After listening to Yeyueshen's words, the queen was obviously relieved.

"Then I'll let my students monitor those people. It just so happens that one of them is a magician of the wind element and the other is a magician of the fire element. They are very easy to supervise, and they are often together, and they are more tacit!"

Ye Yueshen was not very relieved to see the queen, and offered to propose.

"Of course it's the best!"

The queen said happily, smiling sincerely.

"But, Queen Mother."

The princess hurried out to stop:

"I heard from the principal that these two are international students, so I think..."

"Actually, the more foreign talents are, the less selfish they are. If the local students of the Magic Academy are allowed to monitor, they will be selfish. Maybe they will betray us for the benefit of the family!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly said, this is not the time to care about these little things.

"However, if we are caught talking about the Gentiles who use it, I'm afraid we will have a bad reputation and disappoint the nobles under them, and then alienate us? When the king was there, he said it was okay to leave. With the support of the nobles, we are just fish out of water!"

The princess was still worried.

"Don't worry, even if you leave all the nobles now, you won't die, because I'm here!"

Ye Yueshen said with certainty.

"Uh, that's what I said, the principal is so powerful..."

The princess said in surprise.

"Well, in that case, I will trouble your students!"

The queen nodded and agreed quickly!

"I hope you will remember the contributions of these fellows!"

Ye Yueshen got up, said this to the queen, then left Miyagi and went to the residence to find Tabasa and the others!

"What do you mean by the words of the principal?"

After Ye Yueshen left, the princess looked at her mother in confusion and asked.

"Although the principal doesn't need any interests, he knows that in the human world, interests are the factors that control everything, so he hopes to give his students an explanation. It seems that these omnipotent gods also know that they want to If you keep what you love, you have to pay the price!"

The queen said silently, looking up and looking outside, the scenery outside was still so chilling, as if every grass and tree in the palace knew that she was in an extraordinary season.

"Well, I didn't expect that the Duke of Sri Lanka would send someone to send that document to the Principal. It's incredible!"

Fairly said with some joy.

"You are too naive, my friend, how generous he is, he simply intends to eradicate our only foreign aid in the place under his control, but he did not expect that, apart from the stronghold of the palace, our biggest reliance is the principal! There's still a good show! As long as we don't tear our faces, we're still relatives, aren't we?"

The queen said with a smile, just after she finished speaking, she coughed violently, covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, opened it, but there was a trace of blood, and she hurriedly covered it so that the princess could not see it.

Chapter [-] Visitation

"What? Let's do something for a hot guy we've never met? Is it such a dangerous thing?"

After Qiuerjie heard the words of Ye Yueshen, she was not happy at that time!It really doesn't feel good to be turned away.

"Yes, this is what I suggested. I didn't expect that the wrong group of guys were actually sent by someone else. I had already brought them to Miss Lungobier to verify it. Unfortunately, I can only rely on my feelings. Obviously, , their attire fooled me!"

Ye Yueshen helplessly explained that this negligence is indeed inappropriate, but when he saw that silk silk, Ye Yueshen didn't find any problems, and he never thought that the sender of the letter had a problem.

"Qiuljie, let's go. Those people have seen us with the Principal. Even if we go back, we won't let us go easily. It's better to keep an eye on them as the Principal said!"

Tabasa said seriously.

"It was true at the time. Originally, this letter was strange. What's even more strange is that a large number of soldiers came to deliver the letter. At first glance, it was ill-intentioned. As a result, our principal, in front of his fiancee, paid more attention to the safety of his master. , It seems that the ancients said it well, nobles are proud of being loyal to the king and patriotism!"

Qiuljie complained dissatisfiedly, and then climbed from the window sill to the flying dragon's back with Tabasa.

"Take this thing, I will know when you are in danger!"

Ye Yueshen handed them two pairs of dark bracelets, and then watched the two fly into the blue sky to find their target!

"I hope these people don't attack the Magic Academy, otherwise, Duke Sri Clarence, your lifespan will end here!"

Ye Yueshen was determined in his heart, and soon drove a carriage to Miyagi.

"Why am I visiting by myself for a few days? Are all the people in the capital gone?"

Yeyueshen drove a carriage to the front of the palace, and when he saw the scene of this door, he asked very rudely.

"Little I don't know!"

The guard said politely, and then continued to stand upright, even though his calf trembled a little.

"Come with me! Find someone for you!"

Yeyueshen pointed at the man with a horsewhip, and then without any explanation, he wrapped the man with the horsewhip, put it on his carriage, and took it into the palace city.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and report to your master!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the dumbfounded looks of the guards on both sides, and his heart burst into laughter. He had already controlled so many people. It would be better to launch a mutiny directly, and he also led himself over. What is not seeking death?

"Uh! Go! Are you watching me being taken away?"

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