At the same time, Lord Pabley was whispering in his uncle's ear.

"What are you talking about? Uncle, Gao Fengliangjie took the initiative to ask the princess to take the throne, but it was rejected. If it spreads out, it would be very embarrassing!"

"You haven't lost enough people to me?"

The Duke of Sri Clarence got into his carriage with a displeased expression, and then kicked his nephew who was following behind him to the ground!

"Come and talk to me when you have a brain!"

After leaving these words, the Duke of Sri Clarence walked away, causing the ministers behind him to start discussing in surprise.

"Hey! Old man! Tell me why my uncle is angry with me?"

Patting the dust on his body, Lord Pabuli grabbed a clear-looking guy from the crowd and asked carelessly.

"He is your uncle, you can't even tell, how can I tell?"

The visitor said timidly, his eyes erratic, but he didn't tell Lord Pabley the reason.

"Useless guy! I don't know what the uncle sees you weak scholars, and he respects you so much! I want to tell you..."

Swallowing the remaining half of his sentence, Duke Pabuli finally realized that he was speaking in front of the gate of the palace, covered his mouth and ran away!

"If the good things of the duke are yellow, it must be the fault of this kid!"

The old man who was insulted by Lord Pabley looked at the distance and said quietly, while the colleagues behind him nodded silently in their hearts, and then went home.

At this time, Yeyueshen has brought his secretaries into the princess's room again. The few domineering guys I saw yesterday have long since disappeared, replaced by many friendly servants. Make Ye Yueshen very satisfied.

"Are you used to living here?"

The princess put the fruit in front of Yeyueshen and asked Yeyueshen with concern.

"I have a good time with the princess, otherwise, how can I shut up two annoying flies today?"

Ye Yueshen walked on the sofa and looked at the princess with confidence.

"Yeah, that's what I said. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You don't know that these two guys didn't have any trouble finding fault with me during my custody of the country, and now it's even worse! As a result, you came here once, just like that. I solved the two of them for me, one soft and one hard, what a good way!"

The princess admired from the bottom of her heart, making the two secretaries who did not have a court meeting listen in a fog.

"Actually, the advice officer is a good person, but he just put it in the wrong place!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess and said faintly...

Chapter [-] Reason

"Why do you say that?"

The princess looked curiously at Yeyueshen. In her impression, Yeyueshen was a guy who would pay his bills, for example, to Judge Hubrus.

"Because when you ordered him to be expelled, this guy didn't cry out or beg for mercy, so it can be seen that he has a bit of backbone. Since the life of the nobles is so luxurious, shouldn't we find a few people to cause trouble for them? "

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess very proudly, but the princess didn't think so.

"Your idea is very good, but it is very difficult to operate!"

The princess said with some embarrassment:

"Our purpose is good, but firstly, it will definitely anger the nobles, and there will definitely be fewer people who support me. This is my selfishness. Second, it will definitely require a series of laws to do so. Ah, the laws and regulations, otherwise, those people who go to supervise the nobles will not be able to act indiscriminately. The third is that these people must have official positions. It does not mean that we have added an agency. The royal family has not much money. There's going to be a tax hike, so..."

"Uh, it's not enough that this trivial matter affects the whole body. Then give him an honorary title and let him supervise it temporarily. In this case, it can be regarded as making the best use of people!"

Ye Yueshen nodded helplessly, then put aside the topic and asked the princess curiously:

"What kind of character is that Duke of Sri Clarence, who can scare the officials like that!"

"You said this, and I was just about to thank you!"

When the princess heard this, she quickly stood up and bowed to Ye Yueshen.

"I can't, I can't, I only discovered this invisible conspiracy after turning my mind!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly helped the princess up and said modestly.

"If it wasn't for you to find out in time, I would have recklessly agreed. In that case, these people would have slandered me and disrespected my father. Then they would have even more reason to oppose me!"

The princess said very frightened.

"Actually, it's not that dangerous, but their minds are really heavy, you should be careful!"

Ye Yueshen said calmly while eating the fruit.

"Yeah, so I really feel safe here with you, can you stay here forever?"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen with some excitement and said.

"Uh, this shouldn't be necessary..."

Thinking about his friends, Yeyueshen was cruel, yet he still rejected the princess!

"Well, that's it..."

I didn't expect Ye Yueshen to be so resolute, and Princess Princess couldn't accept it for a while.

"Don't worry, as long as you need me, I will be by your side!"

Ye Yueshen smiled at the princess, then stretched out his hand and said to the princess:

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