Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then opened the big box in front of him with the queen and the princess, sorted the memorials inside, then picked out the memorials that accused the princess, and registered the names of the nobles on it!

"Well, it's quite a lot. I really sympathize with the situation of the Princess at that time!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and then put the rest of the memorial into the box. At this time, the princess accidentally dropped a memorial in front of her on the ground!

"And the people who supported the princess at that time!"

Ye Yueshen picked up the memorial and glanced at it casually, and found that there were actually people who supported the princess!

"Let's count these too! It can be regarded as letting us know our enemies and friends!"

The queen nodded, and then instructed, and then she threw herself into the huge and meticulous work with her daughter and Ye Yueshen!

Time passed little by little, and after Ye Luna and the others had registered all the memorials, the moon was already hanging high in the sky.At this time, Tabasa had brought the flying dragon to find the troops at that time!

"These bastards actually entered the Magic Academy!"

After Qiu Erjie saw those soldiers stationed in the classroom and auditorium of the academy, she became unhappy.

"If it doesn't work, I'll set a fire for them and let them feel it?"

"If that's the case, the students of the Magic Academy will hate you for the rest of their lives!"

Tabassa pointed to the classroom below, only then did Qiuljie realize that the enemy she hated was having a fun party with her classmates.

"It's really clever. Not only did he control the magic academies of nobles everywhere, but he also fought fiercely with these noble children. The commander of this army is a talent!"

Qiuljie said with some envy, if the army were all friendly like this, he might even make friends with them!

"Yeah, the principal's enemy is not easy!"

Tabassa sighed slightly, then said to Qiuljie:

"I've been on the road all night, you can rest for a while, I'll just watch it!"

"Well, you don't have to be too serious. As long as these people don't disrupt, we don't have to intervene, and looking at the appearance of these people, it doesn't look like they will disrupt at all!"

After Qiuerjie finished speaking, she fell asleep on Feilong's back, while Tabasha gave Feilong a gentle touch and made Feilong work hard. Then she took out a book and read it. There were no clouds in the sky and moonlight. It was also extraordinarily clear that Tabasa sat on the back of the dragon, feeling the gentle evening wind blowing past his ears, and quietly read.


Feilong's body suddenly moved, Tabasa hurriedly closed the book, and looked down, only to see a girl running around the wall of the Magic Academy, with a few soldiers chasing behind her!

"Go and see!"

Tabassa nodded to the flying dragon, but did not wake up Qiuerjie, the flying dragon swooped down, and Tabassa saw that the soldier who was being chased by the soldiers was the life secretary of the night moon god - Siska!

"Let the arrow, let go of the arrow, absolutely can't let her escape!"

A sergeant shouted, and the soldiers around him stopped chasing, and took out their bows and arrows, aiming at the running Siska!

"do not want!"

When Siska heard the sergeant's words, she panicked, stepped on a grass pit, and then fell to the ground in pain, hugging her ankle, screaming in pain!

"Haha! No need! Let's just take her back to receive the reward!"

The sergeant shouted with a smile, holding a sharp knife in his hand, and approached the weak Siska step by step!

"No! Principal, where are you!"

Siska shouted up to the sky, and the soldiers behind him approached him with a grinning smile...


A black pill that flew from somewhere suddenly exploded in front of the sergeant, and then a burst of black smoke swept across. When the sergeant wiped out the black smoke in front of him, Siska, who was originally on the ground, had long since disappeared!

"Look! Hurry up and find it for me! Otherwise, we'll be finished!"

The sergeant shouted, and at this time, Tabasa, who knocked Siska unconscious, had already directed the flying dragon to fly straight up and disappeared into the sky.

"How is it? My smoke bomb is very effective! This is the sideline of our fire magician!"

Qiuljie smiled at Tabatha, and then woke Siska up!

"Quick, take me to see the principal!"

After confirming that he had not fallen into the wrong hands, Siska's first sentence made Tabatha and Qiuljie frown.

Chapter [-] Cooperative Battle

"What's the matter! Don't worry! The principal is in the capital now!"

Qiuljie quickly calmed Siska's emotions, and asked Tabatha to take her to the forest.

"These guys are going to dig down the foundation of the Magic Academy... to put the blame on the headmaster!"

Siska said in horror.

"Uh, how do you see it?"

For such news, Qiu Erjie is still very skeptical. The city wall of the Magic Academy is so strong, why did these people dig and collapse?

"I was tidying up the room of the Principal, and suddenly I heard a strange sound, and then I ran downstairs and heard the conversation of the sergeants, saying that they would kill two birds with one stone, and let someone else replace the Principal. When I accidentally stepped on something, I fell out of the Magic Academy and was chased by that group of people!"

Siska recalled with lingering fears.

"It seems that this group of people has a premeditated plan! Otherwise, they will not have a night party with the school and cover up the voice of their work!"

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