"Are you going to..."

Miss Lungobier suddenly remembered something, and was about to dissuade Ye Yueshen, but saw Ye Yueshen nodded directly and said:

"That's right, you're right. I'm going to tell the princess about that matter. Although the princess's situation is not very stable now, I still want to mention it to the princess!"

"Well, since you've made up your mind, I have nothing to say!"

Seeing that Luna was so determined, Miss Lungobi left the palace with the unknown Siska. After returning to her residence, she packed her things and drove the carriage away from the capital.

"Have you changed your mind?"

The princess was still very excited to see Yeyueshen come back.

"Forget it, I just remembered that I forgot to tell you something very important!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the people beside the princess, lowered his head and said nothing.

"You wait here, I and the principal will come as soon as we go!"

After the princess finished her instructions, she brought Ye Yueshen to the Huxin Pavilion at the back.

"Tell me, what important thing should be kept secret like this?"

The princess looked at Ye Yueshen with a curious expression, she really felt that this god from another world was too mysterious, and she was shocked every time.

"Actually, this is my personal request. You don't have to consider my feelings if you agree or disagree!"

Ye Yueshen first reminded the prerequisites, and then said solemnly:

"Actually, it's very simple. It's one of my students. She's an international student, which is the girl whose familiar is a flying dragon. Her background..."

"You don't need to say anything!"

The princess decisively interrupted Ye Yueshen's words and said directly:

"The one who sent her here to school, her uncle, the King of Goliath, we have always had a good relationship with him, so if you plan to expel her, I definitely can't agree!"

Lord Fairy looked at Ye Yueshen seriously.

"Where did you think of going?"

Yeyueshen looked at the princess with a black line on his head, admiring her imagination for the first time, chuckled lightly, and continued to say in a serious tone:

"It's like this, Tabasa's father is the younger brother of King Goliath, his death is very suspicious, and then Tabasa's mother was unfortunately poisoned, so I don't think this King Goliath deserves to be A king!"

"Um, do you mean, let me, or let Torristine declare war with King Goliath?"

Princess Bingxue is smart and guessed Ye Yueshen's thoughts at once.

"It's true, Princess!"

Ye Yueshen knelt down on one knee in front of the princess, and looked at this titular leader with a pious face.

"No way! Now Torristin has more than enough to protect himself, but if he wants to attack other countries, the result is hard to say!"

The princess thought for a while, but still rejected Ye Yueshen.

"I don't ask to attack now, I'm just afraid that Torristin and King Goliath will form an alliance. When I want to take action, it will not be ordinary difficult!"

Yeyueshen looked at the princess very sincerely. When she learned that Torristin was like this now, Yeyueshen didn't expect the princess to agree to attack other countries.

"Okay, although King Goliath still supports me, I'm not ashamed of what he did, don't worry!"

The princess readily agreed to Yeyueshen's bottom line. After thinking about it for a while, she still said:

"Actually, you can hug your student through unofficial means!"

"In what way?"

Ye Yueshen's darkened eyes suddenly lit up, if there was another way, he wouldn't have to embarrass the princess!

"Mercenary, you can form a mercenary army to help Tabasa regain the throne. This is all allowed. Don't worry, I will provide all help, of course, it is informal!"

"In private, in private, and informally, human vocabulary is really interesting!"

Ye Yueshen chuckled in his heart, but still gratefully said to the princess:

"With your guidance, I will understand, don't worry, I will not drag you and Torristin!"

"That's good!"

When Lord Fairy saw Yeyueshen's grateful eyes towards him, he was also happy in his heart. It is a proud thing for a god to be grateful to him as a leader of mortals!

"If you need, I can send you something at night, I believe it will be helpful to you!"

The princess smiled at Yeyueshen, and was about to communicate with Yeyueshen a lot when a guard rushed over in a very ignorant way!

"Report to the princess! The ministers of the Three Kingdoms have been waiting outside for almost an hour. They said that if you don't summon them again, it will be a violation of international conventions!"

"Got it! I'll go right now!"

The princess said, nodded to Yeyueshen, followed by the guards and ran back quickly, diplomatic affairs are the biggest task of the princess!

"This is a busy world!"

Ye Yueshen nodded slightly, and then, under the guidance of his attendants, when he left the palace through another exit, when he returned to his place, Siska and Lungobier had already left!

"What? This guy didn't leave the capital, he just let his secretary go?"

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