The guard, who was controlled by Yeyueshen, yelled at his companions, which made his companions react and rushed to the Duke's mansion one by one.

"Speak, say something! Say everything we want to know!"

Yeyueshen tied the captured guard to the copper pillar in the hall and said rudely.

"I'm just a gatekeeper. Why do you make trouble for me? I have the old and the young. Do you think too highly of me?"

The guard said pitifully, with so many guards here, why would he be so rude to answer Yeyueshen?

"You didn't think highly of you, why did you say when the Duke of Sri Clarence began to infiltrate you people?"

Yeyueshen asked calmly while eating the fruits sent by the princess' servants.

"No way, the gentlemen are nobles, and none of us can afford to offend them, but we are all loyal to the royal family!"

The doorman said in a begging tone:

"But the Duke and the Princess are both the royal family. At this time, we don't know who to support!"

"You said it calmly, but as if you didn't say anything, go on!"

Ye Yueshen threw his whip into the air and continued to question.

"Three weeks ago, when I was on vacation, I suddenly saw my wife and children being kidnapped, and then there was a note at home saying that I should go to the Duke of Sri Lanka and wait for me to go. Shi Feng found that all the colleagues who were on vacation at the time had gone. The duke reassured us that as long as we were obedient and reported the situation to him every day, but starting last night, he suddenly ordered that only you are allowed to enter the palace. Cheng was in contact with the princess, so today, we drove away a lot of people and told them that the princess didn't see anyone! That's it!"

After the guard finished his words pitifully, Ye Yueshen went up to a whip and knocked him unconscious, then put him on a bed to let him rest, and after coming out, he said to the queen:

"The problem has been clarified, no need to ask, it must be that the Duke of Sri Clarence was helped by someone, and then he became so rampant. Speaking of which, he was originally with you to check and balance the assistance of Duke Hunik, but his ambition and The change in the situation has given this seventy-year-old guy a lot of thought!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, the princess and the queen fell into silence. The two of them could hear the guard's words clearly from behind...

"So, from the news of the mother's death a month ago, to yesterday, when the news of the mother's recovery came out, the Duke of Sri Kerrence has already started to arrange it?"

The princess was a little surprised that the image of her second grandfather in her heart was not for the first time for charity!

"Not necessarily, it must have been the death of the previous king. This man already has ambitions, but he didn't expect the situation to develop in such a favorable way for him at first!"

Ye Yueshen said with a wry smile:

"To put it badly, I have half the responsibility for this matter, because I killed Hunik. In the end, I killed the fool, Hunik, and a scheming and treacherous guy came here!"

"Don't say that, things are developing step by step, mainly our orphans and widows, who are always looked down upon by others, that's why this happens!"

The queen hurriedly solved it, and said:

"The question now is, what do we do with the Duke of Sri Lanka?"

"There's no way to deal with it. Although his strength is so great now, he still hasn't ripped your face off. We can't treat him in the same way we treat the rebels. This guy is pragmatic, not greedy for a false name, it's not good. Deal with it!"

Ye Yueshen said thoughtfully, of course he could slap the Duke of Sri Clarence to death, but he couldn't let the princess get any benefits. Just pushing others to the front!

Chapter [-] Accident

"Then what should we do? Are we here to wait for the Duke of Sri Lanka to launch a rebellion, and then solve him in a counter-rebellion way?"

Fairness asked eagerly.

"Of course not! If that's the case, Her Lady Queen wouldn't let me come here in such a hurry!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and said:

"The question now is, how should we assess the strength of the two sides, and now everyone has not attacked, so we have to carefully assess our strength before making plans!"

"The principal is right! We really can't be in a hurry, it's better to see the reaction of the nobles first!"

The queen nodded in agreement, and then said to the princess:

"When Hunik died last time, didn't we find a lot of people with rebel tendencies? I remember you showed me a list at the time, is it still there?"


The princess agreed, and when she was about to get up and let her attendants go to get it, she suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said:

"You seemed to have told me at the time that I should write down that list and burn it!"

"Did you remember it?"

Ye Yueshen asked eagerly, this list should be very important!

"Write it down! I'll write it down to you!"

As the princess said that, she found a pen and paper, wrote down the list in her memory, checked it over and over, and handed it to Ye Yueshen.

"Well, it's not too much!"

Ye Yueshen looked at it casually, and found that most of them were minor nobles below the earl.

"Last time, when the Rod of Destruction disappeared, you seemed to be severely criticized. Do you remember the person who criticized you at that time?"

"Uh, I was so nervous at the time that I didn't make a list!"

The princess smiled awkwardly, then suddenly remembered something, and shouted to her attendant:

"Come in and bring me the memorials sealed in the palace, the last fifteen days!"

After speaking, the attendant hurried away quickly, carrying a lot of boxes over.

"If only the Lungobier chicks were there!"

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