect!"

The princess said angrily.

"Yes yes yes! Go, all hurry up!"

The official was startled, and hurriedly left with his subordinates, but when he left, the eyes that looked at Ye Yueshen were already vicious!

"I'm furious!"

The princess patted her chest and seemed to be very angry.

"You rarely get angry, do you?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Princess Princess apologetically.

"Yeah, this is the first time since I was a child!"

The princess said while drinking tea, the blush on her face has not dissipated!

"Then you may get angry a lot in the future!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess with some playfulness, and then stretched out his hand to take out the Staff of Destruction in Siska's hand!

"this is……"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen curiously. To be honest, she had never seen the Rod of Destruction.

"This is the Rod of Destruction, and we have brought it back! The accusation you are now carrying can be washed away!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and looked at the princess with a confident look on his face!

"Really? Thank you so much!"

The princess looked at the Rod of Destruction in Yeyueshen's hand, and tears even appeared in the corners of her happy eyes.

Chapter [-] Identity Confirmation

"Don't get excited, princess!"

Yeyueshen saw the tears in the corner of the princess's eyes, and hurried up to wipe the eyes of the princess with the handkerchief that appeared in his hand at some point.

"Uh, thank you!"

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