Yeyueshen stood there, thinking and looking at the princess.

"Above the courtroom, don't make noise!"

Stopping the laughter of the servants, the princess said to Ye Yueshen with a black line on her face:

"Duke Dedris was given the privilege of not bowing to the lower hall, not kneeling, and being able to ride horses in the palace by his father, so you don't need to salute when you see me."

"Is that so?"

Ye Yueshen smiled unhappily, then rolled his eyes, and hurriedly said before these ministers laughed at him:

"Then it seems that the late king is going to regret it!"

"Boy! What do you mean by that?"

Duke Dedris looked at Moon God fiercely and asked:

"Do you want to challenge the rules set by the previous king?"

"May I ask the previous king to set these rules and give you these privileges for what purpose?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Duke Dedris with disapproval, and there was no feeling of surrender in his eyes!

"Of course it is for the stability of the country and the continuation of the Toristine royal family!"

Duke Dedris answered as a matter of course, followed by a trace of sarcasm in his eyes:

"The purpose of these rules is really difficult to understand for some people who don't know these rules at all!"

"No! It's definitely not difficult to understand!"

Ye Luna stretched out his hand to interrupt the ridicule of his colleagues, looked at Duke Dedris formally and said:

"Since the previous king's purpose is these, then I give you these honors to protect the Torristine royal family, not to make you embarrass your daughter in front of so many ministers!"

Ye Yueshen said more and more voices, and the more he said, the more embarrassed the expression on his face, he pointed directly at the ceiling and yelled at Duke Dedris who was restrained by Ye Yueshen:

"It's not that you are here to be used as a gunman to challenge the authority of the royal family, is it not that you are here to show your glory by relying on the old and betraying the old? Ah! My esteemed Duke Dedries!"


The sharpness in Duke Dedris's eyes disappeared, replaced by some kind of inner panic.

"Master Princess! I really didn't expect to embarrass you!"

Duke Dedris hurriedly knelt on the ground and said:

"I...I am..."

"You're just afraid that I can't carry the burden of this country, aren't you?"

The Princess glanced at Ye Luna with a grateful face, and then said gently to Duke Dedris:

"I know that you are concerned about this country and our royal family. I know that your encouragement to me was done to make me a qualified king. You are the most responsible person in this country!"

Saying that, Lord Fairness waved to the attendant behind him, and one of them hurriedly brought the box containing the Rod of Destruction that had been prepared!

"This is the Rod of Destruction that was brought to me by the Principal yesterday afternoon and was retrieved by the students of the Magic Academy. You are the one who has seen the Rod of Destruction. I just want you to see it today. not real!"

"Oh? So fast?"

Duke Dedris glanced at Ye Luna, who was smiling beside him, in surprise, and hurriedly picked up the Rod of Destruction, and let him put his hand into the Rod of Destruction!

"Yes, it's absolutely true!"

The old man said in surprise:

It was this magical pattern that we couldn't imitate back then, and now it's still the same touch, the same touch!Princess Princess, you are really a lucky person, and you can get it within three days if you get it within three days! "

As the old man spoke, he held the envelope in his hand.

"I'm really dizzy and confused! I'm really questioning you, I'm sorry, this envelope, I tore it clean!"

"do not!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly stopped the old man and said enthusiastically:

"This is the proof of the feat of the princess. How can you tear it up? You should always show it to your colleagues and friends, and tell them that our princess's words are absolutely counted!"

"That's right! You're right!"

Duke Dedris was amused by the night moon god. The ministers behind him watched this scene of joy and happiness, and they all tried to find out if it was true. The three of them were tit-for-tat just now. Mars is about to hit the earth, and it looks like three generations of grandparents are sharing a family together!

"By the way, the princess said just now that this rod of destruction was found by your students?"

Duke Dedris looked at Ye Luna with a look of surprise and asked.

"Yeah, I found it the morning before yesterday, and I sent it over yesterday after a day's journey!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the old man calmly, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said:

"A classmate who participated in the operation at the time also came to the capital this morning. Would you like her to come and talk to your elders?"

"Okay, the hero is a teenager, let me see which noble family's child it is, and I also let her enter the Imperial Legion!"

The old man said this casually, and those who brought their children to beat the nobles have speculated that whose children are so powerful!

"It seems to be the third lady of Barry's family, Louise!"

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