Ye Yueshen smiled, and then asked the owner to open three adjacent rooms, arranged Tabasa and Qiuljie, and then found the owner and said:

"This is the three days' rent I gave you, as well as your losses these days. Now you drive my carriage out of the city and hide as far as possible. When the wind blows away, come back and I will give you the keys. Put it on the stone steps at the door!"

"Uh, you are really thoughtful..."

The shopkeeper took the gold coin Yeyueshen gave him, and after thinking for a while, he said goodbye to Yeyueshen, and then left the already turbulent capital with his relatives.

"So what happened?"

Tabassa appeared in front of the door of the night moon god, and the expression on her face was not too excited.

"Some people want to assassinate others, some people want to protect themselves, some people want to provoke wars, and some people want to maintain peace, so the capital is very chaotic now!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and continued to fiddle with the sand and maps he got from somewhere in his room.

"Will the princess entrust you with the task of defending herself?"

Tabassa looked at the map on the table and the sand table of the castle built by Luna, and couldn't help but be a little surprised...

Chapter one hundred and sixty first interview


The guard at the door glanced at the silk in Yeyueshen's hand and let it go, but blocked Tabasa and Qiurjie from the door.

"You wait for a while, I'll go in and ask Her Royal Highness to let you in!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the guard's resolute appearance, and didn't want to waste any time, he explained to Tabasa, and then hurried into the palace.

"Master Principal, I'm really sorry, I asked you to come here at this time!"

Her Royal Highness was not surprised that Ye Yueshen came here so quickly, and directly asked her attendants to leave the palace.

"Lord Princess, my two students are still blocked from the outside!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly said that the princess's posture was obviously that she had something important to say.

"Uh, the principal, is that Louise?"

The princess pondered for a while, and then said:

"If not, let them go back first, and I will take you to see my mother."

"Uh, okay!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, knowing that now is not the time to argue about these trivial matters, and after talking to the princess, he rushed to the door to let Tabasa and the others go back, and then turned around and returned to the palace. An angry woman.


Ye Yueshen looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him and said uncertainly.

"It's me. Last time, I was really in poor health, which made you laugh!"

The queen nodded to Ye Yueshen, and then let Ye Yueshen and the princess take their seats.

"You came very quickly!"

The queen looked at Ye Yueshen with concern.

"Uh, it's not too fast, I'll report something to you first!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and said:

"The three thousand palace guards you sent out, I have already stationed them near the Magic Academy, but I did not let them enter it, but hoarded them at the border."

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, the queen was suddenly taken aback.

"When did I ask three thousand people to send you letters? I clearly sent two caring guards, how come there are so many people!"

"If that's the case, it looks like I'm doing the right thing!"

Yeyueshen was not very surprised, since the guards did not obey his orders, Yeyueshen was a little suspicious!

"It is estimated that they are chasing the minister now!"

Night Moon God casually speculated.

"It's good if that's the case, but if they control the Magic Academy, the impact will be too great!"

The queen said nervously, a drop of sweat had already flowed out from her not tough body.

"Don't worry, I think the situation in the capital is more chilling now, other towns are normal, and if you hijack the Magic Academy, it will definitely offend most of the nobles. The guy who killed your servant should not be so mindless. !"

Ye Yueshen said, looking very calm and not panicking, the princess next to him looked at it, and his mood was a little calmer.

"That's right, it's raining if you can't see the wind, and we haven't torn apart with the Duke of Sri Clarence yet!"

The princess said quickly.

"But since the news of my recovery came out, the actions of the Duke of Sri Clarence have become more daring, and I am still very worried!"

The queen is not as relaxed as Ye Yueshen, she still said worriedly.

"It's okay, if this jumping clown dares to threaten my friends, I will let him get the punishment he deserves!"

Ye Yueshen said with certainty.

"That's nature, you are the god of all things, and nature is not something that people like us can match!"

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