"Oh, I'm here to tell you that I'll be back at the Magic Academy early tomorrow, so you don't need to spend a lot of time, so I'm here to remind you, that's all!"

After Ye Luna finished speaking, he stood up, said goodbye to the Duke of Sri Clarence, drove his carriage, and returned to the inn where he was staying. At this time, the Duke of Sri Clarence was blue-faced. All the people who had been placed in Yeyueshen's residence were recalled, and one person was rewarded with ten whips.

"The moonlight in the capital is always so dim!"

The Duke of Sri Lanka sat in his back garden with his nephew, watching the moonlight, but did not sleep.

"Uncle, what are you doing here on that crazy night today? Did you come to trouble me?"

Lord Pabley asked curiously, completely unaware that his uncle was already burning with anger at this time.

"You still have a face... Forget it, it's my idea to let you do this, I don't blame you!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence was about to swear when he opened his mouth, but he still endured it and let his nephew accompany him to continue to appreciate the moon, and after the night moon god returned to his residence, after saying hello to Miss Lungobier, he was alone. After a rest, Ye Luna, who rarely has time to sleep peacefully, finds for the first time that his body and mind are so relaxed, that everyone he likes is safe, and that his mission is almost understood!

Just when Yeyueshen felt that everything around him was calm, several girls were riding the wind, just because their parents had summoned them...

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three Days

"Siska is still up so early!"

Ye Yueshen stretched out against the windowsill, and when he saw that Siska was already cleaning, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"You got up early too, Principal!"

Siska smirked at Ye Luna and said that Miss Lungobier had already brought the food up from below.

"Let me come, how could Miss Lungobier do such a thing?"

Siska hurriedly stood up and said.

"Go out and take care of each other. Besides, you are no longer a maid, but the life secretary of the principal. The waiters here will do these little things, so why bother?"

Miss Lungobier said to Siska a little puzzled as she put the food on the table.

"I'm used to it! Miss Lungobier, don't take offense!"

After Siska finished speaking, she wiped her hands and set the tableware of the Night Moon God.

"Sit down and eat together, we are all our own!"

Ye Yueshen's stomach smiled at the two beauties, and then sat down to enjoy this sumptuous breakfast.

"Excuse me, is the headmaster of the Magic Academy here?"

A hurried knock on the door interrupted Luna's breakfast, Miss Lungobiel shook her head with a smile, and went to open the door.

"Master Principal! How are you doing here?"

As soon as she came in, Louise wrapped her arms around Ye Yueshen's neck and looked at Ye Yueshen intimately.

"It's really close to the headmaster, how to do this!"

Momo Langxi's voice also followed, and Ye Yueshen was a little surprised.

"How did you two get here? Did you come here overnight?"

"Of course! Don't you know? Today is the time when the three-day period that the princess said is coming. We are going to see how the princess used the rod of destruction to scold those shameless ministers! So here we are! "

Momo Langxi said with a proud face, as if he came so righteously!

"Have you taken leave with Mr. Colbert?"

Ye Yueshen looked at his two students suspiciously, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Uh... this, when we got the notice, it was already very late, so..."

Louise looked at Ye Yueshen apologetically, her face a little ashamed, but Momo Langxi responded quickly and said directly:

"Didn't we come here in person to ask for leave for you, the principal?"

"...Who believes this..."

Ye Yueshen shook his head helplessly, and then asked Louise:

"Have you eaten breakfast? If you haven't, let's eat together!"


Louise and Momorancy quickly occupied the positions of Miss Lungobier and Siska, and sat down to eat like crazy!

"You two!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head helplessly. At this time, members of the royal family had come to report to Ye Yueshen, asking him to attend the court meeting today.

"It seems that at today's meeting, some people's faces will be ugly!"

Yeyueshen smiled slightly, and then went out with Louise and Momolangxi, who had already eaten and cooperated. Although Yeyueshen really wanted to bring Miss Lungobier and Siska, it was better to think about it. , On this occasion, letting the two of them go is just standing there.

"Please! This is your stop!"

The officials at the entrance had a much better attitude towards Yeyueshen, and pointed out very carefully. Although Yeyueshen's title was only honorary, it was still in the front. The only embarrassing thing was that Yeyueshen looked like a miraculous in front of everyone. Like the species, they don't know how this young guy put on the duke's costume.

Momo Langxi and Louise had been taken away by their father, and Ye Yueshen also felt a little bored. While everyone was chatting, he sat directly on the stone lion in front of the palace gate, waiting for the meeting!

"That person! What about you, how can you sit on this! Come down!"

A guy who seemed to be of very low rank suddenly appeared in front of Ye Yueshen, pointed at Ye Yueshen's face and raised his voice.

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