Louise looked at Tabatha eagerly, as if she was dissatisfied with being ignored!

"Then Louise will take Siska to the headmaster. I heard that the princess has a good relationship with you. Momorancy should stay and continue to guard these big holes. Without the support of the ice layer, these walls may collapse at any time. !"

Tabassa thought about it for a while, and arranged it like this, while Louise nervously sat on the flying dragon for the first time and ran to the capital, which was already chilling at this time...

Chapter [-] Stratagem

"How is it?"

Ye Yueshen made a cup of tea for the queen and the princess. Looking at the long list, she couldn't help but feel helpless. Among the nobles, there were so many grass on the wall.

"The statistics are over! Thank you for your hard work!"

The princess wiped the sweat from her face and handed the two long lists to Ye Yueshen.

"The queen should go back to rest first! It's getting late now. If there is no accident, tomorrow will be even busier!"

Ye Yueshen took the list and said with concern.

"It's okay, I'm fine, do you have any problems with the list?"

"I can't see it for the time being, but there are a lot of overlaps on this, and they overlap on both sides. Some people who oppose Hunik also opposed the princess when the Rod of Destruction was lost, while some people supported Hunik at the same time. They are also supporting the passive princess, in front of this there are not many, the most are those who oppose Duke Hunik and support the princess at the same time!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the list and analyzed it simply.

"I'm so thin and there are many people who support me?"

The princess said eagerly.

"It's hard to say, if these people were really loyal, they would ignore the obstacles or stand outside today waiting for the opportunity to be interviewed, but unfortunately, when I came, there was no one outside, obviously everyone knows that The Duke of Sri Clarence is powerful, and many of those who oppose Hunik's support for the princess do not support the princess, but support the royal family in their hearts, and the duke is the oldest male member of the royal family. not easy!"

Yeyueshen explained helplessly, it's not that he doesn't want to give the princess good news, but that people's hearts are unpredictable!

"Yes, your analysis is very reasonable."

The queen nodded convincingly, agreed with Ye Yueshen's analysis, and then asked:

"Then what do you think should be the top priority?"

"The top priority is to strengthen your own strength. You have me, but many people in the palace are already commanded by the Duke of Sri Clarence. I suspect that many of the guys who passed the news to me are really in the palace. I just think that the Duke of Sri Clarence is more suitable for refuge!"

Ye Yueshen said very bluntly.

"Uh, if that's the case, how can we strengthen our strength?"

The princess asked helplessly. She always felt that she had been busy for so long and basically had nothing to gain, and she was still in a disadvantaged position.

"I wonder if the princess was ever married?"

Ye Yueshen turned his head and asked the queen.

"Uh, of course there is..."

The queen smiled and said:

"But in order for my daughter to inherit the throne, I plan to let her take the throne before fulfilling the marriage contract!"

"It's not important, the important thing is, is that concubine strong enough?"

Ye Yueshen asked bluntly, no matter what, he was here to help the mother and daughter, and he didn't need to be obsessed.

"Forget it, but that's the last option!"

The queen said, the expression on her face was a little lost.

"How to say?"

Ye Yueshen suddenly felt as if he had asked a question he should not have asked, and asked a little embarrassedly.

"It's the king of Garmania, but that man is about the same age as me, but he has a powerful kingdom. Of course, this is the last choice!"

The queen choked and said, no one wants their daughter to marry someone they don't like. Obviously, the queen is a competent mother.

"I see, do the nobles know about this?"

Ye Yueshen nodded and continued to ask.

"Everyone knows, I think this is also the reason why the Duke of Sri Clarence has not taken action. If he offends the king of Garmania, his originally unstable power may be easily taken by the king of Garmania. It is reasonable and legal!”

The queen said sincerely.

"I see, don't worry! It seems that we have a breakthrough point that we can take advantage of!"

Ye Yueshen's tone became a little more confident.

"Really? You said!"

The queen seemed to hear hope from Ye Yueshen's tone and asked excitedly.

"Uh, I can tell you this first, but you must have enough time to think, otherwise, decisions made on impulse are often regrettable!"

Ye Yueshen waved to the queen and princess, signaling them not to be so excited.

"You said, I am willing to take any risk!"

The princess said excitedly, she seemed to be very resistant to marrying that man who was the same age as her mother!

"Don't worry, this is not the only way, nor is it a one-and-done solution, it just allows us to see the current situation clearly!"

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