"Uh, that's what I said..."

Ye Yueshen nodded helplessly, then stopped the carriage and let Momo Langxi rush over.

"You're also true, you didn't hesitate at all to let me run over!"

As soon as he got into the carriage and put his little frog away, Momorancy couldn't help complaining. While complaining, she even glanced at Louise.

"Everyone has to come out. If I drive the carriage back at this time, it will definitely affect everyone!"

Ye Yueshen replied slowly, and then let the carriage gallop.

"We don't have to wait for Tabasa?"

Momo Langxi asked curiously, looking at the wind around him.

"How do you know? Tabatha is coming?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the little girl in front of him in surprise, but he never told her.

"Of course, Qiu Erjie said it. When I went there last night, Qiu Erjie was complaining about Tabasa's willingness to accompany her or something. I asked a question, and then I figured it out! What, is the principal going to hide it from me? "

Momo Langxi explained very bluntly that a few crows helplessly slipped into the sky above Yeyueshen's head.

"What a joke, I originally wanted to make a coincidence or something, and increase the fate of the following people. Now, I don't need to add anything..."

Ye Yueshen thought helplessly, and the expression on his face also froze a lot.

"Is the Principal unhappy?"

Momo Langxi continued to look at Ye Yueshen with curious eyes.

"Of course I'm not unhappy. Of course I'm happy that you can share information between your classmates, but I just think your question is a bit silly."

Ye Yueshen came back to his senses and said with certainty.

"How do you say? Silly?"

Mo Molangxi looked at Yeyueshen with incomprehension. Since childhood, no one really said that he was stupid, but this stupid one sounds quite cute!

"Tabasha's flying dragon is not a decoration, do you still need to follow us?"

Ye Yueshen explained calmly.

"How is that possible? Flying dragons... Flying dragons can't just pass through the border! Otherwise, they will be shot down. They will definitely go to the border to go through customs clearance procedures, so they should follow us!"

Mo Morangxi looked at Ye Yueshen excitedly, with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Uh, if that's the case, let's wait for them at the gate, don't worry..."

Ye Yueshen found that he could no longer talk about the details of this world, otherwise he would be exposed sooner or later!At the same time, Ye Yueshen also discovered another problem.

"By the way, do I need to go to the customs to go through the formalities in this regard?"

"Of course not! My father is the Minister of Communications. What more formalities do I need to go through? Slap them twice is a reward!"

Mo Mo Langxi looked at Ye Yueshen with a proud face, and her small breasts and breasts were tingling even more!

"Well, well, so that you don't have to bother Miss Lungobier!"

Yeyueshen nodded secretly, completely forgetting that Miss Lungobier had already sorted out all the relevant procedures and put them on his desk, but unfortunately Yeyueshen didn't see it.

"By the way, did the principal really drink those drinks with potions?"

Momorangxi sat next to the Night Moon God, looking at Louise who was sleeping, and suddenly remembered this important question.

"What? Are you going to date me alone like Louise?"

Yeyueshen looked at Momo Langxi curiously while driving, no matter what, this little girl was also tingling.Lovely, Ye Yueshen thinks it is his own dish.

"No way! I'm just curious, how did our potion fail! It's still on you!"

Mo Molangxi said lightly.

"What do you mean? Don't you mean I shouldn't let that nasty potion fail? In general, you should pay one-third of the blame for this matter!"

Ye Yueshen raised his voice, as if what he said was the truth.

"What is the responsibility of the remaining two-thirds?"

Momo Langxi looked at Ye Yueshen speechlessly. It was the first time he heard that responsibilities could be divided by percentages!

"The remaining two-thirds must be Louise! Without her urging and use, there would be no such thorny problem now!"

Ye Yueshen said calmly.

"Okay, it's the principal, you are so eloquent, I can't tell you, but what I want to tell you is that it is impossible for that potion to be ineffective! So, you should be prepared!"

Mo Morangxi smiled slightly, and the little tiger teeth were exposed.

"What do you mean? Could it be that a good person like me is always blinded by the potion controlled by that demon?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mo Morangxi in surprise, not knowing what the girl was talking about.

Chapter [-] Destination

"Is this guy really the same person? He doesn't respond to the potion!"

Momorangxi thought to herself, but on the surface she did not admit that there was any problem with her potion.

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