"Okay, let's start lunch! Don't get excited, I invited you!"

After setting the knife and fork, the owner closed the door neatly, and chatted with Ye Yueshen while eating.

"It turns out that you are the dean of the Magic Academy. How can you think of living in a small shop? You are the Duke!"

After Ye Yueshen introduced his identity, the shop owner looked at Ye Yueshen with a surprised expression, feeling incredible!

"I used to be the highest viscount here before. With such a high status as you, I really haven't received it before! Why don't you live in those high-end places?"

The owner asked curiously.

"I'm happy! Life is still alive, there is so much enjoyment, and I have never been here, so I saw that the environment here is good and I stayed here!"

Night Moon God smiled and said:

"Is the uncle of the guy who came to me today really the Duke of Sri Lanka?"

"Hey! You said Pabuli, he used to be a servant spy for the noble family, just like the clerk, but for some reason, his mother was somewhat related to the Duke, so he defected to the Duke, and the Duke turned out to be His position was promoted to six levels within two months, and as a result, he followed suit!"

When the owner said this, the envy in his eyes made Ye Yueshen a little helpless. These ordinary people living in big cities naturally hope to have such good luck when they see others turn over.

"Upgrade to six levels within two months, what's going on?"

Ye Yueshen doesn't care about politics, so naturally he doesn't know what this boring level setting means!

"Noble title and position are different, for example, you, although you are an honorary duke and have no fief, your position is the principal of the Magic Academy, so you are a first-rank official, and the duke was a sixth-rank two months ago. Although he is also a duke, he also has no fief, and he doesn't even have a few servants!"

After chatting with Yeyueshen, the shop owner knew everything and said everything, which made Yeyueshen realize the drawbacks of the bloated organization that the princess said.

"What then?"

Ye Yueshen asked while drinking the wine brewed by the shopkeeper himself.

"Hey, this is also the Duke's life. The Duke is the late king's uncle, but he is only twelve years older than the late king, and he still had the opportunity to compete with the princess' grandfather for the throne, so since the late king's father ascended the throne, this The Duke has always been the object of being suppressed and placed under house arrest, but he has a good mentality and has lived a long time, so he has suffered two kings to death. I feel that my uncle is my own, so I frantically promoted the position of the duke before I died, originally thinking that it was to check and balance Hunik, but Hunik died a week ago, so the situation has become delicate!"

The shop owner said here, stretched out his hand to Ye Yueshen and said:

"The next thing I said, you have to keep it a secret for me. I will tell you all because of your goodness, otherwise... I won't tell you if you give me money!"

"Of course, I'm leaving tomorrow, how could I betray you?"

Ye Yueshen smiled at the shopkeeper, and it could be seen that the shopkeeper must be a chatterer. I don’t know how many people have told this!

"Okay! The principal is just self-disciplined!"

Some drunk shopkeepers gave Ye Luna a thumbs up, then pretended to be mysterious and lowered their voices and said:

"So many people think that the duke is at least the regent's life now. If the queen also passed away in the past few days, the princess may stand aside! So ah! Don't look at the princess waiting in front of the door these days. There are a lot of people asking to see you, and when the situation changes, there are probably not many people who are willing to help the princess!"

"That is to say, the Duke of Sri Lanka is sure to make a profit or not lose it?"

Ye Yueshen said to the shopkeeper with a smile.

"Of course! So, if you are acquainted, hurry up and have a good word with the Duke, otherwise..."

The shopkeeper said mysteriously to Ye Yueshen.

"Otherwise, what?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the shopkeeper lightly, and twisted the knife and fork in his hand into a rope.

Chapter [-] New Proposal

"Sir, the adults and the little ones know that they are wrong, and the little ones know that they are wrong!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen twisting the tableware together effortlessly, the innkeeper suddenly woke up from the wine, and immediately picked up the things on the table and got up and left.

"Even the residents of the capital have no confidence in the princess?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the shop owner fleeing, and suddenly felt that it was not easy for the princess to be so young!

"If something happens to the queen, Sri Clarence has a chance to become king?"

Ye Yueshen thought about the shopkeeper's words, and closed the door. He went out for the third time in a day. When he walked to the door, Ye Yueshen suddenly thought of something and asked the nervous shopkeeper:

"Those guys in the capital now make you sad the most?"

"Those guys? It's not easy to mess with any of them! We, the common people, open a small shop and pay miscellaneous taxes every day..."

"I understand!"

Ye Yueshen nodded to the shopkeeper, then went out, leaving the shopkeeper alone in a daze:

"What did I say about me? What did he understand?"

"Sorry to disturb your meal!"

Standing in the princess' dining room, Ye Yueshen was very ashamed to be received here.

"Would you like to have dinner together?"

The princess looked at Yeyueshen kindly. She didn't know why, but every time she heard the news of Yeyueshen's arrival, the princess would be sincerely happy.

"No, you eat first, I'll just wait outside!"

"No way!"

The princess said while eating:

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