After listening to Siska's words, Tabatha said with certainty.

"Well, since that's the case, then hurry up and report to the principal!"

Qiu Erjie said simply.

"No, let's report to the Principal now. When the Principal rushes back, they will probably finish it long ago! We have to handle this matter ourselves!"

Tabassa said, and then asked Siska:

"Do you know any hidden entrances to the Magic Academy? For example, where your servants go in and out? The more hidden the better!"

"Of course there is, but the conditions are not very good!"

Siska nodded.

"It's all up to you, what do you care about?"

Churjie said it very generously, and then, under the leadership of Siska, he came to the legendary entrance.

"I want to take back my words!"

Looking at the secret entrance that Siska said, Chul Jie said after a while of nausea:

"Then let Feilong take us to the sky above the central auditorium, where there may be less defense!"

"Hold on!"

Tabassa nodded, pointed the magic wand in her hand towards Qiuljie and Siska, and then let the two of them enter the wind ball, and entered through this not-so-clean entrance!

"You still have a way!"

Qiuljie praised Tabatha, and then asked Siska to follow Tabatha to the middle of the carnival auditorium!

"Everyone had so much fun!"

Qiuljie came in through the gate, looked at the sergeants who were interacting with the students, and after a few casual glances, he chatted with these sergeants who rarely saw women, and it soon became the whole carnival. center!

"Tabatha? Why are you here?"

Momo Langxi was watching Qiu Erjie's hard-working performance in the crowd, and was suddenly called out by Tabasa who appeared like a ghost behind him.

"Master Principal is in trouble, can you help?"

Tabasa said straight to the point.

"Of course it helped! But what happened?"

Momorangxi looked at Tabasa strangely and said.

"Let Siska explain it to you!"

Tabassa nodded, and then entered the auditorium again, while Siska vividly told what she had seen and heard.

"Louise! Come here!"

Tabassa called Louise out in the same way, and then let Momorancy tell what she heard and heard in a terrified tone!

"These bastards, they were ordered to come and have a party with us. It turned out that they planned to dig the wall of the Magic Academy, and then put the blame on the headmaster, so that we can return to the hands of the shameless headmaster before!"

When Louise heard what Momorangi recited, she suddenly became excited.

"Uh, when did I say that these people dig the wall for this purpose..."

Siska looked at Louise helplessly, and then was hidden by Siska in the upper corner of the auditorium, silently watching what happened next.

"I'm going to get someone to come and ask!"

Tabasha, who had the most practical combat experience, became the commander of the entire operation. After getting close to the wall, she let her two companions wait by the side, flew into the air, and grabbed a sergeant who was resting in the corner of the city wall. Under the leadership of Feilong, they came to a small wood not far away. After a special education, Tabasa returned to her companion!

"These people are digging holes and want to sneak in and do whatever they want at a certain time. Although the soldier doesn't know the specific plan, grandma can see that they are not at ease!"

After Tabasha finished speaking, she took Louise and Momorangxi to knock out a few soldiers on duty along the way, and then met Qiuljie, who came over, and opened up to the dozens of sergeants who were working intensively. A stormy attack!

"Angel Flame!"

Qiurjie let out a loud cry, and the salamander spewed out a circle of dark blue flames, laying flat on the ground, followed by a fiery red flame, burning the soldiers at work half to death.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Louise released Pikachu and unified the hairstyles of the screaming soldiers!The screams of many soldiers were even more severe, and for the first time Louise felt the pleasure of despising others' fighting power.

"Air Knife!"

As soon as Tabatha's magic wand was swung, countless wind knives formed in the air, and then these painful soldiers ended their lives, and there was no chance to warn their companions!

"Sky Ice Array!"

Momo Langxi shouted, and then used the water from the nearby river to seal the big holes in front of him!In order to prevent the rammed earth inside from slowly falling off, causing a large hole.

"I'm going to find Siska!"

Tabassa said, and let the flying dragon transport the soldiers who were already worthless to the forest in the distance.

"Momo Langxi, you take Siska and sit in my flying dragon to inform the principal, Qiu Erjie and I are here waiting for those people to throw themselves into the net!"

Seeing that Qiuerjie had arranged the black pills on the ground, Tabatha handed over the Siska she brought to Momorancy!

"What about me! What shall I do?"

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