Unexpectedly, Ye Yueshen could be so gentle, Princess Princess awkwardly held the handkerchief, suddenly not knowing what to say.

"you are welcome!"

Ye Yueshen said, returned to his position, and then looked at the princess eagerly and said:

"Is it convenient to speak now?"

"Uh... what are you going to say?"

The princess looked at Yeyueshen in amazement, not knowing what else Yeyueshen had other than the Scepter of Destruction.

"Can I see Her Lady Queen once?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess eagerly.

"Uh... This is not very good. My mother has been in poor health because of the death of my father. If you have nothing special, it is best not to disturb your mother's rest!"

Princess Princess looked at Ye Yueshen apologetically, but her tone was firm.

"Of course there is something special..."

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess helplessly, then thought about it, and said:

"Actually, it's not impossible to tell the princess about this matter, but this matter is rather bizarre, so you..."

"Come with me!"

The princess glanced at Yeyueshen curiously, then got up and took Yeyueshen to the back garden.

"There should be no eyeliner in this place!"

The princess brought Ye Yueshen to a Huxin Pavilion and reminded softly.

"I'm going to check it out!"

Ye Yueshen said cautiously, and then swept the magic wand in his hand around the surroundings, followed by a lot of bubbles on the lake.

"It seems that this is not the safest place!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, and easily removed all the familiars lurking at the bottom of the water.

"Well, I didn't expect this place to have so many eyeliners, tell me!"

The princess nodded slightly, then looked at Ye Yueshen curiously and said:

"What is it that makes you so cautious? You are not like this in my memory!"

"Haha, that's because my previous status was relatively aloof!"

Night Moon God smiled and said:

"But now, I want you to listen carefully, quietly, without making any noise, without any discussion."

"No problem, I am still very willing to listen! Especially among friends!"

The princess said with a smile, biting the word "friend" very hard.

"OK, thank you."

Ye Yueshen nodded, and then took out a yellowish appointment letter from his pocket.

"This thing is the appointment letter signed by you and your mother. I don't want to dwell on the details. I just want to say, I'm not from this world, I'm from another world, although I don't know why I came to this world, but I Think, I came into this world with a mission and at first I thought the people I needed were there for me, but as time went on I found it seemed like you were the one I wanted to help, because only you can put I became the headmaster of the Magic Academy the moment I was summoned, but the last time we met, you didn't show any hints to me, so I think your mother should be the one who called me to this world, so , I've always been here to confirm!"

Ye Yueshen stared at the princess and finished speaking, and then fell into silence, and the princess was also lost by Ye Yueshen's words, and the two people at the Lake Heart Pavilion fell into silence.

"I still can't believe everything you said, so..."

"Lord Princess, Lord Princess, the Queen summons Lord Principal!"

A long whistle came, Yeyueshen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, needless to say, his arrival has a great relationship with the queen!

"go together!"

The princess also gave Yeyueshen a surprised look, and then brought Yeyueshen to her mother's room.

"Are you all right?"

As soon as the princess came in, she held her mother's hand!

"I'm fine, I heard that the principal is here?"

The queen glanced at her daughter weakly, and then asked Ye Yueshen.

"Here I am, my dear queen!"

Yeyueshen said softly, here, Yeyueshen is in the same uneasy mood as the princess. If the queen just thinks she wants to see the new headmaster, then Yeyueshen will be embarrassed!

"It's you, you are indeed young. Thank you for your hard work!"

The Queen's words directly cooled Ye Yueshen's heart.

"Am I really thinking wrong?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the queen in surprise, but Ye Yueshen didn't feel the coldness of the queen's hands.

"You know all about it, right?"

The queen looked at Ye Yueshen calmly, her eyes full of anticipation.

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