"That's because Tabasa and the others planned to fight against the water elves from the beginning, okay? The other side of the lake is our family's territory. If you anger the water elves, you should consider our feelings!"

Mo Molangxi looked at Yeyueshen with excitement. Although she didn't seem to care about her family, when they violated the interests of the family, they were still very clear in their hearts that everything they owned was the family. Given!

"But she doesn't seem to be angry..."

Ye Yueshen pointed to the water column in the distance, and he couldn't be calmer!


Momo Langxi followed the place where Yeyue God pointed, only to see the calm lake, the original piercing light disappeared, but the water elf did not say anything, but still existed on the lake.

"Water elf, am I right? The surrounding residents do live off the crops, fish and shrimps in your lake, but those things are not delivered directly to their door by you. They still have to weave nets to catch fish and use You live by your own blood and sweat, you are just one aspect of nature, don't be so arrogant, right?"

Ye Yueshen said, and threw his magic wand into the water.

"Although I am very angry, there seems to be some problems with what you said. What is your identity?"

After being silent for a long time, the water elf spoke up.

"Really, thank you so much, Master Water Elf!"

Mo Molangxi was immediately excited when she heard the words of the water elf. At least, her family property must be preserved!

"You should thank me..."

Ye Yueshen's somewhat speechless Kan Zemo Molangxi, I don't know what can make this little girl so excited. to replace him.

"That's because there are a lot of water elves, so don't take credit here!"

Mo Molangxi rolled his eyes at Yeyueshen, as if he was a little tired of Yeyueshen's arrogance, and then looked at the water elf reverently and said:

"Sir, can you show your generosity again, my friend is in trouble, so I hope you..."

"Give us some elf tears!"

Ye Yueshen interrupted Momorangxi's words and said in a commanding tone.

"Master Principal..."

Mo Morangxi looked at Yeyueshen sweating profusely. From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever dared to be so slippery against an elves whose lives have lasted for thousands of years!

"Since you are in trouble, I will let you enjoy our generosity!"

The water elf said in a calm tone, Momorangxi's eyes suddenly widened!

Chapter [-] Accusation

"The principal is so handsome!"

After Louise was woken up by Ye Yueshen, she hugged directly and hugged Ye Yueshen tightly.

"Come on, drink this!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise with a gentle face, and at some point in his hand there was a small medicine bottle.

"Okay, the principal is the best, and it will not hurt me!"

Louise smiled happily at Yeyueshen, and then drank the potion in Yeyueshen's hands!

"Go to sleep!"

When there was a look of surprise in Louise's eyes, Ye Luna knew that she had woken up!In order to reduce Louise's excitement, Luna chose to let her sleep.

"Is the principal so gentle with his students?"

Miss Lungobier brought the tea with a playful look on her face.

“How come you see?”

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier in front of him, and always felt that she was hiding something from herself again!

"Miss Momolangxi has praised you to the point of disgusting since she came back. How do you explain this?"

Miss Lungobier poured out the tea and gave Yeyueshen a contemptuous expression. Needless to say, Miss Lungobier had already determined that Yeyueshen must have done something she shouldn't have done to Momo Langxi in order to get such a result. the treatment!

"That's my charm, isn't it? For example, you didn't care about my love back then, but now you know, who is the best person in this world for you?"

After speaking, Yeyueshen stood up boldly, turned to look at the campus and said:

"As long as it is everyone's problem, I will be able to solve it, not because I have love, but because I think these friends are the purest people in this world. Although Miss Lungobier has many secrets, I believe You were once a pure person!"

"Really? So is your sensational performance finished?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Yeyueshen speechlessly, not understanding what happened to Yeyueshen today!

"It's over, I have something to do when I go out. If Tabatha comes to thank me, come back and notify me, and I will go to her room to accept the thanks in person!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking boldly, he left his office under Miss Lungobier's contemptuous eyes.

"How did this guy make the lake go back?"

Miss Lungobier looked at the news brought to her by her accomplices, and became more suspicious of the behavior of Luna.

"Looks like I'm going to have a look!"

After Miss Lungobier finished her work, she disappeared from the room, used her earth magic to easily cross the border, and then came to the lake where the tide has ebbed.

"Strange, what about people?"

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