"The ring on your hand shouldn't be a wedding ring, right?"

"When...of course not!"

The princess suddenly blushed when Ye Yueshen asked about this.

"Then let me take a look at it!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess very calmly and said.

"Well, okay!"

After thinking for a while, Lord Fairy still took off the ring and gave it to Ye Yueshen with a distressed look on his face.

"Don't worry, I won't throw this thing away!"

Ye Yueshen chuckled lightly, and then tapped the ring with his hand lightly. When a small turquoise hole appeared on it, Ye Yueshen returned the ring to the princess.

"When the color on this turns red, you can call me!"

Ye Yueshen pointed at Xiao Kong and said seriously to the princess.

"Really? It's so amazing, when the time comes, can I summon you like a demon?"

Under the excitement of the princess, she became a little speechless.

"That's right..."

Glancing at Miss Lungobier who was chuckling behind him, Ye Luna could only nod silently to the princess.

"Really? That's great! Don't worry, I must... by the way, how can I turn this hole red?"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen curiously.

"Just take a bite!"

Ye Yueshen said casually.

"It's so simple! Come on, let me try!"

As soon as the princess heard it, she became very playful and took a bite at the ring on her hand!

"Hey! Look, it's really turning red!"

"Of course, the secret note I made, how can it be useless?"

Ye Yueshen thought silently, and after chatting casually with Princess Princess, he got up and planned to leave...

"Are you going back to the Magic Academy now?"

The princess asked curiously when she saw Ye Yueshen get up.

"Of course, we don't have anything to do in the capital. It's better to go back and do our job well, don't you think, Miss Lungobier?"

Ye Luna stood up and stretched, and looked at Miss Lungobier with a smirk.

"Yes, Principal!"

Miss Lungobier answered calmly, but not so calmly.

"Bastard! I have a lot of work left, how can it become your work! You always kill time waiting for school!"

"Uh, in this case, you can send your secretary to go back to deal with it first. It just so happens that I have nothing to do these days, so I can show you the beauty of the capital!"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen with some regret, and the meaning of retention was very clear.

"As far as I know, the princess should rarely go out, right? If you can take me to see the beauty of the capital, then it's no surprise that the whole city will be under martial law, right?"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, he saluted the princess and said apologetically:

"I appreciate the kindness of the princess, but there are indeed a lot of things in the school that I need to deal with, so..."

"Then I won't bother you!"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen a little unwillingly, and after thinking about it, let Ye Yueshen go back.

"Master Principal is really kind to Miss Tabatha, and she doesn't want to leave Miss Tabatha for a day!"

Miss Lungobier, who was walking in front, complained jealously to Siska who was traveling with her.

"Lord Principal may be the Magic Academy at heart. Is it too early for Miss Lungobier to draw such a conclusion?"

Siska was still loyal to Luna, and she didn't have what happened to Miss Lungobier.

"What did you two say?"

Ye Luna, who was walking around in the palace, instinctively felt that the two secretaries in front were talking about themselves.

"We didn't say anything..."

Siska turned back and looked at Ye Luna with an innocent face.But it made Ye Yueshen even more suspicious...

Chapter [-] Ideas


After Ye Yueshen heard the name, he was stunned for a moment, and said to Miss Lungobier:

"You take Siska back to school first, and I'm going to have a good chat with Princess Princess!"

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