Because Miss Lungobier was turned away, Luna couldn't remember what Louise's full name was when she fell to the ground!

"The Barriere family? Isn't that my brother's family?"

When the old man heard Ye Yueshen say this, he became excited and shouted directly to the square outside:

"Brother Dylan! Brother Dylan! Are your three girls here?"

"Yes, my uncle!"

Brother Dylan, who is not qualified to enter the palace with these high-ranking people, has a relatively high position among the ministers outside, and suddenly heard his eventful uncle calling him!

"Come in! Let me see the star of hope of our family!"

The old man's tears of excitement were about to fall. After a while, a fat looking guy with a thick beard on his mouth brought Louise to the palace.

Chapter [-]: Timely response

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow!"

Louise, who was complimented by Ye Yueshen in front of her father, made an agreement with the princess, and was brought back to her place by her father. If the meeting was all this warm and happy If you spend it under the circumstance, then it will lose its real function!

"Do you have anything else to do?"

After the princess coaxed Duke Dedris, she continued to return to the high platform with a solemn expression.

"I request the princess to decide the time of enthronement as soon as possible!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence, who had never stood up, brought the relaxed atmosphere down to freezing point with just one sentence.


Lord Pabley, who was standing beside the Duke of Sri Clarence, had just stood up to stop him, but was stunned by his uncle's red eyes.

"Uh, do you have any comments?"

The matter is about herself, but the princess didn't want to say anything more, and directly kicked the ball to the ministers below.

"The princess is kind, virtuous, resolute and decisive, and even the Duke of Dedris is convinced, and everyone must have no opinion!"

The Duke of Sri Kerrence said respectfully, just after he finished speaking, a large number of ministers behind him were like soldiers who had heard orders. Ye Yueshen, who didn't react between them, was not faithful enough!

"Do you have any comments, Principal?"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen nervously, as if she had misunderstood him.

"Support, I agree with the princess's enthronement with both hands!"

Ye Yueshen replied with a relaxed expression, and then asked the Duke of Sri Clarence who took the lead on his knees:

"When is it better for the princess to ascend the throne?"

"Of's better for everyone to discuss this together!"

He was almost forced by Yeyueshen to take things seriously, but the Duke of Sri Clarence still reacted and gave Yeyueshen an ambiguous answer!

"Since everyone has not discussed when the princess will be enthroned, what are you asking for now?"

Ye Yueshen shook his head and looked at the ministers who were kneeling neatly.

"As soon as my father died, I ascended the throne. This is incompatible with human relations. I hope you will forgive me!"

The princess also answered very wisely, and then let these wallflowers get up one by one!

"Do you have anything else to do? If not, today's morning meeting will be here, and the next meeting will be held in ten days!"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen with some fear, and said hurriedly to the ministers.

"If not, let's go!"

After the princess patted her chest, she left the palace under the leadership of her valet.

"You are smart!"

After the princess left, the Duke of Sri Clarence glanced at Ye Moon God with some resentment, and then left the palace with his gang of lackeys, while Ye Moon God glanced at the seat in the hall with great interest. Chair, how many people dream of getting that position!

"Master Principal, please stay!"

After a while, a hurried voice came from behind the palace, Ye Yueshen smiled and said directly to the visitor:

"I didn't leave, tell me, when will the princess let me in?"

"Uh, go in now! Princess Princess said to thank you in person!"

The visitor looked at Ye Yueshen respectfully, and his attitude was much better than the guy who looked down on people yesterday.

"Can you bring my secretary?"

Yeyueshen looked at the person very leisurely, as if the one who summoned him was not a princess, but a businessman.

"Of course! You are a distinguished guest!"

The visitor said very friendly, and then seeing that Ye Yueshen didn't say much, he hurriedly said:

"I'm going to tell the princess, please hurry up!"


Yeyueshen nodded in satisfaction, then went out to bring his two secretaries by his side, swaggeringly walked into the palace under the watchful eyes of the ministers, and ran towards the princess's palace.

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