"Let's talk about a time, I'll make an appointment with Ji Xiu to see the effect, and then you can do what you want to do, and I'll continue my experiment, we don't owe each other!"

After finishing speaking, Mo Moranxi looked at Louise with resentment, and sat on the bed holding her little frog with a pitiful expression.

"It's not too late, just tonight, I'm going to invite the principal to dinner at noon tomorrow!"

"In such a hurry... well, tonight is tonight..."

Momorangxi was about to refute when she saw a threatening light flashing in Louise's lovely big eyes, she could only shake her head helplessly, accept this condition, and then went out to her laboratory to dispense potions!


After waiting in Momorangxi's room for less than an hour, Momolangxi came back with a small bottle of anger.

"Come on, let's experiment!"

Momorangxi didn't want to talk nonsense, and sent Louise out directly.

"Is it okay to go on a date without changing clothes?"

Louise looked at Momorancy's clothes, it didn't look like she should wear it on a date.

"It's not a real date!"

Momorangxi retorted, and then handed Louise a potion, and immediately took it out of Geishu's room.

"I already have a girlfriend, dear Momorangi!"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth under the candlelight, Ji Xiu put a bouquet of roses on the table...

"Really? You mean you don't have feelings for me anymore?"

Momorancy pretended to be surprised and said to Geishu, while Louise, who was not far away, listened quietly by the window.

"Let's put it this way, the young ladies are not reserved at all. When they first came to the Magic Academy, they were scrambling to associate with me, and they were so annoying!"

Ji Xiu picked up the rose on the table and said excitedly:

"But that's not what annoys me the most, what annoys me the most is that they are all very good-looking, and their faces are even more beautiful, so..."

"So you're not interested in me anymore, are you?"

Momorang Xiluo looked at Ji Xiu sadly, and picked up the goblet in front of him.

"If that's the case, it's not in vain for us to get to know each other. Come, let's drink this glass of wine, we are passers-by, let's go find your love!"

After that, Momorancy clinked glasses with Jixiu, then poured out the wine in the glasses to the bushes next to them, and then said to Louise over there:

"Come out, let you see the effect of our family's proud work - the water of love!"

"Uh, Momo Langxi, what are you talking about, why do I feel that you just talked like a moon goddess, the same beautiful and moving, the same pure and lovely, I found that you are the most beautiful I have ever seen, The most dignified and virtuous, the only goddess with an unparalleled mouth?"

Ji Xiu, who drank the water of love, even though he saw Elouise who had appeared in front of him, but he couldn't restrain his inner driving force. In front of Louise, he said the nauseous words directly. !

"Is everything you say true? Kisho?"

Louise asked curiously as she looked at Ji Xiu, whose eyes were blurred.

"How do you say that, Louise, at first glance you are not nourished by love. In front of such a beautiful woman, all words must be true, unless it is a brazen person who can deceive the goddess in my heart, Oh, no, the goddess I command, Momorancy, won't be deceived by lies, do you think so?"

"I said you can wake up!"

Momorancy gestured to Louise, then took out another small bottle from her pocket, put a drop of the medicine in the middle of the wine, and let Jishu drink it...

Chapter [-] Invitation

"What are you two going to do! This is a civilized society!"

The sober Jixiu looked at Louise and Momorangxi in horror. He remembered what he said just now!

"Hehe, don't do anything, be careful, if what you said just now spreads to the first-year students, you won't be able to deceive those silly first-year girls in the future!"

Louise looked at Jixiu with a smile on her face, and then took the lawn where Momo Langxi left, and asked Jixiu to stay to clean up the mess!

"How is it? The water of love handed down from generation to generation in our family works well!"

Back in the room, Momorancy looked at Louise proudly, and put the potion she prepared herself on the table.

"I understand, how did the Torristin Empire accept your family of water magicians!"

Louise smiled and stretched out her hand.

"What are you doing? I have proven that this potion can be used! Just use it to confuse your Principal!"

Momorangxi looked at Louise incomprehensibly, not understanding what she was reaching out for.

"Give me the antidote just now too!"

Louise said with a smile.

"Uh, so you're still thinking if you don't like the situation where the Principal sticks to you in the future!"

Momorangxi did not suspect him, and directly gave the antidote in his hand to Louise, and then watched as Louise threw the antidote directly to the ground, becoming a puddle of water...

"You... what are you doing! Now this small bottle of antidote is left!"

Momorancy looked at Louise in surprise, not understanding why she did this!

"This is the best, if this world doesn't have the so-called antidote, the principal will not leave me!"

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