"What? Water elf?"

Ye Yueshen was startled suddenly, looked at Tabasa curiously and asked:

"That is, where is the water rising because of the water spirit?"

"It should be, where is a large lake. When it's normal, the water rarely rises, and there is no obvious river supply around it. If the water rises, the water elves must be angry!"

While talking, Tabasa was a little helpless. Although her uncle embarrassed her, the people in that place were innocent.

"You wait a moment!"

Ye Yueshen nodded to several people, then left his principal's room and found Momo Langxi who was in class.

"Yeah, that's the place, what's up? The principal also knows that place?"

Momo Langxi looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise. He hadn't told him where the water elf in the antidote of the Water of Love was, he had already guessed it!

"That's good, tomorrow is the weekend, let's go together!"

After Ye Yueshen confirmed that it was correct, he asked Mo Morangxi to go back to class, and he had already returned to the office. At this time, the three awake girls in the office were being tortured by an unconscious girl!

"Wuwuwu, I want my Principal, where is the Principal? Why do you leave people when they need love the most? They don't sleep, don't eat, and don't drink tea. They only need..."

"I opened……"

Ye Yueshen pushed open the door and came in with a speechless expression. After she was far away from Louise, the girl woke up by herself!

"Lord Principal, my favorite Principal, where did you go just now? They miss you so much..."

Lightly touching Louise's forehead, Ye Luna finally let her continue to fall asleep. I never thought that Louise's literary attainments were so high that she could actually make herself feel like listening to poetry!

"I have approved the fakes of the two of you, and act with me tomorrow!"

Ye Luna returned to his position, finished speaking to Tabatha and Qiu Erjie, and then asked Miss Lungobier to prepare related things...

"Do you really want to come with us?"

Tabassa looked at Louise in surprise, and said to Ye Luna.

"Of course, Louise's illness also needs an antidote. And the antidote is also related to the water spirit, so I must go! See you tomorrow morning!"

Ye Luna smiled and asked Miss Lungobier to prepare everything, because it was necessary to cross the border, so Miss Lungobier's workload increased invisibly!

"Okay, I hope that the principal can make Louise behave a little more normal tomorrow, otherwise, if you help her out, there will be a lot of rumors!"

Qiuljie smiled playfully at Ye Luna, and then left Luna's office with Tabasa, who didn't speak much, while Momorangxi was being entangled by Jixiu.

"Just give me some of that potion, I'll use it tonight!"

"Don't even think about it, I can't just watch other girls fall off a cliff!"

Momo Langxi firmly refused, because she really did not have it!

Chapter [-] Responsibility

"Good morning!"

Ye Yueshen helped Louise out of his room with an embarrassed face, looked at Siska who was already stupid, and said embarrassedly.

"Uh, you can be regarded as a cure to save people, so easy..."

Siska was a little overwhelmed at first, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and behaved calmly.

"Fortunately it's the weekend, otherwise, there must be a lot of people getting up at this time!"

Ye Yueshen thought as he followed Siska downstairs.And Ye Yueshen, who went downstairs, suddenly regretted it, because many teachers had already gathered below!

"Hello, Principal!"

Many teachers took the initiative to greet Yeyueshen, but everyone quickly noticed the changes around Yeyueshen!

"Hello everyone! Louise was sick last night, so..."

Ye Yueshen held back his unhappiness, and looked helplessly at the teachers in front of him. Judging from the carriages parked on the grass, everyone just wanted to spend a weekend.

"No need to explain, Principal, we all believe in your character!"

A teacher who made Yeyueshen no impression of him appeared more and more, with a look of convincing and sincere expression on his face.

"Uh, is that right? Then thank you for your understanding!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then carried Louise to the carriage that had been prepared long ago, carried Louise up, and left first.

"Really, where are so many people, I can't stand it!"

Yeyueshen galloped away on horseback, and the haze in his heart was also a lot less. Under the watchful eyes of so many people, holding his students through the crowd, thinking about it is enough to explode!

"Lord Principal, wait for me!"

Yeyueshen just flew out two steps, when Mo Molangxi hurriedly stopped behind!

"Don't you have a carriage?"

Yeyueshen turned back and shouted while making the carriage a little slower, going back at this time, he would definitely encounter many carriages driven out by teachers!

"But you don't know the way!"

Momo Langxi shouted and ran with his little frog, and the usual solemnity did not know where it went!

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