"Turn left on the road ahead, and then we'll be driving for a long time!"

Momo Langxi helped Yeyueshen point the way, and then fell silent alone, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Stubborn little girl, I've talked to Mr. Colbert long ago. If the potion didn't work at the time, there would be no problem. She even made fun of me in front of me. I really don't want to admit that I failed. !"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly in his heart, and immediately drove the carriage to the front of the pass. At this time, Tabasa had already rushed up with Qiurjie.

"As expected of the magician of the wind element, the speed is fast!"

Momorangxi looked at Tabasa with some envy, but she didn't know that the reason why Ye Yueshen made the carriage go so slowly was to wait for them.

"Let's go to verify the identity!"

Tabasa smiled at Momorangxi, and then asked Ye Luna:

"Have you prepared your identity documents?"

"...If you're ready, I won't be waiting for you here!"

Ye Yueshen's heart trembled, and then he heard Momo Langxi standing in front of Tabasa and said boldly:

"Don't worry, with me here, you don't have to show your identity documents!"

After he finished speaking, he brought Ye Yueshen to the front of the gate with high arrogance.

"No! The two of them are international students and must show documents!"

The officials at the pass listened to Mo Molangxi's introduction, and their attitude towards them was much better than others.

"Who ordered it!"

In front of Tabasa, Momo Langxi really couldn't shake his face and pleaded with the officials at the pass. He patted the stone railing in front of him with his hands, and asked loudly:

"Who the hell made such bizarre regulations, what happened to the international students? The international students are not human, we can pass, and they can pass too!"

"The Duke of Quaterlier ordered last week..."

The officials at the pass looked at Momorangxi and said in a low voice.

"Uh, since this is the case, I see that you are working so hard, so let my friends cooperate!"

Mo Morangxi looked at the officials in front of him with a black line, turned helplessly and said to Tabasa:

"If it doesn't work, you can cooperate..."

"no problem!"

Without waiting for Qiurjie's habitual cynicism, Tabasa took the initiative to take out her documents, and left the gate in front of her smoothly with everyone.

"Well, since that's the case, let's hurry up!"

After Yeyueshen took everyone out of the country, he didn't want to stay in such an unfamiliar place, so he drove the carriage with four people and flew to the destination.When she came to her own country, Tabasa didn't even dare to let herself fly into the sky casually.

"It's in front!"

Momo Langxi stood on the carriage and looked into the distance, looking at the place where he had been when he was a child, his excitement was beyond words.

"Be careful, don't be taken as a fool! Opposite the lake is your father's feudal kingdom!"

Qiu Erjie looked at Tabassa who was silent, and then at Momorangxi who was elated, and stopped Momorangxi while sighing.

"Hehe, my father basically won't go back anyway, what's the big deal? Don't worry, when you have a chance to visit our house, I will definitely treat you to the best seafood!"

Momo Langxi said loudly, and Yeyue Shen drove the carriage with a smile, and then brought everyone to the flooded Great Lakes area.

"It's scarier than I thought!"

Looking at the almost submerged Grand Canyon, Qiu Erjie looked at Tabasa helplessly. If nothing else, the difficulty of completing this task is definitely not that big!

"It's okay, I'm here, don't worry!"

Ye Yueshen came over and said confidently.

"Uh, the principal is in a good mood! Are we going to drain all the water here?"

Qiuerjie looked at Yeyueshen helplessly, she really didn't know where Yeyueshen's confidence came from!

"Of course not, doesn't it mean that this place is controlled by some water elves? Then let the water elves come out and let's just say no to them?"

Ye Yueshen said calmly, and Qiu Erjie was almost carried away by these words!

"What a joke! You let the water elf come out, and the water elf will come out. Is the water elf your servant?"

Qiurjie glanced at Moon God in disbelief, and then said to Momorangxi:

"I heard that you are a water magician. How can you make the water in this place recede? You should have a better idea?"

"I'm not a water magician, how do I know these things?"

Mo Molangxi looked at Qiu Erjie helplessly, thinking to herself, what do you people think of me?I actually thought that I was here to solve the problem of flooding in the lake area!If I could solve it, my father wouldn't watch his feudal kingdom be submerged and ignore it!

"Then what to do? Do you have to do it yourself again?"

Qiuljie looked at Tabatha with some dejection.

"Then do it yourself!"

Tabassa lightly parted her lips and stepped forward.

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