"Do you need to take care of where I sit? How old are you! Get out!"

Yeyueshen is bored. When he sees a fly with no eyes, he certainly doesn't need to consider giving face. Of course, Yeyueshen doesn't give face even if he sees a high-grade person.

"I'm a counselor! You have the function of supervising these nobles, but you dare to scold me, you want to discredit your family!"

The official who was scolded by Yeyueshen's face turned blue and white for a while. After threatening Yeyueshen, seeing Yeyueshen still looking at himself with his nostrils, he put a piece of parchment on the ground in front of everyone. , and start writing with the quill in your hand.


Yeyueshen glanced at the officials below with disdain, and then continued to sit on the stone lion to watch the brilliant sunrise. At this time, in the crowd, an old man looked at Yeyueshen with great interest, and his doubts deepened. .

"Is this guy a brainless person, or is the background hard enough? How can he do such a thing at such a time?"

While thinking, the old man stood silently in the crowd, as if he hadn't seen all this. Not long after, a guy who looked polite came out, glanced at Yeyueshen in surprise, and then informed everyone that they could go in. !

"Your efficiency is really low! If I knew it would take so long, I'll come back later!"

Yeyueshen complained to the servants beside him, and entered the magnificent palace. According to the station order that he remembered before, he found the position and stood up!

"Everyone, my father passed away early, and my mother is in poor health. Today, I am here to preside over this meeting. Do you have anything to say?"

The princess tried her best to say solemn words in a sweet voice, which made Yeyueshen smile in her heart, but she still kept her calm face.

"My minister, advise Officer Richard Bergman to impeach someone!"

The guy who had just had a quarrel with Yeyueshen, just after the princess had finished speaking, rushed out impatiently, pointed at Yeyueshen and said:

"He, that's him! To dare to sit on the stone lion that the late king loved in public is disrespectful. I ask you to revoke this insignificant honorary duke from his title and punish him severely!"

Bergman looked at Ye Luna with a grin, and angrily proposed to the princess.

"Is there any certification?"

Princess Princess glanced at Ye Yueshen, who was calm and calm, and asked slowly.

"Yes, of course! Everyone has seen it!"

Bergman looked at the princess with an exaggerated expression, then jumped his feet and pointed at everyone around him and shouted loudly.

"Stand up and let me see?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Bergman with disdain and said slowly...

Chapter one hundred and thirty-one confrontation in the court

"...you, you..."

Seeing that the surrounding princes and nobles pretended not to hear it, stood still, and the officials who came out to find fault pointed at their colleagues, unable to say anything, and at the same time was secretly surprised in their hearts, Ye Yueshen's origin.

"Since there is no witness, it is considered slander, right?"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen with a smile on her face, and suddenly felt that this official was so stupid and naive.

"No! It's definitely not like this! Everyone was probably busy at the time, so I didn't see it, but the guards on duty outside saw it clearly. The princess can let them come in and testify!"

Kneeling down on one knee in front of the princess, the official still had a bit of an urge to bite!

"Well, let the guards outside come in for two!"

The princess nodded in agreement, and the officials who got the news quickly went out to find two honest-looking guards, brought them in and said:

"Tell you two, did this duke sit on the stone lion that the late king loved just now? Even if it's true, if something happens, I'll bear it for you!"

"I don't know if the adults can protect themselves, but they dare to say that they are burdened by others?"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly and glanced at the two guards.

"Don't listen to this guy's nonsense, he is the one who can't protect himself! You two just tell the truth!"

"The two of us didn't see the duke sitting on top of the stone lion? It's your lord, who is making a lot of noise in front of everyone and embarrassing the duke who hasn't come here very often. Isn't it a bit too much?"

The guard who was glanced at by Ye Yueshen said innocently.

"You...you two are talking nonsense with your eyes open. Could it be that such a big man is sitting on top of the stone lion, can't you two guards see it? How can you protect the safety of the royal family like this?"

The official whose beard was raised by the words of the two guards directly grabbed the collar of the man who said Hana, with a grim expression on his face.

"...Sir, you are fighting in the court like this, and it can be regarded as a capital crime!"

The guard who was grabbed by the collar was not in a hurry, but what he said was enough to make one's heart feel cold.

"Uh, you two dog slaves! Go away!"

The half-dead official released his hand and directly drove the two guards out. As soon as he turned around, he saw the princess looking at him indifferently.

"Have you had enough trouble? Suggestion, Mr. Guan?"

"Uh, I'm definitely not fooling around, I really saw it with my own eyes! I saw it with my own eyes!"

He was terrified by the stare of the princess, but the counselor still did not see that the princess was protecting Ye Yueshen, and it was considered that he showed his emotional intelligence to the fullest.

"So, the princes and ministers present are all blind, are you the only one who can see clearly?"

The majestic tone of the princess made the meddling counselor fall to the ground in fright. It was also at this time that Ye Yueshen came out to show his generosity.

"Master Princess!"

Ye Yueshen came out and saluted the princess and said:

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