"What are you going to do?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tabasa's solemn face, and suddenly felt a hint of coolness, and the feeling of Feng Xiaoxiao Yi Shuihan rushed to his face.

"Of course I negotiated with the water elves!"

Tabasha said very bluntly.

"Then let Momo Langxi summon the water elf!"

Night Moon God stopped Tabasa, and then said to Momo Langxi:

"Didn't you come here to find raw materials? Do you need to process water spirits to summon them?"

"It seems that you are looking for raw materials for me to synthesize the antidote, right..."

Mo Molangxi was speechless for a while, but she nodded and took her little frog out of her arms.

"I'll try first, you back off!"

As Momorangxi spoke, he pierced his middle finger, then smeared blood on the frog's forehead, and then put his familiar frog into the flooded lake area.

"Ziyueshuangtian's facilitator, let you rest in the sky above our family, everything in the world runs according to your preferences, let me see the incomparably powerful you, appear here, the humble me, need your Help. Please show up!"

Momo Langxi prayed to the lake, and watched his demons go away. If his little frog suddenly jumped out of the lake, it means that he will return without success today.

Chapter [-] Water Elf

"Who is it? Are you bothering me at this time?"

In the quiet lake water, a large cloud of water mist appeared silently, accompanied by a low tone of voice.

"It's me, Quatriel Momoranci, you met me when I was a child, and I was the one who gave you blood back then!"

Momo Langxi shouted at the distant fog with excitement, the fear in his eyes was something Ye Yueshen had never seen before.

"Well, the people of the Quatrier family, why did they appear in this direction? Don't you live in the south of me? Did you come to order me to retreat the flooded lake?"

The quiet voice continued to sound, and a huge human-shaped water column appeared on the lake in front of him.

"Don't dare, our Quetelier family is just your slave, how dare you order you, I just came here to hope that you can give me the tears of the elf and save my friends from trouble..."

Momorangxi glanced at Tabasa, but reluctantly set herself aside.

"No! I'm very weak now. My elf soul has been stolen, so I am so cruel. If I give you elf tears at this time, I will face the possibility of a big flood!"

The quiet voice sounded, but the answer given made Mo Molangxi stand on the spot.

"Who stole your elven soul? Tell me?"

Ye Yueshen yelled directly into the distance, and Momo Langxi next to him saw it and rushed over to shout:

"Don't speak to the elves in such a disrespectful way, it will anger the elves!"

"It's okay, I know what to do!"

After giving Momo Langxi a quiet smile, Ye Yueshen squatted down and poured a little of his energy into the water!

"who are you?"

To Mo Molangxi's surprise, the elf was not angry at Ye Yueshen's actions.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is, how can I help you find the soul of the elf? I can see that this thing is very important to you!"

Ye Yueshen looked confidently at the human-shaped water column that appeared in the air, and continued:

"In my understanding, as long as you find your elf soul and return it to you, not only can we get the elf tears we need, but also can make this raging lake retreat, right?"

"Yes, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

Two huge light spots appeared in the elf's human-shaped water column, as if they were angry!

"Well, can I ask you to remove the water from the lake now? The appointment here doesn't seem to have stolen your elf soul!"

Ye Yueshen's gaze was opposite to the light spot emitted by the water elf, without any fear.

"Master Principal, we are just ordinary magicians, not the creators of all things. We are not qualified to order water elves. Please don't make me embarrassed. If the water elves are angry, our family may face extinction!"

Momorangxi grabbed Ye Yueshen's diaphragm and said hurriedly.

"Really? It seems that this water elf is not a tolerant person!"

Ye Yueshen laughed softly, and then heard the water elf say:

"The residents of the lake area are definitely not innocent. I nourish them and I take care of them meticulously, but my spirit soul is still sold to others by these people, it's just that those people hold boring and useless It's just gold!"

The water spirit was guarding, and the light spot became more intense, making Ye Yueshen's eyes feel uncomfortable for a while.

"He's a stubborn guy..."

Ye Yueshen smiled in his heart, and then hit his magic stick team with the two light spots.

"Master Principal!"

Momo Langxi looked at Ye Yueshen with a look of horror, and his dear principal, the Principal, actually attacked the water elf, so can he still be blessed by the water elf!Water elves are definitely not objects that magicians can shake!

"It's okay, don't you think Tabasa is very calm?"

Yeyueshen smiled at Mo Morangxi, and didn't seem to care.

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