"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing that the sturdy Lord Pabuli was thrown out by Yeyue God like throwing garbage, the little gangsters who followed were like eggplants beaten by frost, and they agreed, and then they were cleaned by the owner with a broom. out!

"Useless things!"

A basin of water was poured on Pabuli's face, and the Duke of Sri Clarence stood on the ground angrily, looking at his unsatisfactory nephew!

"Uh! Uncle? Where am I?"

Pabuli, who had just woken up, was struggling to stand up, but he felt as if his body had been filled with lead, and he couldn't stand up straight!

"I'm going to die! Don't stand up quickly! Useless thing!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence cursed and kicked Pabuli, only to find that his foot seemed to be kicking on an iron plate.

"Ouch! When did you become so strong, boy?"

The Duke of Sri Clarence complained and asked his subordinates to help Pabuli up, but after such a support, everyone realized that Pabuli was not heavy!

"My lord, your lord's body seems to weigh thousands of pounds! What do you think is going on?"

Help, the servant who was lifted up by Pabley, was exhausted and complained casually!

"is it?"

I also found that the wrong Duke Sri Clens stepped forward to look at his nephew, and then touched his hand, but felt that this guy's body was cold, almost like metal!

"Sure enough, there is a problem! It seems that you are under magic!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence was puzzled for a while, and then asked his staff to find out what magic was in Pabuli.

Soon, the staff rushed over. Although the relationship with Pabuli was usually not good, they did their best under the supervision of Duke Sri Clarence. Then, everyone came to the conclusion:

"Can't be cured?"

Hearing the replies of the staff, Sri Clens was very suspicious, and the staff saw it, and one of them said directly:

"Although this looks like a high-level magic of the earth element, the body of the lord is cold, similar to the ice magic of the water element, so we can't solve it with one kind of magic!"

"You mean, this magic is a composite membrane method?"

The Duke of Sricklens looked at his staff with a gloomy face, and his heart was not as calm as it appeared.

"More than that!"

The staff immediately turned around Pabli's body, cut the clothes on his back, and then, a text appeared on Pabli's back!

"Dear Duke of Sri Lanka, if you are careful enough, you can read this text, but unfortunately, we are already enemies, so when three days later, when your nephew's body thawed , you will never see any of the words I wrote to you again. Be sensible and surrender! Is it not good to be a good person? The person you care about!"

Chapter [-] Situation Evolution

"It's over, we kicked a steel plate!"

Sitting in the chair, Duke Sri Clarence looked forward absently and muttered.

"No way!"

A staff member stood up and said:

"Perhaps this principal just came up with a new kind of magic because he was bored at the Magic Academy. It's not like this kind of thing has never happened. Is the Duke so surprised?"

"Why not?"

Looking back, the Duke of Sri Clarence stood up and said:

"Do you know how long it took for this guy to be appointed by the queen as the principal? Do you know? It's only less than half a month! What can be researched in half a month? Even if it was researched by people from the Magic Academy, it can play a role in If the magic with the effect of freezing the human body is generalized, how can our earth magician be the only one in the future!"

After speaking angrily, everyone, including the Duke of Sri Clarence, fell silent!

"Uncle, in this case, are we going to attack the Magic Academy?"

Although Lord Pabuli couldn't move his body, he was still fully awake!

"Start? Have you ever seen such a start?"

Pointing to the words on his nephew's back, the Duke of Sri Clarence understood very well that Ye Luna must have been prepared at this time, and it was impossible to play a conspiracy!

"Would you like to carry the Lord to put pressure on the Princess! Anyway, I can remind the principal that we are not easy to bully!"

A young staff member got up and said.

"Impossible, today this guy has helped the princess escape a trap. If we put pressure on it now, we can only break with the princess, and it is impossible to hurt this guy!"

The Duke of Sri Clarence waved his hand and let his staff go first, and then ordered his servants to carry his nephew into the room to rest. After thinking about it in the room, he changed into civilian clothes and went out.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Yueshen, who was thinking about what to eat at noon, suddenly saw the owner come in with a sumptuous dish, and couldn't help but be a little curious.

"What else can I do, of course I'm inviting you to dinner!"

The owner enthusiastically put the food on the plate in front of the table of Ye Luna and said:

"There are so many more! Knowing that you are from other places also allows you to feel the enthusiasm of the people in the capital!"

"haha, really?"

Ye Yueshen, who had already felt a lot of "passion", smiled silly, waiting to see what the shop owner was going to do.

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