Louise raised her head and explained to Momo Langxi, then took the potion from the table, said good night to Momo Langxi, and ran to the room of the night moon god.

"When did Louise become so scheming? Is it because of the power of love?"

Momorangxi looked at the water marks on the ground, shook her head helplessly, and then returned to her laboratory to continue her research, and Louise had already come to the door of Ye Luna!

"Lord Principal! Are you there?"

Louise said, and pushed the door in!


The guinea pig, who was enjoying the nut time, squeaked at Louise who broke in, and woke up Ye Luna by the way.

"Uh, it's Louise, it's so late, what's the matter here if you don't sleep?"

Ye Yueshen got up from the bed and looked at Louise in front of him with interest.

"Uh, Mr. Principal, we didn't have a good time today. Could you please go to the manor outside for a meal at noon tomorrow?"

Louise didn't dare to look into Ye Yueshen's eyes, she lowered her head and said, every time she looked at Ye Yueshen, her heart would always move.

"Well, your family still has a manor near the school!"

Yeyueshen readily agreed, and he also wanted to find a place to entertain from the boring life of the Magic Academy, and when he heard the word "manor", he couldn't help but get excited.

"Uh, yes, but it's not luxurious. We haven't been there for a long time. We can show you around!"

After Louise learned that Ye Yueshen agreed, she looked at Ye Yueshen with excitement.

"Okay, I'll go, see you tomorrow morning!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then took care of him a few words, and let Louise leave his room.

"This little girl has been obedient all day. It seems that she will confess to me tomorrow. This is the first time since I came to this world. I am looking forward to it!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the two moons outside the window, thinking excitedly, and then dressed up in front of the mirror with excitement, prepared tomorrow's clothes, and fell asleep, while the yard at this time Inside, Siska was hanging up her laundry. When she saw Louise coming out of Luna's room, she widened her eyes in surprise, then shook her head and continued her work.

"You are finally back!"

Standing downstairs and watching Yeyueshen come out, Mr. Kerber was so excited that he stepped forward in three steps and held Yeyueshen's hand tightly.

"Uh, yes, trouble you these days!"

Yeyueshen looked at Teacher Colbert in a flattered manner, wondering what happened to this teacher today.

"I finally know how tiring it is to be a principal. Really, you have worked so hard!"

Mr. Colbert looked at Ye Yueshen and said with tears in his eyes:

"Just arranging and approving so many documents every day can drag people down. You can still lead us all in such a spirit every day. I really admire you!"

With that said, Mr. Kerber walked to the cafeteria with Yeyueshen and kept talking about his experiences these days.

"Hehe, in fact, it's because you didn't give a competent secretary..."

While accepting the compliment from Mr. Colbert, Ye Yueshen responded in his heart, and then came to his office!

"You are here!"

Miss Lungobier watched Ye Luna come in, her heart was slightly excited, but her face was very calm.

"You've worked hard these days! I heard that you squeezed a lot of documents!"

Ye Luna smiled at Miss Lungobier, returned to his place, and put a handsome uniform in his hand.

"Mr. Colbert actually approved thousands of words for the documents of the lamp oil room. Of course, he squeezed a lot of documents!"

Lungobier said with a smile as he sorted out the papers.

"It seems that Mr. Colbert is indeed suitable for being a scientific researcher, and he can be so meticulous!"

Ye Luna smiled, and then chatted casually with Miss Lungobier, and then chatted with the Morthawk messenger whom he had not seen for a long time, then put on the uniform he had prepared for a long time, and stood in Lungobi. Miss Bill showed off in front of her:

"How is it! Isn't he more handsome!"

"You're handsome when you don't scold those bureaucrats in front of the princess!"

Miss Lungobier smiled, making Ye Yueshen feel a little charming.

"Uh, I mean does this dress look handsome!"

For the first time, Ye Luna was complimented by Miss Lungobier, and was a little overwhelmed.He can only point to his clothes and say:

"Is it very close-fitting and handsome?"

"Of course, which lady are you planning to go out with today?"

Miss Lungobier smiled softly, but there was an imperceptible loss in her eyes!

"Actually, Louise invited me to dinner. I heard that they have a manor nearby."

Ye Yueshen said calmly.

"Uh, is it?"

Miss Lungobier was stunned and said incredulously:

"Could it be that the fenced places on the river bank are the manor of the Barrielu family?"

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